Can You Check My English

Can you check my english grammar?

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Can you Check my English?!?

I believe that the previous answer is close 8=C. However 7 I believe is A. The writer has heard of indifference because he poses questions about it. That removes E. There is no condemnation in his questions, that removes D. While he poses a theory of how it could be useful in coping with day to day life, I find it telling that he does so in a question form namely "Is It?". Just for me, that would rule out C. It's not stated but posed. He also does not say in any form that it is unnecessary or question its necessity. So that, to me, rules out B. As for A. It appears that he is crying out for understanding of the concept. If it is a philosophy? A virtue? A necessity? Basically asking, what is it? That leads me to believe. A, he finds a true understanding difficult to attain. Have fun thinking!! Hope this helps.

Can you check my english homework?

I'm learning english and I'm not sure if my answers are right. This is the conversation I completed with the present continuous, the words in capitals are my answers.

- Hi Ken. It's Erin. Where are you?
- Oh, hi Erin. I'm at the beach I'M SPENDING (spend) time with Tom. It's beautiful here today! It's uh...
- Nice... I'm so happy you ARE HAVING (have) fun.
- Yeah. We ARE RELAXING (relax). We DON'T DO (not do) anything special - I mean, I'M READING (read) and Tom IS SWIMMING (swim). How about you? Are you at work?
- No. I'M NOT WORKING (not work) today.
- Oh, right. So, where - oops! Uh, I'm sorry. I'M EATING (eat) ice cream. I'm starving.
- Yeah, me too. I'M EATING a cookie.
- Really? So, where are you? I mean, are you at home?
- No, I'm at Pierre's Café. I'M WAITING (wait) for a friend. He's very late.
- Oh, really? Who?
- You!

Is there any software where we can check our English grammar, punctuation and sentence checker.?

Yes, you can use this Sentence Checker: it’s totally free and gives you instant results. With this tools you can find any types of mistakes, including:grammar;punctuation;spelling;sentence structure;style and enhancement.The tool itself looks like this:You paste your text, click the button and get a full report like this:Of course, sometimes tools make mistakes so you will still need to briefly check the text in the end and edit it if any mistakes occur.And if you need something more reliable, you can always check one of the paid apps (there are plenty of them online) or hire a professional expert that will help you to get everything done.Good luck!

Check my answers for English Please? Any help would be nice?

I'm doing this test right now too. A lot of those answers aren't right though. You can email me if you want help.

Would you check my question about English grammar?

I am a student learning English.
These days I am learning tense.

I enjoyed my vacation. While it (was snowing/snowed) in Iowa, the sun (was shining/shined/shone) in Florida.

Which is the answer?
Regardless of that question, which is more used as the past form of "shine", shined or shone?
Would you please add where you are from?

Can you ask me any question to check my written skill in English?

Sure, here:What is the purpose of meaning?

I want to start practicing English writing. Where can I check my writings for correctness?

Deciding to start small is a wise decision on your end. I would suggest you to start maintaining a blog on a user contributed like Quora or Tumblr ( like many others have suggested correctly ). Make sure you have the comments / review option checked in. These reviews will not only point out your mistakes but also indulge you in healthy discussions about the topic you have written about. One other less used feature is the Notes option in Facebook. You can just write a note and share it among your friends. Given how social networks work, it is very likey that your mistakes get pointed out soon. Also , make sure you send links to what you write, to people who you think would be able to suggest you changes. The more people read your content, the more reviews you get and the better you become.Regarding grammatical error, this is what I follow. Whatever I have to write, I type it in a simple text editor with no auto correct or error highlighting , for example, NOtepad in Windows and VI in Linux. Once that is done, I read it again to filter out any error I may have made while typing fast. Next I copy past the whole thing in a Word Editor which highlights all error that I may have missed. Word has a spelling and grammar check option (usually seen as a small open book in the lower part of the screen)_which can check spacing and spelling error and provide suggestions. ( I prefer the first step as an self-exercise to make sure I can learn where I make error. Auto-correct can, well, auto correct the errors and you may not notice them. This exercise can help you write better when you are writing on paper or when auto correct is unavailable )Besides the above, I also use the Grammar Checker | Grammarly for suggestions on grammatical error. It is a free service and easy to use. If you want to write in an online directly,  you can install the Grammarly chrome extension from Grammarly Spell Checker & Grammar Checker. This extension checks whatever you write in an input box on a website and suggests corrections in real time. Hope this helps. And do share links to your writing when you are ready.