Can You Do Distributive Property With A Subtraction Sign In Between

How do you distribute a number with a subtraction sign in front (algebra)?

when using the distributive property, if the number being distributed has a minus in front of it do the numbers inside become negative/positive depending on what they were originally?

4x - 7 (6x+1) - 2 = 5 - 2 (x+3)

What is the meaning of the distributive property of division over subtraction in math?

The question is nonsensical because division and subtraction are not defined in the mathematics of Real Numbers. The only defined operations are multiplication and addition. “Division”, if you insist, is handled with reciprocals and “subtraction” with negative numbers. Furthermore, the Distributive Property is defined in terms of multiplication and addition. Period!Division and subtraction as used in Arithmetic are subject to the above restrictions. Division involves denominators and subtraction negative numbers. This sometimes leads to difficult conundra: the negative of a negative is a positive and subtracting a negative number is equivalent to adding the (absolute value!) of the number.

Does the distributive law apply for division over subtraction?

Yes, on the right: [math](a-b)/c\equiv a/c-b/c[/math]; butNo, on the left: [math]c/(a-b)\not\equiv c/a-c/b[/math].

Does subtraction have a commutative property? Why or why not?

The word "commutative" comes from "commute" and in this context means to "move around". Addition and multiplication are binary operations that are both commutative. For addition, the rule is a + b = b + a . An example in numbers would be 4 + 2 = 2 + 4 . Both give 6 as result. For multiplication, the rule is ab = ba . An example in numbers would be 4x2 = 2x4 . The result in both cases is 8 . Subtraction does not have a commutative property because a - b gives a different result than does b - a . For example, 4–2 = 2 , but 2–4 = -2 . So in the case of subtraction, moving the numbers around produces a different answer. Each answer in this case is the additive inverse of the other. The binary operation involved in subtraction is therefore named Anticommutativity. The signs change but the magnitudes remain the same.

Math Help Please!!? Distributive property!!!?

In this case you are using the distributive property to multiple the outside term by the inside terms
so you have -28 by the term "-a" and a "-5"
1. Multiple -28 by -a
a. Since you are multiplying two negatives you are going to get a positive 28a since the terms don't combine
2. Now you are going to muliply again -28 x-5 which equals 140
A. you just have to understand a terms and multiply is
3. Combine terms 28a+140
a. Since you are adding these terms can not combine so its your final answer

Reverse of distributive property!!! please help!!?

okay so i have to do the reverse of distributive property and i don't get it atttt all! please help and try to explain how you did here are my problems:

12a + ab

3p - 6q + 12r

5a + 10b - 25c

16cx + 12cy - 8cz

100a2 - 50a

t2 - ts + 3t

THX SOSOSO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

What is order of between sum, subtraction, multipication, and division?

In mathematics the 2 defined operators (+ and *) are ordered from left to right. Neither one has priority over the other.What are being called subtraction and division are not operators. A minus sign represents the additive inverse of the + operator. 1/x represents the multiplicative inverse of x.In programming languages, * and / are given priority over + and -.But, don’t forget, - and / are not defined in mathematics as operators with properties such as communitivity, associativity and the distributive process that connects + and *.