Can You Dress Goth And Have Cutting Scars

If you are goth, what are some of the worst things said to you or about you for being goth?

In India, practically nobody is aware of the Gothic subculture. So when I, at the age of twelve, resisted my grandmother's advances to clean my smudged kohl, it wasn't taken well by the rest of my family but they let it go.Then I started listening to Sisters Of Mercy and the like, watched a lot of horror movies, read Gothic literature, always wore black clothes, and was never caught even sleeping without black rings around my eyes. I hardly ever washed them off. Needless to say, a lot of demeaning things were said, the worst being-"The demon's possessed her. We need to call the temple priest and tell him to perform an exorcism. Or I can do it at home, but something's got to be done. She'll probably kill the family if it goes on like this. Don't you see her eyes? There is a vindictive, cruel spirit in there. I can see it. There's a demon in her!"Thank you, random grandmother's neighbor's cousin's brother's wife.Some months ago, I'd met a few friends for dinner. One of them was telling me to wash my face entirely clean for once."I like to scare people." I joked."No, you're just really sad. You do this for attention, you have attention seeking disorder. Why else would you walk around like that in public?" He replied.

What type of clothes is good at covering self harm scars, but is light enough for summer use?

depends on where your scars are. if they’re on your forearm, you can do thin long sleeves but try and make the color of the shirt light in order to attract less heat. you can also wear short sleeves and wear lots of bracelets.if your scars are on your thighs, you can wear long pants or dresses or skirts.for me, i have scars all down my arms and my thighs. i have somewhat learned to accept my arm scars, so i’m alright wearing short sleeves sometimes. before i learned to accept them, i wore long sleeves everyday and died from the heat, which i do not for the scars on my thighs, i always wear either pants of dresses or skirts. i dress really goth so i don’t really like wearing dresses or skirts but i now do wear dark colored dresses and skirts but i wear tights and doc martens with them etc. in order to be able to express my goth style.scars suck man, let me know if there’s anything i can do to help. i’m going through a similar thing now too, so we would have lots to talk about.

What is the best way to cover fresh cuts on your arm without looking suspicious?

I agree with the previous answers when they suggest long sleeves.Personally, I would recommend that you clean and bandage the cuts, then put a long sleeved top over them. This is the way that will attract the least suspicion.If you're very good with make-up and you can match your skin colour adequately then you could technically cover up fresh cuts with makeup, but I wouldn't advise it - a) because it may get into the cuts and cause an infection and b) because you will always run the risk of someone noticing the makeup, even if you are exceptionally good with it.In answer to your question, I would unequivocally advise you to wear a long sleeved top over bandages.I'll say the same thing here that I do in most of my answers in this category. I won't tell you not to cut (as I'm sure other people will); this is not helpful for you, nor is it my right to tell you as such. I will, however, advise you to clean the knife before and after use, as well as cleaning the wounds after you cut. Remember to also bandage the wounds until they close - particularly in this situation where you need to have material in close contact with the wounds. I won't tell you to stop cutting, but I will say to you that it'll get better, and you're welcome to message me or anyone else who answers in this category at any time if you want to talk or need further information.Hope this helps.

Do you think cutters are attention-seekers? Why?

As a psychology major, I can say that there are two ways of looking at this situation:

1. Sometimes people who cut themselves are indeed seeking attention. But they are only seeking this attention because they know they need help, but they don't know how to else to really get it.

2. Sometimes people cut themselves because the mental pain they are going through is unbearable for them. According to the way your body work, when you cut yourself, you now have physical pain on top of the mental pain, and the body always chooses the take care of the physical pain. That means that you "forget" about your mental pain and concentrate more on the physical wound.

Hope this helps!

Am I grunge, emo or goth?

You are none. Please don't let them label you. You are unique and blah blah. Do you really want to be one of many? Because if so, stick to a style and flaunt it. But it sounds like to me you are just a cool person who likes a lot of things and styles and such. That way no one can pin you down, and you can float party lines to hang out with the emos or the punks or goths because you aren't tied to jus one. That's a good way to go. Oh, and let those lacerations become battle scars - go for another 5 days.... Then another. Soon, you may be the person to help others who are struggling. If you can show you survived (it is damn hard!) then you may just save a life. Open wounds aren't an accessory, it's an addiction, and you can overcome it. Good luck to you!

Can a person be emo and not cut themselves?

Being “Emo” means liking a certain type of music.It has nothing to do with your mental health, the way you behave or the way you look.I myself consider myself emo, but if you hadn't asked about my music preferences, you'd never know. My bangs are not poking me in the eyes. My hair is not straightened, nor black, blue or red. I don't wear eyeliner. My wardrobe doesn't consist of 99% black clothes. I don't cut myself.I understand that there are stereotypes about every single thing in the world. I've had people not believe me, saying I was lying. To them I wasn't actually into this kind of music, I was just trying to be edgy. Because I'm not a “typical” emo.It doesn't mean you need to act like the stereotype of emo or goth, you don't have to reveal all with your appearance.I have a friend who is extroverted, friendly, energetic, considered cool, wearing no make up, liking floral designs, making this “Oooh” sound when seeing an animal. And she is an emo.I know it does not depend from you, but please don't cut yourself to fit in into someone's idea. Don't let yourself be put in a box. You can like “darker” music and still be in a perfect state of mind.If this isn't the case, contact someone. You will never be refused help. <3

What's the best way to hide self harm scars on my thighs in the summer?

You can’t. Either you will be wearing long sleeves and dying of the heat… or you own up to your scars. The way I look at my scars….. I see them as battle wounds, and when asked about them I always say that they are my battle wounds then the next question is always the same which is “Who did you battle.” and I answer “myself.”Be proud of those scars… each one is a time that you won.. your still here, your still standing…. if your still stuck in that darkness… find someone you can trust to talk to… You can answer this back or message me on here, and I will be more than happy to hear you out, and tell you my story. My whole left arm looks like it was put through a garbage disposal… it looks horrible… I would hide my arm all the time.. for years… I lived in Cali and TX and in the dead of summer you would see me with a light jacket on, or some type of shirt that had long sleeves… ashamed…. Not no more.. I confronted my darkness… and feel better… and not ashamed any longer… Good Luck

Do emo kids really cut themselves?

I just turned 24, and when i was in high school, emo was something considerably different than what it has evolved into today. In fact, it was just seemingly coming to the surface. Anyway, my question is, do emo kids today really cut themselves? They say that they are mostly middle-class or rich kids generally faking their depression and angst. Would these types really have the guts to take the blade to themselves?

I've never seen an emo kid with scars on their arms, only goths. I remember when cutting yourself meant you needed help, not that you were cool.