Can You Eat Or Drink After Applying Abreva On Your Mouth

Can I use Abreva or something inside my mouth?

I get cold sores, yes, the Herpes virus, inside my mouth. On the tip of my tongue, to be exact.
My mom gets them on the side of her nose, and she's probably the person I got them from.
Anyway,. my outbreaks usually last 2-3 weeks, and its extremely painful and uncomfortable, not to mention embarrassing and inconvenient. I take Valtrex, but as far as I'm concerned, that doesn't do ****. Can I put Abreva or Orajel or something on them? Usually I try to clean them with Gly-Oxide and salt, and usually what I do is stick my tongue out of my mouth and leave it out for 10 or so minutes, and then rinse it off. Can I do that with a topical cold sore medicine?
And again, these are not canker sores. They are cold sores, Herpes, inside my mouth.

Eat and drink after applying abreva?

If i'm not mistaking this is only suppose to be applied externally so, you should be able to eat or drink after applying.

How long to coldsores last when you apply abreva?

2 or 3 days


Ice packs help if you are in pain. Leave off the neosporin and NEVER use cortisone creams--they aggravate herpes. A lot of people say Abreva did not work for them, so see the source for some additional home remedies used by people who actually have cold sores and use other methods to heal them.

If you want to get started, put some aspirin paste on it--it helps dry the sore and speeds healing. Dissolve 3 aspirins in some water to form a grainy paste. Apply with a CLEAN COTTON BALL OR Q-TIP! Leave it on as long as you can. It is an anti-inflammatory and analgesic, so it heals while reducing pain.

Another thing that helps is to heat 1 cup of water in the microwave, add 1-2 green tea bags, chill, use the cold tea bags as compresses (1 time and toss!)--OR pour some liquid into a separate container and apply with a CLEAN COTTON BALL OR Q-TIP.

Never put your fingers on the sore--you can spread the virus that way. Also, FYI--unless YOU pick at it and aggravate the healing/scabs, herpes sores do NOT scar.

How do you cure fever blisters on your lips and inside your mouth?

Try Abreva for the fever blisters on your lips. It seems to help the most if you start using it as soon as you feel a blister coming on.

Stay away from Carmex. That stuff just makes your lips worse.

If you are getting lesions on the inside of your mouth, those are probably canker sores. Try Anbesol or some other oral gel containing Benzocaine which will temporarily numb the area.

To prevent fever blisters from coming up as often, be sure to always use a balm containing sunscreen (I like Softlips), and stay away from a lot of caffeine.

There is also a pill you can take called Herplex (you can buy it at Wal-Mart or any drug store) which is supposed to help shorten healing time and prevent outbreaks.

What if i use abreva on a zit?

I had a pimple like thing near my mouth, but I was not sure if it was a cold sore and I just tried abreva and it left in about 2 days. ( everytime i washed my face i would re-apply abreva ).
Abreva has a drying effect, so it will help the pimple, it is just a little too expensive to use all the time on pimples :), I have worked on another remedy for cold sores.

I get rid of the cold sores within about 4-5 days, if you catch it when the tingling starts you would be able to get it so that the cold sore doesnt even show.

This all might sound crazy but I have suffered from cold sores for much of my life, it was always such an embarassing thing for me. I then came up with a double wammy solution and carry it around all the time. As I said earlier, if you use the double whammy method as soon as you feel the strange tingle you will not have any problems.

You need to get two products in your arsenal, Spirtis of Camphour (this is something you will be able to get at your local drug store in a bottle priced $1-$4 /bottle. You also need to get something called Repcillin, you can find it at
As soon as you feel the tingle, start applying the Spirits of Camphour, 10 minutes after applying the Camphour, rub in some Repcillin. Then 1/2 to and hour later to the same thing, Camphour then Repcillin, do this as often as you can. If there is a scab formed, then use the Camphour for 1 day then only use the Repcillin. The repcillin is both a fighter of the virus and also something that will heal your lip quicker.

I have tried everything and this works for me, I am so bought into this process that I have always for the two ingredients on me all the time. I have a combo at work, home, and in my bag.

I have a cold sore and i have use abreva and ice and peroxide and still not going away!?

Since it's only been 2 days, I would suggest to continue with the ice and the Abreva. It will take 5 - 7 days for the cold sore to heal if you apply the Abreva at least 3 or 4 times (or more as needed) throughout the day. (after showering, after eating, after brushing your teeth, before bed, etc...)

Try not to touch or lick the cold sore. You may spread the virus and slow down the healing.
I would suggest using a Q-tip to apply the Abreva, so you're not putting your fingers, or the tip of the tube directly onto the cold sore.

The herpes virus is what actually causes cold sores, however, don't panic. There are 2 different types of the virus and if you have a cold sore you don't need to have your fiance tested!

Generally cold sores and fever blisters above the waistline (lips, mouth, tongue, face..) are considered to be from the herpes simplex virus type1.
Herpes simplex virus type2 usually only infects the body tissues below the waistline. This is the virus that is also known as "genital herpes".

Statistics say approximately 80% of North Americans have had or have been exposed to cold sores (HSV1).

Active cold sores (HSV1) are contagious and can be transmitted through direct contact or by indirect contact through objects or items such as a shared drinking glass or lipstick, etc.. (sorry, no kissing until the cold sore has healed)

Good Luck with the cold sore and Congratulations on the upcoming nuptials!

Why does my abreva burn?

Funny you should ask. I just started using Abreva today. I have used it before and never noticed a burning.

For some people, burning, itching, tingling, etc are symptoms from the cold sore itself. If the blisters are open, putting something on it might also cause some irritation.

Also, with Abreva, the cold sore will still go through the same process at it normally would. Hopefully for less time. I think the package says that without treatment it can take 10-14 days which seems right for the last time when I didn't apply it as often as the package says. It says to apply FIVE times a day.

In fact, I need to go reapply.

Good luck.