Can You Get Strep Throat After Your Tonsels Are Removed

Why would you need to have tonsils removed for strep throat when you can treat it with antibiotics?

In Chronic Recurrent Tonsillitis, the bugs in the tonsils have become multidrug resistant superbugs and these have created a barrier within the tonsils which no antibiotics can penetrate. The antibiotics can merely kill the bugs circulating in your bloodstream without that protective barrier! So it may get your fever and body aches down BUT YOUR TONSILS WILL NOT SHRINK AND RETURN TO NORMAL STATE! Also the draining lymphnodes in your neck(LEVELS 2 & 3) will no longer be tender but THEY TO WILL REMAIN ENLARGED! This is a sign that you NEED SURGERY!In other words, your tonsils are now a sitting timebomb just with these superbugs just waiting for an opportune moment to attack and destroy you vital organs( kidneys- Acute Glomerulonephritis leading to Chronic Renal Failure and life condemned to regular dialysis)( heart - Rheumatic Heart Disease needing complex Valvuloplasties by Open Heart Surgery).Once upon a time, Tonsil Surgery was risky and patients sometimes bled to death. It also had a long painful 2–3 week recovery period(I underwent one when I was in Med School), however with the advent of LASERs and Coblation Wands, it is much less painful and a whole lot safer!Once we realise that the tonsillitis has gone multi-drug resistant, it is imperative that it be removed, and it would be scandalous if the patient were not made aware of this situation and he/she went on to lose one of their vital organs!

If you get your tonsils removed while having strep throat does it get rid of it?

You can't get them removed if there is an active infection because cutting them out could spread the bacteria to other places.... like you blood, which is definitely not of the good.

Strep throat is an infection of your throat, so you can still get it even without tonsils. same goes for a viral sore throat. However, in my experience, getting my tonsils out massively reduced my sore throats because they were no longer there to get infected. I still get the occasional one, but that is much better than having them virtually every day with my chronic tonsillitis.

Can you get strep throat if you don't have tonsils?

Yes.Strep throat refers to a kind of infection. It can occur almost anywhere in your body.Tonsils are a place (lymphoid organ) in your throat. They are just one place of many that can get infected.

Can a person get strep throat after having tonsils removed?

Yes, it is absolutely possible to get a streptococcal infection of the oropharynx ("strep throat") after adenotonsillectomy. However, in the absence of places to hide and breed for the strep organisms, e.g. tonsillar crypts, it is less likely and the infection will not be as severe as in cases of recurrent strep tonsillitis. There will also be no danger of one of the complications of strep tonsillitis, which is tonsillar or peritonsillar abscess. Not a nice disease to have! However, in immunocompromised patients, one could still get a retropharyngeal or parapharyngeal abscess, though this would be rare.

Should I get my tonsils removed?

I have gotten strep throat about 2 times every year since I was about 10. (I'm 14 now) I also snore extremly badly, but I don't know if I stop breathing or not... since I'm asleep. Most of the time when I look in the mirror I can see my tonsils, (or is that normal). But my doctor has never said anything about it... and I get drainage very easily... but that might not have anything to do with it...

What do I do if strep throat won't go away after tonsil removal?

See your MD for an assessment and a prescription.

How many times can I get strep before my tonsils need to be removed?

The stated number is 7 in a years, 5 a year for 2 years or 3 a year for 3 years. But you need to ask several other questions.Are the tonsils large and making it difficult to breathe?Do you have the white debris in them that keeps them irritated and maybe increases the size due to the inflammation?Do you have any other illnesses that are influenced by tonsillitis with fever? Diabetes, Sickle cell disease, other family members who are immunocompromised, many missed days of school. Talk with your doctor about your specific issues. For obvious reasons, pediatricians delay and ENT doctors will be more aggressive.

Can I still get strep throat without tonsils?

No it isnt true. You CAN get strep throat if your tonsils are out.
Reason why is strep throat is a bacterial infection involving your pharynx (IE your throat!) not necessarily your tonsils themselves!
If you have strep, make sure you get proper antibiotics. This'll make you get better quicker & help prevent complications like rheumatic fever ;)

A lil FYI:
Your tonsils are actually small lymph nodes in your neck where white blood cells multiply and mature.
Diff between strep throat and simple sore throat is that sore throat is caused by a virus (not a bacteria) and doesnt require treatment.

hope this helps.......

Will removing my tonsils help my strep throat infection?

i have strep throat and it hurts really really bad. ive been taking all the medications my doctor had gicvin me but it doesnt seem to work. so im thinking that i should get my tonsils removed. is it a good idea? oh and im 15.

Can you get strep throat if you dont have your tonsils?

Your tonsils are part of your Lymphatic system and contain tons of white blood cells to help fight the normal flora of your throat. Your body takes infectious organisms and puts them into your lymph nodes. That is why they swell when you are sick. By having them removed you hurt yourself in the long run because you have removed an important part of your immune system.

Streptococcus is the bacteria that causes strep throat and is normally found in your throat. Sometimes it will get out of control and your body goes to work fighting it off. Your sore throat is from your NK cells (natural killer cells, I'm not joking, they are called that) attacking the infection. While your body is busy bring the antibodies to your infection site, your NK cells are killing any cell they find, weither it's strep or your own throat cells.

So to sum up, yes you can get strep throat if you have your tonsils removed and quite possibly you might get it even easier. Lucky for us, most doctors now just scrap clean the tonsils instead of cutting them out.