Can You Give Me 8 Simple Examples Of Civil Society 8th Grade Homework Help

What are 3 examples of the 7th amendment?

7th Amendment

The Seventh Amendment serves to ensure that civil litigants are entitled to jury trials, much as the Sixth Amendment gives criminal defendants the right to be tried by a jury of peers. The amendment originated when it was noted near the end of the Constitutional Convention that no provision had yet been made for juries in civil cases. An attempt to add the provision was defeated, but the guarantee to the right of a jury in civil cases was one of the amendments urged on Congress by the ratifying conventions. The Seventh Amendment was finally passed without debate.

A drunk driver doing 60mph rear-ends a Ford Escort, killing the driver of the Escort. A jury, handing down a $27 million verdict for the victim's family, decrees that Ford Motor Co. is 40% responsible for this accident and thus on the hook for the whole award.

A 17-year-old falls asleep at the wheel, crosses into oncoming traffic and crashes his SUV head-on into a Dodge Caravan. The driver of the Caravan is killed when the passenger behind her, not wearing a seat belt, plows into her seat. The jury delivers a $49 million punitive-damages award against DaimlerChrysler.

In a victory for women, a U.S. district court judge last week (this happened in May 2004) set today as the deadline for Dow Corning to begin processing claims from thousands of women who suffered complications from the silicone breast implants the company manufactured until the early 1990s. The money will come from a $2.35 billion fund created in one of the largest class-action settlements in U.S. history.

This amendment has become VERY controversial as juries often award HUGE sums of money to people out of pity - without realy understanding the cases.

I need you help with my 9th grade civics project on democracy?

hii guys, i am in 9th grade and i have got my holiday homework project on democracy. our teacher has not specified on what to search or on what to make the project. please can you help me?
and ya..i am from india,just telling in case it helps...
some points that i may cover in my project are struggle for democracy,what makes a government non democratic,what are the main complaints & demands of the people of that country,how do the existing rulers react to people's democracy,who are the main leaders and organisations,groups of the struggle for democracy

i am still trying to find whatever i can but it would be easier for me if u people could lend a hand

thank you
waiting for your support

Ideas for an 8th grade invention?

Examples of Ideas for Student Inventions:
(...and Good Luck with yours!)

a candle that is water and wind resistant and does not burn out
a device that cleans gutters
a plastic product that holds a book while you eat
a lunch-box alarm that goes off when an unauthorized person opens the box
a bird feeder that protects feed from wind, rain, insects, mildew, and bacteria
a new board game
a newly designed bottle opener
a toothpaste cap that minimizes waste and mess
a device that prevents blisters from forming on hands when raking, shoveling, or sweeping
a billfold that organizes money by denomination for blind people
a new candy bar
a new type of swing set
clothing tags to help match and coordinate clothes
a dog collar that lights up at night
a bedspread that zips down the middle
safety suspenders that light up at night for joggers or bikers
a lock for a folding door
a new type of ice cream container that minimizes mess
a new type of rake that allows you to pick up leaves without bending over
an infant support that prevents a very young baby from falling over
a robot that distributes and collects student papers
a glove with a light for signaling turns when riding a bike at night
a better, more comfortable swing set
a device to hold objects for disabled people who use a walker
a computer program that includes graphics and music for entertaining children aged 3 months to 4 years
a child's seat that fits a shopping cart
a hearing-aid guard
a mailbox alert device that signals when mail has been delivered to a roadside mailbox
a leg cast sock to keep toes warm
tapeless wrapping paper
a comforter for cats
an outside house light that flashes to signal police, firemen, or other helpers as to which house made a call for assistance
an eyeglass defogging device
a device that makes it easier to swallow pills
a drying rack for gloves
a liquid that covers fade marks on bluejeans
a light switch for young children
a chocolate-candy device that prevents ice cream cones from dripping
a bus-stop night light

I need help writing a thesis statement about drug testing with welfare!!?

I am writing a paper on why I think drug testing should be done in order to receive welfare. I need three reasons and for it to be formed into a thesis statement. I am having trouble doing this.

Short story ideas with the same theme as The Odyssey or just story ideas i could alter to fit. HELP NEEDED!?

The Odyssey is about a journey home made by a war hero. It discusses its trials and triumphs. If you know any older person, or even if you dont, that went to war overseas, that could be a good start. It is a coming of age epic, but its more about the journey and homecoming. I would go with could even talk about yourself. For example, you go away to camp and you have an akwardly hard time returning home. Hope that helped

What is the importance of moral education?

Like any other project of education the importance of moral education is to know something about the world and yourself.Moral education is about knowing how to behavior given certain conditions of the world (e.g., models of the world). It’s about how to govern yourself in some given context of human experience. It’s about value and meaning.If no moral education, you’ll be lost in this world without any sense of meaning, order or any model of systematic right and wrong. You’ll be limited in your understanding of the world and of yourself.