Can You Give Me Advice About This What Do You Think

What advice can you give me?

You must have heard the story of greedy farmer, right?Hear it again-:Once there used to be a poor farmer. He had a goose( a water bird) as pet.One day he returned from his work and found a golden egg near the goose. He didn’t believe it but later found it was actual Gold.Next day he found another golden egg. Farmer was ecstatic. He screamed out of happiness. Farmer soon became a very rich person. But there was just 1 problem, farmer had to wait for 1 day to get an egg.Farmer turned greedy, and decided to take out all the eggs from the goose, once and for all. You all know what happened next.Farmer never received any eggs ever again.My advice:This Class 2nd story has got a lot of moral lessons to teach.As the story said, There are always 2 functions of business,#1. ‘WHAT IS PRODUCED?’ (the golden eggs)#2. ‘WHO PRODUCED?’(the goose)If you only focus on ‘what is produced’, and ignore the goose, you will soon be without the asset who produces it.& if you only focus on ‘who produces it’ and ignore the worth of what is produced, you will never make it big in the market.Thanks for reading!

My brother is such a dork can you give me advice on how to make him cool?

Um . . . if he really needs a wake-up call:
1) get him a good haircut
2) get rid of any acne
3) set him up with a nice girl

If you could give me one piece of advice, what would it be?

Learn to say “No”.This one word can really really be very helpful. Sometimes if you don't say “No”, then world is ready to use you and sometimes unnecessarily your time is wasted. Obviously time is precious for everyone. So instead of regretting after saying “YES” to someone, directly say “No”. Because self regression is hurtful than any heart break..!!Second thing is :“Never leave your parents' home.”I think that is the safest place in the world. No matter how your parents are but they can't think bad about you, they won't use you. Even if they scold you then take it in a positive way and think on that direction instead of leaving your home. They always want us to be a better person.For some amount of time, you may find that outside world is far better than my home's environment. Then sorry!!! You are thinking wrong. Once you move out of your home, again you will find that people are selfish and they will only use you. At this time, you will remember your home and you will regret on your decision.So instead of losing temper and bringing temporary happiness(by leaving home), just sit in one corner, have some meditation, think why my parents scolded me, how can I change myself, what can I do to handle that situations..!!P.s. - “Hakuna Matata”

If your pet could give you advice, what do you think it would be?

Kill the cat. Love, April, your dog.Off with her head. NOW! You know what happens when you don’t obey. Queen Lily, the cat has spoken.

Can you be sued for giving free advice?

Yes, if you give legal or medical advice, even financial advice, you can get sued. Even if you never enter into a contract with the person to whom you give advice. I suggest drawing up a contact for $1.00 before you give any