Can You Heal A Cold Sore Before It Blisters

Health: How can I make a cold sore on my lip heal faster?

To start with, a cold sore is a viral infection of the Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 or HSV Type1; which is distiguished from Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 or Genital Herpes.Once a person is infected with Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 it's there to stay as it embeds itself in the bodies nerve endings.Breakouta are usually the result of a weakened immune system, excessive stress, poor diet and/or an imbalance in a person pH levels.Healing Cold Sore Tips:1) If you have a breakout or know someone that does NO KISSING2) If you place your hands on the sores, wash them thouroughly to avoid spreading the infection to other parts of your body or anyone else.3) Lemons, tangerines and other high pH fruits (pH above 7.0 is consider alkaline; pH below 7.0 is considered acidic) help raise the bodies pH forcing the virus into inactivity.4) Drink plenty of water and reduce or eliminate the consumption of coffee and soda while you're having an episode.5) To prevent triggering another breakout once the cold sore has gone away ditch your toothbrush and buy another one.6) Use whole milk compress, as milk contains l-lysine which helps in inhibiting an ammino acid called arginine which has been shown to cause breakouts.I hope you found these tips useful.  If you want to know the #1 solution to dealing with cold sores then read more at How To Heal A Cold Sore

Does Blistex work for cold sores?

Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus travelling up your nerve cells to the skin and trying to reproduce by making blisters to produce viral pus. When the skin splits or the pus exudes from the blister, the virus is transmitted to surrounding skin where it can begin to replicate. The two most effective treatments are to cover it or treat it with an antiviral such as Zovirax. Don't touch it, and if you do, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water so you don't give it away or spread it into your eyes accidentally.

Cold sore blister should i pop it ?

NO don't pop it. You could make your situation worse. You could end up spreading the blisters to new spots and cause your self some pain when popping them. Plus when you pop them you may have a sore to deal with. Let them be for now and use some Abreva or Lipactin on them. It takes about a week or 2 for blisters or cold sores to heal completely. No kissing or giving oral sex in the mean time those blisters are very contagious while they are visible.

Cold sore in blistering stage is it too late to apply abreva ?

Abreva may make it feel better. You can treat the cold sore at any stage. There is no over-the-counter medication or home remedy that cures cold sores. Talk to your doctor about a prescription for Valtrex, which is an anti-viral medication that stops cold sores in their tracks. It will lessen your outbreaks, and make them much less severe when you do get a cold sore. None of the other treatments come close to the effectiveness of Valtrex, certainly not Abreva or anything else. My doctor prescribed it for me for cold sores about five or more years ago and after taking it only a couple of times I hardly ever get a cold sore any more, and before Valtrex I was having several attacks a year. On the rare occasions that I do get one now, it is gone almost immediately when I take the medication - in about a day. I haven’t had a cold sore in at least a year, maybe longer.
Here are a few good links about cold sores.

I have a cold sore on my lower lip what should I do?

pop the blisters, very carefully, using a tissue and making sure not to let any of the liquid touch anything else, espcially anywhere near your eye. that liquid is teeming with the virus and is very contagious at this point in the infection. then, leave it alone, blotting liquid away as needed. the sore will heal best when left dry. also take l-lysine 1000mg a day until it goes away and then 500-1000mg as needed thereafter when you feel a cold sore soming on (any part of your lip feels tingly or itchy). after i started taking the l-lysine, i've had one cold sore in the last 2 1/2 years.

abreva is the same as doing nothing at all in my experience. same with zovirax or valtrex- studies have shown they don't decrease the time period of the sore at all.

and...bactrim will do nothing, nor will any other antibiotic, as they only work against bacteria and HSV is a virus.

Coldsore help pleaseeee?!!!?

When you still have a blister, use something to dry it out and clean it; tea-tree oil, vodka, TCP (if you can stand the smell!), or Zovirax. When it's scabby, a cream lip balm (I think Bliteeze is great for this), just make sure your fingers are clean when you apply it to your lips & never use it directly on your lips, this could contaminate it for next time. If it's just a smooth red/pink mark, you'll just have to wait a little for the scar tissue to heal (a cheeky bit of concealer always helps too!)

Sleep, drinking plenty of water, avoiding alcohol consumption, not smoking, and eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables help your body to repair itself quicker.