Can You Help Me Pick 2 Movies Out Of This Short List

List of Dramedy Movies?

The Royal Tenenbaums

The Man Who Wasn't There

Being John Malkovich

American Beauty

What's your favourite movies out of these. You can pick more than one if you wish.?

The Hunt, Holy Smoke, How to marry a millionaire, He was a Quiet Man, The Hunger Games.
Jaws, Kill Bill, Interview with the Vampire, I shot Andy Warhol, Jurassic Park, Japanese Story, Jindabyne, Kissed, Kindegaton Cop.
The Lost Boys, Lost in Translation, Lolita, Last Man on Earth, Lost Highway, Lord of the Rings, Love Serenade, The Lover, Lantana, Les Miserables.
Marie Antoinette, Man in Grey, Maria Full of Grace, My Own Private Idaho, Munich, Mean Girls, Matrix, Memoirs of a Geisha.

How do you watch recently watched movies on Netflix?

Viewing history/activity used to be prominently displayed (at the very top) on the user’s MY LIST page. Inexplicably, Netflix has since buried users’ access to their viewing history/activity. I just contacted Netflix via chat and learned this list is still available, however, it isn’t intuitive to locate and is cumbersome to navigate to.As of August 7th, 2016: Please, find below two ways in which one may find their viewing history/activity.(1) Log into your Netflix account / Choose YOUR ACCOUNT from drop down menu in upper right-hand corner of screen / Scroll down to MY PROFILE / Click on link in list titled VIEWING ACTIVITY(2) Log into your Netflix account / Navigate to ( h t t p s : / / w w w . n e t f l i x . c o m / v i e w i n g a c t i v i t y ).

Can you say 5-10 things you like about one of your favourite movies?

This is not a test, and I'm not saying that the things you like are reasons, I'm not asking you to simplify one of your favourite movies, all I'm asking is to pick a favourite movie and say 10 things you like about it. It can be a scene, a character, a line, a thing about it.Try not to pick your number one favourite movie, but a movie thats in your favourites.

I'll do an example.

Movie: Se7en

1. The opening credits

2. Kevin Spacey's short, yet memorable performance

3. The closing line-
Ernest Hemingway once wrote, "The world is a fine place and worth fighting for." I agree with the second part.

4. The interesting concept behind the murders

5. David Fincher's dark style of directing

6. Brad Pitt + Morgan Freeman = one of the best crime duos

7. What's in the box

BQ: Favourite movie with the word ''devil'' in the title?
BQ2: What's better: your favourite movie of 1981 or your favourite movie of 1991? (please tell me both)
BQ3: Last horror movie you watched, thoughts?

Bee Movie Questions?

Questions 1-5.


Question 6A.

Farmers hire beekeepers to raise bees near crops that need bees in order to be properly pollinated. Or beekeepers drive the bees around the country in trucks. As the population declines, the beekeepers may begin charging more and prices for those crops may go up.

Question 6B.

I didn't see the movie. Real bees communicate by waggling their butts and walking in a straight line repeatedly.

Question 7.

Honey is food produced by bees from the nectar of flowers. The main ingredient in both nectar and honey is sugar.

Question 8.

Pollen comes from flowers, too. It is the genetic material, in a tiny hard casing that makes it look like dust, that travels to female plants to fertilize them.

Question 9.

Is this a trick question? 27 million years, presumably.

Question 10.

I don't understand the question. Because worker bees (females) live only 1-4 months?

Question 11.

Ya got me.

Question 12.

The only reason such awkward creatures can fly with such tiny wings is that they are practically weightless. Add water and they sink like a stone.

Question 13.

I don't know how the movie shows it, but bees land in the face of a flower to drink the nectar and the pollen gets stuck all over their legs and bodies.

Question 14.

Foot adaptation?

Help me choose the better floorstanding speakers?

Speaker selection is highly subjective. You may not like what I like. So I'll give you some advice on how to listen to speakers (seems simple, but many don't follow this guideline):

1. When demoing speakers, always take your own CD. Salesmen know what sounds good and bad on every speaker they sell (or they should), so the selections they pick may be biased. Take music that you know and are familiar with. Take a variety, such as vocals, classical, rock & roll, jazz, and whatever else you like. Try to take CD's that have quality recordings.

2. Close your eyes when listening to the speakers. When one sense is taken away, the other senses are heightened. You may notice subtleties that you didn't realize before. With your eyes closed, see if you can locate the different instruments (imaging).

3. Move around the room while listening. Is there just one sweet spot for the speakers you're listening to? How badly does the imaging diminish as you move closer or further from the speakers? Many electrostatic speakers have only one sweet spot. And they sound damn good at that one location. This is fine if you have your favorite chair to relax while listening to music. But if you have friends over, it may not sound that great to them.

4. From what I've learned, speakers have a harder time with natural sound, such as vocals, piano, acoustic guitar, etc, than electronic music. While a speaker may crank out some rock & roll clearly at loud volumes, it may not sound that great when listening to jazz, vocals, or classical.

I used to sell high-end audio equipment over 2 decades ago. I always knew the people who I couldn't mess with when they observed the above. The amateurs came in totally unprepared and wanted the salesman to tell them what sounds best. And I will guarantee the salesman doesn't have your best interest in mind!

Good luck.

Greatest Lines in Cinema History ...?

1. "You were nothing before you met me. You were a daisy, a brownie. You were a Girl Scout cookie. I got you into a Remington party, and how do I get paid? I get paid in puke!" Heathers.

2. "Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die," Princess Bride

3. "What Freud said about the Irish is: We're the only people who are impervious to psychoanalysis," The Departed

So I'm two short - those are my favs