Can You Help Me With A Social Experiment

I’d like to try a Social Experiment. Where are you from? I’d like to see where in the world people are reading this. Thanks guys.

Question: “I’d like to try a Social Experiment. Where are you from? I’d like to see where in the world people are reading this. Thanks guys.”My birthplace is Texas. My hometown is Cheyenne, Wyoming.And I am currently posting from Ukiah, Oregon.

I want to start a social experiment?

Depends what phenomena you want to be tested.

Il you want to test the level of tolerance of churchgoers,
dress as a clown or a whore or whatever you deem fit,
and do panhandling at the church entrance when people
arrive to Sunday mass or leave it.
And have somebody recording the scene.

Repeat the experience in various localities and measure
in each case how long it takes before the sheriff's car
gets on the spot.

Avoid to do it in Russia, what happened one or two years
ago in a Moscow cathedral shows that Siberian prisons are
still in use.

Weight gain and my social experiment.?

Okay for you paper:

- Introduce your subject... something like negative correlation between weight and social standing. As you gain weight your social standing decreases. Then briefly summarize what you are doing and why you are doing it and what you plan to gain from this knowledge, and how this knowledge can help others.

Literature Review
- You definitly need to find a crap load of sources that have already covered your topic. Go to scholary articles about weight gain and self confidence.

Data and Methods
- Here you need to discuss how you processed your data, I don't know if you are using SPSS or what but give a clear definition of how you gained the weight and how the weight gain and societal impact is going to be measured.

Research Findings
- Explain how this has impacted your life and your relations with society. And what you have found. Give lots of examples.

Discussion and Conclusion
- Tell the reader how what you've found is important. Give your ideas for changing your findings in the future.

Hope that helps! Always remember to cite your sources.

Social Experiment (on yahoo answers)?

Firstly judging by all your other questions I have had the pleasure of reading I will give you the low down for your social experiment...

You believe people who wear glasses are all unpopular...I sense a little jumping to conclusions in your own being with a spice of stereotyping.

I don't think you could ever be any more "over the top stupid" than you already are even though you are 17, I know more seven year olds with more common sense than you are portraying.

PLEASE don't pretend to be British because you know nothing of our culture, how we are the United Kingdom (which FYI is made up of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland), or how our country is run. We are steeped in history it may do you some favours to stop looking around whilst in school wondering about your glasses wearing peers and actually listen to what you are being taught.

I was also wondering where in the US "georegia" is? I'm assuming you mean Georgia, in which case how funny that you can't even spell your own home town!?

You may feel my response is "spouting" common knowledge in a sarcastic manner (which it is, as I fear you don't understand any better), however, I have the good grace to know my **** from my elbow.

I will say one thing for you though, I have never laughed so hard and that's in part thanks to your inane (look it up) little anecdotes, cheers!!

What are some good "social experiments" for getting out of your comfort zone?

Laying down in a public placeGo to a crowded place. Lay down flat on your back. Wait 30 seconds.Important: Keep your eyes open and a smile on your face, so that no one thinks you need help.Embarrassing T-shirtTake a plain white T-shirt. Write what you are most embarrassed about on the front and the back. Go to a place where lots of people hang out. Approach the women/men there and ask them to sign it.Break routines: find new routes to work, fitness, friends,...I bet you always take the same route to work, or school. Well, not today. I want you to find new routes that you haven’t taken before. It’s probably a detour, but on the other hand, who knows what you will discover on your new route.This exercise is not hard at all, but great nonetheless, because most people hate change. This is a way to get a little bit more comfortable with it.Cold calling strangersIf you are uncomfortable cold calling strangers, then this exercise is for you. Write down 10 things that you don’t know but would like to know. E.g., “How did they prove the existence of gravitational waves?” Then call up strangers that might know the answer and try to get the answer from them. If they don’t know it, let them refer you to someone who might know.Record yourself on video and post it to YoutubeSpeaking to a camera feels weird at first. As does hearing your own voice. So record a video of yourself! Afterwards publish the video on Youtube. I don’t care what you talk about in the video as long as you are fully visible. Feel judged already? ;)You might also like our ebook “The Basics of Attractiveness”. It’s filled with tips on how to become more attractive and confident.

Why are there are so many social experiment videos?

Social experiment videos are the real, intrinsic reaction of the people. These experiments are done for the society about a topic which the general mass consider it to be taboo. The motive behind these experiments are personal as well as social.I will discuss both the issues.PERSONALThere is high chance that if the video has a better message and if its interesting then there will be fame.SocialSince these videos are for social awareness ; ultimately it will give people knowledge about the other things which we consider taboo and minute to notice.

Social experiment for senior project?

ok say im a 18 year old and im having problems with bullying and i cant escape it all of the hate and name calling all of the cutting i do to myself why dont i just end my life just die because no one cares im just a useless pos that cant do anything im done life wasnt ment for me what would you say how would you help?

There’s a movie about a teacher who makes a social experiment where he divides his students to blue, green and orange. I can’t find it. Does anyone know this movie?

“The Wave” from (1981) perhaps?The Wave (1981 film) - Wikipedia