Can You Help Us On Our Dr. Phil Script

What season is it where will sings to uncle phil in the fresh prince?

he mimes the words from Dreamgirls to uncle phil because hillary embarrasses him on her show.

i really need to know. i don't want links to the clip on you tube i've seen loads of times... i just want the season and the episode number thanxxx

Dr. Phil Theme Song!?

It's sung and composed by his son and Bob Marlette, yes, and I actually managed to find it on youtube. The video is called "Dr. Phil 2008 Open". It's a ways in though, about half way though I think, so be patient. You can either type that in or do it the long way like I did by typing in "Dr. Phil Theme Song" and go into the video that has that same title and in the list of videos beside it should have "Dr. Phil 2008 Open" in it. I think the lyrics go something like this:

"Some say its a hard life, but its hard for us all
Always hold on; always be strong
Reach out...
For a safe place to fall
In a moment, after all this
I need a hand to pull me through
Cause I know, I know I'm gonna survive"

I can't guarantee that that's totally accurate though. Some parts don't sound right, but its hard to make out the words over the talking. Sorry about that. That's the best I could do.

Why does everybody hate Dr. Phil?

It couldn't be everyone, because people are still watching his show.

I know a psychiatrist who says that he thinks what Dr. Phil does is very unethical because he tries to give people advice without thoroughly investigating their mental health. You've got to remember that Dr. Phil's show, like many other television shows, is simply there to sell advertising. Any benefit to others is secondary.

Do you agree with Dr. Phil's view on domestic violence?

Okay, here's my response to your question:

Watching enough of his shows, Dr. Phil appears to be a man who has found a way to make tons of money. He has a talent which is the art of Communication/ Negotiation/ & Salesmanship. He has a product to sell to women, and that product is the complete package of his show, his website, and himself. All three provides women who are weak and afriad with a false sense of empowerment. The more he leeches off of women's weaknesses and fear, the more money he makes, and "Men" are his scapecoat.

It all boils down to survival of the fittest. Do for self. He is doing that. Leech off weak women, screw men as a result, which allows him to make tons of money.

With that said, I'm sure he realizes that what he is doing is damaging the relationships between men and women, but at the same time, giving some women who actually do need help, real help, and at the same time, causing more problems for men. He probably sees the situation as no big deal as long as he's getting paid and he feels a false sense of being flawlessly helpful to the world.

What makes matters worse is, even if he decided to do the right thing by being fair to both sexes on his shows and with his advice, women would stop watching because now women would not have a show to watch that allows them to feel like the victim and devoid of responsibility. Dr. Phil's shows lets women believe they don't have to worry about being responsible. And the men wouldn't watch because men don't usually give a frack about relationship issues. But since Phil is in a sense, attacking men and catering to women most of the time, women watch to feel falsely empowered, and men watch because it's like watching a car wreck your compelled to look at and then get mad about.


VICTORIA - And no, you are wrong. What she did IS abuse. Otherwise youre saying when a woman does it, it is not abuse but when a man does it, it is. Thats sexist.

How come ther is a BET channel but not a WET channel?

Because it is labeled as racism. No lie.

Skeletons of Society hit it on the ball. What he said is true.

Is there a good Christian book on broken families?

A small book called, 'A Fathers Guide for life,' is a really good book.
It is about love,compassion,being broken,healing,being complete,having confidence,comfort,anger,hope,forgiving and much more.
It also has very many bible scripts. You might want to
check it out....I love it.

What skills are useful for doing a cold read on someone?

I love doing a cold reading. Not knowing anything about the person helps. That way you are only relying on what your guides are telling you or showing you. The only skills useful are those of a psychic or clairvoyant or medium. The knowing which is given to you from your gifts. For example a woman wanted to know how many children she was going to have. I knew and felt that she would have one pregnancy but two children. After talking further I saw that one child would be through her future marriage (husband would have a child from a previous relationship). That is the best way i can describe “knowing”. It can be hard to describe until someone goes through it. The feeling can be indescribable.Also as a clairvoyant you can see images/pictures like a movie playing. There are also other senses that give you info (feeling etc).. So as long as the person has the skills they can provide an accurate reading..