Can You Help With This

Can you help me with this chem problem?

Magnesium + Mercury(II) Nitrate = Magnesium Nitrate + Mercury(II)

Single Displacement

Can you help me with this assignment?

Yup! This is the same question that I had asked around when I was pursuing my graduation. I was a below average student and I struggled to prepare my assignments. Teachers assigned us with complex and demanding homework and I was always under pressure to prepare an assignment that would catch up with the quality of those prepared by my colleagues. I spent most of my time preparing assignments; still, the result was always pathetic. I was exhausted by long and demanding research. At last, I gave up and started asking around my colleagues to do my assignment. Everyone was busy with his own work so, I decided to search for help online to do my assignment.When I searched online, my screen was full of assignment help providers. I was confused, which company should I pick to get help in doing my assignment. So I went through the user review pages to validate the rating of these companies. I eliminated the companies with the lowest rating from my list. Then I opened their sites and checked their sample solutions. Most of the companies had provided a generic solution for the questions given. I removed all the companies which provided the generic solution.Then I validated the most important parameter- The rework and refund policy. What if the company provides you with a below-par solution and you want a rework for that. To avoid the altercation I looked over their policies. One of the companies provided free rework and followed a 100% refund policy.I went to its service page and gave a description of my assignment. My order was quoted for a very reasonable price. Till when my assignment was completed I kept in contact with the writer and gave updates which I forgot to give earlier. I should say that they had a very responsive customer service unit.In short, I think that every student should seek help like I have done to write my assignment.

Can you help with this math problem?

Jacob's time = Jacob's Distance Travelled (in miles) / 35

Jacob's Distance Travelled = 35 * number of hours travelled
Caleb's Distance Travelled = 51 * number of hours travelled

And we know that
Caleb's hours travelled + 1.37 = Jacob's hours travelled

So let x = the number of hours Jacob has travelled...
Let y = the number of hours Caleb has travelled

x = 1.37 + y
and 35 * x = 51*y
so 35 * (1.37+y) = 51*y
47.95 + 35y = 51y
47.95 = 51y - 35y
16y = 47.95
y = 47.95/16
y = 2.99

So that means that Caleb will meat up with Jacob when Caleb has been travelling for 2.99 hours... rounding to 3 hours, and adding this 3 hours to the time Caleb left, he will meet Jacob at 7:04

Can you help plz ?? I really need help with this ??

Unfortunately I just see a box between z and p(1-p) and I'm not sure where n is supposed to go. If you rewrite the formula I will try and help you.

Edit: OK I see it now. I read it as

E = z√[p(1-p)/n]

a) n is in the denominator so if n increases E decreases. To see this let m=kn where k>1 and let E* be a function of m. Then we will see the effect on E* if n to kn (we know that kn>n since k>1)

E* = z√[p(1-p)/m]
E* = z√[p(1-p)/(kn)]
E* = √(1/k)z√[p(1-p)/n]

Here I just used the fact that √(ab) = √a√b where a=p(1-p)/n and b=1/k Note that ab = p(1-p)/(kn)

E* = √(1/k)E

Since √(1/k)<1 then E* < E so E* decreases as n increases. Of special interest is when k=2.

E* = √½E

I am presuming this is some form of error function and n is the number of data points. So if you double the number of observations, your error will decrease by √½. So if you quadruple your observations (k=4) your error will decrease by √¼=½

b) E = z√[p(1-p)/n]

Square both sides

E² = z²[p(1-p)/n]

Now multiply both sides by n

nE² = z²p(1-p)

And divide by E²

n = z²p(1-p)/E²

We can simplify this a bit by noting that z²/E² = (z/E)²

n = (z/E)²p(1-p)

c) What we want to do is maximize n with respect to p. That requires differentiation. Differentiating n with respect to p we get

dn/dp = d[(z/E)²p(1-p)]/dp

assuming z and E are constants, we can take them out of the derivative.

dn/dp = (z/E)²d[p(1-p)]/dp

We use the product rule d(fg)/dx = fdg/dx + gdf/dx

d[p(1-p)]/dp = (1-p)dp/dp + pd(1-p)/dp = 1-p - p = 1-2p

dn/dp = (z/E)²(1 - 2p)

n is maximized with respect to p when dn/dp = 0 and d²n/dp²<0 (the 1st derivative is 0 and the 2nd derivative is negative).

So we set dn/dp = 0 and solve the equation for p.

(z/E)²(1 - 2p) = 0

Assuming z and E aren't 0 (trivial solutions) this can only occur where 1-2p = 0 or p = 1-p = ½

To make sure this is a maximum we take the 2nd derivative and verify that it is negative when p=½

dn/dp = (z/E)²(1 - 2p)
d²n/dp² = -2(z/E)²

And in fact d²n/dp²<0 always so this is a maximum.

Hope this helped.

Can you help me with this? (decimals)?

can you please turn 12/18 into a decimal and a percent?

also can you turn 6/18 into a decimal and percent as well?

thanks for your help! i appreciate it! =)

also,only if you want to, could you help with this question, if you dont thats ok i mainly want the first 2 questions answered.:
You are trying to collect all nine baseball cards for an All-Star
team. Each package of cards he can buy has one card of a member of the team.The cards are equally distributed among all the packages. How could you use a simulation to estimate the number of packages of cards you will need to buy to get all nine cards?
thanks again!

Can you help me with this british accent?

It's a really poor quality recording.

All I can hear is her saying 'this and that', and then something about 'a present'. For the first one.

The second one, she is saying: 'So, he will only work the Thursday and Friday, so he can have the Saturday and Sunday to recover'.

Hope that helps.

Can you help with this intro physics?

(a) To find the speed of the current, you need to find the time it takes him to cross. Using the equation s = vt, you can find the time by plugging in distance and speed.
2.46 = .448t
t = 2.46 / .448
t = 5.49 s

Now if he ended up 4.97m downstream, the speed of the current can be calculated with s = vt again.
4.97 = v*.5.49
v = 4.97 / 5.49
v = .905 m/s

(b) A person on the riverbank would observe the combined speed of the swimmer as well as the current. These two vectors can be combined into one velocity vector. What you have is a right triangle. The shorter leg is the velocity of the swimmer, the longer leg is the velocity of the current and the hypotenuse is the combined velocities. Using the Pythagorean Theorem, you can calculate the value of the hypotenuse.

(.905)² + (.448)² = v²
1.02 = v²
v = 1.01 m/s

Can you help me with this physics question?

The pendulum continues in an arc of reduced radius of L-D (L being the length of string).Okaay, so if it can get to the "highest point of the new reduced arc", let's write an energy balance for it: the starting energy (gravitational potential energy mgL) should equal the sum of kinetic energy and potential energy at the "highest point of the new reduced arc".mgL = 2mg(L-D) + 0.5 m v^2             (1) (2mg(L-D) because the ball rises to a height of 2(L-D) or twice the reduced radius)So if you want the D, you need the V. (I'm so sorry.) We can find v from the condition that D is the MINIMUM peg distance for which the string remains juuust taut, so in this limiting case, the tension in the string is juuust zero. Write a force balance for the ball when it is just at the "highest point of the new reduced arc" for this limiting case. Why, the only force seems to be gravity and the only acceleration of the ball is the centripetal acceleration. From Newton's law,m v^2/(L-D) = mg (centripetal acceleration is mv^2/r remember?)or, m v^2 = mg(L-D)                          (2)Substituting the above in Eqn. 1, mgL = 2.5 mg(L-D)or, D = 3/5 L Sic transit gloria mundi.

Can you help me with this situation, please?

What agencies or organizations could help with this situarion? Thank you so much.

Student living with “dad” most days and is safer with dad, but dad does not have legal rights to student because he is not on birth certificate. Mom is very unstable and could take student away from dad at any time, so dad needs to find resources to get legal rights to the student.