Can You List Three Features Which Distinguish Plants From Animal

What characteristics distinguish fungi from plants?

fungi have a completely different cell structure and cannot carry water far up into the body so you will almost never see a tall fungi but you will see a large sprawling one, another is that fungi spend less energy on building its structure so usually they have a much shorter life span, they also do not do photosynthesis because there is no chlorophyll inside their cells, they are heterotrophs (eat other organisms for energy, feed off of dead organisms) while plants are autotrophs (produce own energy) i think thats all i can cover without a refresh on my memory i hope it helps :)

What are cell three main differences between plant cell and animal cell?

1. Animal cells never have chloroplasts, but some plant cells do
2. Centrioles are characteristic of animal cells, but are missing from higher plant cells
3. Animal cells never have a cell wall, but plant cells have a cell wall composed of cellulose
4. During cytokinesis, a cell plate forms in plant cells, but a cleavage furrow forms in animal cells
5. A central vacuole is characteristic of plant cells, but is missing in animal cells

What are the distinguishing features of: 1) Plant 2) Animal 3) Fungi 4) Bacteria 5)Virus? for my GCSE Exam?

1) Plants are autotrophic, which simply means they make their own food. That is done by photosynthesis.
Plants cells have cell walls made of cellulose.
Plants can reproduce sexually (pollen and ovum) to form seeds and Asexually like when a branch grows its own roots and makes a new plant.
Examples: Palm tree, algae, corn

2) Animals are heterotrophs which means they require food for energy. The energy is taken from food by respiration.
Animals can be multicellular e.g.humans or single celled e.g. amoeba
Animals cells do not have cell walls.
Animals can reproduce sexually and asexually.
Example: Humans, Fish, Amoeba

3) Fungi require food (heterotrophic). Obtain energy form respiration.
Fungi are always single celled.
They can reproduce sexually or asexually.
Fungal cells have cell walls often made of chitin.
Example: Yeast

4) Bacteria can make food by photosynthesis or chemosynthesis (autotrophic) or require food hetertrophic
Bacteria are always single celled.
Bacterial cells have no nucleus.
They have cell walls.
Example: E coli, Neisseria meningitidis (bacterial meningitis), MRSA

5) Viruses are obligate intracellular parasites and can only reproduce inside plant, animal, fungal or bacterial cells.
They do not photosynthesis or respire.
They can have either DNA or RNA as genetic material.
They are very small and can only be seen using an electron microscope.

Example: HIV, Swine flu

The answer depends a bit on how you define plant and animal, but a simple answer is that plants have cellulose cell walls and animals do not. Plants have plastids and animals do not.Exceptions occur in some species if they are included in one kingdom or the other. For example, some animals have symbiotic algae and some corals may have actual plastids passed down through the egg. Generally, animals cannot even breakdown cellulose and have to have bacterial symbionts break down cellulose in digestion. Of course, most animals have organs resembling human organs of heart, brain, liver, gut, gonads, etc, and plants do not have these organs. Instead the same functions are carried out by plant organs of leaf, root, flower, stem, etc.Because of these differences plant tissues tend to be in a fixed structure with limited mobility and animals tend to be highly mobile.

Characteristics of plants and animals?

Characteristic 1 for plants. Autotrophic. This means that plants make their own food. This makes them a primary food source for many other life forms.
Characteristic 2 for plants. Cell walls. This makes them different from animal life. The cell wall makes a plant rigid and rigidity makes a plant mostly cecile (non-motile). The plant's cell walls also make plants remarkably strong. Which is why we can use some plants as building materials.

Characteristic 1 for animals. Social structure. Animals from amphibians to primate mammals live in social groups that interact based on some form of social hierarchy or pecking order. The strongest or meanest end up lording over the smaller or meaker.
Characteristic 2 for animals. Heterotrophs. This means that animals have to feed on a different life form to survive. This can be anything from the herbivores that feed on plant life to the carnivores that feed on other animals. You won't see a plant stalk and kill another plant then eat it.

What five characteristics distinguish animals from other organisms?

1) being eukaryotic (i.e. the cell contains a membrane-bound nucleus) and usually multicellular (unlike bacteria and most protists, an animal is composed of several cells performing specific functions) (
2) being heterotrophic (unlike plants and algae that are autotrophic, an animal depends on another organism for sustenance) and generally digesting food in an internal chamber (such as a digestive tract)
(3) lacking cell wall (unlike plants, algae and some fungi that possess cell walls)
(4) being generally motile, that is being able to move voluntarily
(5) embryos passing through a blastula stage
(6) possessing specialized sensory organs for recognizing and responding to stimuli in the environment

Describe the features that distinguish prokaryotes from eukaryotes and plant cells from animal cells?

prokaryotes are simple. They only have a plasma membrane, nucleus (but not a true one) and ribosomes. Eukaryote have a true nucleus, organelles (like mitochondria, chloroplasts, and golgi bodies, to name a few) and ribosomes. Prokaryotes are unicellular animals (one-celled) like bacteria. Eukaryotes can by unicellular or multi-cellular.
Plant cells have a cell wall and chloroplasts (chloroplasts for making their own food) while an animal cell doesn't.

Difference between plant and animal cells are:-i) Cell (plant cells vs animal cells)Plants:Cell wall: The plant cells have cell wall made of cellulose outside the plasma membraneChloroplast: Plants are green in colour due to the presence of chlorophyll in the chloroplast.Vacuoles: Plant cells have large vacuoles filled with sap.Centrosome: Centrosome with centrioles absent.Animals:Cell wall is absent and only plasma membrane is present.Chloroplasts are absent in animal cells. Animals have no chlorophyll.Vacuoles are absent.Centrioles with centrioles present.HOPE THIS HELPS!!

This is my answer based on experience of having lived with plants & animals for decades.Both respirate. Both exhibit sensitivity to temperature. Both need water. Both require removal of waste (feces/ dead leaves). Both require nutrients (food/fertilizer & soil composition). Both seem to thrive in quiet environments. Both seem to enjoy music and kind words.Again, I am not a scientist. This is my perspective as someone who has cohabited with plants & animals for decades.

What are differences and similarities between plant cells, animal cells, and viruses?

1. All plant cells, animal cells and virus have a DNA.
2. They can reproduce.
3. They can cause harm to other living things.
4. They possess genes.
1. Plant cells have cell wall, animal cells lack it. Virus have no cellular structure.
2. Virus have no respiratory system. Plant cells and animal cells do have.
3. Viruses do not have their own metabolism, and require a host cell to make new products. Whereas, plants and animals have metabolism.
4. Virus can survive without protoplasm, whereas, plant and animal cells can not survive without protoplasm. (Protoplasm: water, electrolytes, proteins, carbohydrates and lipids.)
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