Can You Look At This Image For Me

Can using google images give you viruses?

the only way to get viruses is to download something and actually running it. As long as you look and click only, you will be ok.

seriously, learn about viruses, people.


You MIGHT get a virus if you download something and run it.

If you run something, you will know because windows will have a dialog box saying some program wants to run something.

Note to other yahoo answerers:
Please actually know something about viruese before you answer!!

Can you look at this image and tell me how clo3- does NOT violate the octet rule?

I would talk to your professor/teacher. This is a very poor example. ClO3- does violate the octet rule in actuality, because it has access to and hybridized d orbitals.

Don't look at other websites, use the methodology you were taught by your professor to draw the lewis structure.

1) Least electronegative atom goes in the middle, which is Cl.

2) Add together all of the electrons. Cl=7, 3O=18, and the negative charges means it has an extra electron (1). So you have 26 total

3) Draw all other species single bonded to Cl. (three sigma bonds=6e-)

4) Fill the rest with lone pairs. (20e- left to place in lone pairs)

Now you should have Cl in the middle, sigma bonded to three oxygens. The oxygens should have 3 lone pairs and Cl should have one lone pair.

Can you see an image in a mirror in a dark room?

No. Images do not exist in mirrors. They exist in our minds. If two people look in a mirror, they see different images. Which image exists in the mirror? Obviously both can't. Our eyes need to detect light coming from an object, for our mind to create an image. Without light, no image is created.Even if there is light, but no eye to detect it, no image is formed. Strange, but true. If nobody is looking at a mirror, there is no image in the mirror.It's the same as a tree falling in a forest makes no sound if nobody is there to hear it.

When you look into water you see your image as well as the bottom of the pond. Why?

when we look into the water we see our image because of 2 phenomena , firstly no refraction is perfect, some portion of light is reflected and some is transmitted. For simplicity assume the water in pond as layers of water, a portion of light is reflected(R1) from the first layer and other is refracted, now from this refracted light some portion of light is again reflected(R2) by the second layer and remaining is refracted, this process keeps on going, and finally we have a image at the surface. one more interesting phenomena happening here is the interference of R1, R2…Rn. we might encounter sometime that when we are looking in a pond from some direction we can see a brighter image, its because of constructive interference of R1, R2 …and other rays, but when viewed from certain other angles we see a faint image which is because of destructive interference.But in the first phenomena, every portion of light is not reflected even when the light reaches the bottom, and hence we are able to see the bottom of the pond.Even when water is dirty we are not able to see the bottom because the impurities present in the water absorbs a portion of the light energy and also reflects the light and hence no energy is left in light which will penetrate till bottom.

Why does my mirror image look different than my pictures?

Your mirror is image is how you actually look
Your picture is how other people see you

This may sound like an oxymoron, but let me explain

Your mirror is how you actually look in real life. Yes, it is a reversed mirror image, but it is close enough (maybe like a 1% difference). So it may not be reality because your right eye is now your left and so on, but the differences are trivial.

Now, when you see a picture or look into a true mirror, that is how other people see you, or your "really real" look. Those few, trivial differences however exaggerate immensely. For instance, every picture ive seen of myself, I swear my nose moves 3 inches to the left. And my right cheek is gigantic. And I have a gigantic eye and a really small eye. In reality, you really don't, but these minor differences become major, for the simple reason you never see it.

I mean, I've asked my mom and everyone I know looking into the mirror, and shown them mirror pictures (pictures you take of the mirror itself), and they all swear i look exactly the same. OF course I didn't believe them, then I learned the psychology behind it.

Also, there are things cameras don't get too well, mainly hair. Cameras are terrible and capturing hair. Also, cameras aren't 3d.

You may find people saying that pictures are your true image, which it is, but don't be depressed. I suggest finding two mirrors and putting them together at a 90 degree angle and using that as yoru mirror from now on. Your differences will go away soon enough and you may end up finding your actual mirror image ugly!

Anime character lookalike?

I don't know about a personalized generator or quiz site, but there's the Anime Character Database that lets you search for characters based on physical traits.

These are the results for blue-eyed shoulder-length-blond females:

And you can modify, narrow, or broaden the search based on age or clothing however you want.

Good luck finding a lookalike!

Why can you see images in a mirror but not in a ceiling or wall?

More light is reflected off a mirror, and it's specular reflection - it's all being reflected in the same way. You get diffuse reflection off a wall instead because of the rough surface, and as result, the light rays don't converge (or appear to converge) like they do in a mirror, so you don't see an image form. If you painted your walls with a very smooth layer of paint, it would look shiny and you might see yourself in it.

Is the flipped image of me how people really perceive me?

I was playing around with my camera settings and found out I look less crazy when I have my photos "mirrored" and, even though I still see assymetry, I look better than I do when the mode is off. And then without the mirrored image mode, I see a flipped version of myself with the words on my shirt backwards. Is this how people see me? Or do they see it the other way around, the mirrored (words non-flipped) way? Because when I see someone wearing an American eagle shirt or something their shirt isn't flipped or anything, and I can read it perfectly. So is the mirrored (or way that shows t-shirt words unflipped) your truest self on camera?

The mirror & camera show different images of me?

If I look into a mirror, you know, I say ''Oh, hey my skin looks better than usual."
With the camera, I'm washed out and I look tired. I have like pale, pale skin and like dark circles underneath my eyes.
When I look in the mirror, I see tan skin (okay, medium tan) and I have brown eyes and I don't look tired at all. I look better in the mirror then I do in the camera.
Why is that?
I use both my iPod Touch camera and phone camera.

Why do some mirrors make you look more attractive than other mirrors and which one to trust?

Man can I ever relate to this question I grew up for the first 18 years of my life thinking I was ugly because I had cheap mirrors in the house and so didn't even look up at myself in school mirrors when washing my hands. Imagine, I washed my hands and left without a single glance up for 18 freakin years! I did once go to a rich friends home and saw my beauty in the mirror. I honestly honestly didn't believe it was my own reflection. I thought it was some sort of magic. Imagine, seeing yourself in the mirror for the first time as you really are. Just imagine it. It felt like I was looking at another living breathing human being who I most definitely didn't associate with me and wondering who this person possibly could be, because I myself felt and saw myself as ugly and I mean an ugliness I just can't describe. It was only when I met my husband that I began looking at myself differently. Even now I have trouble with body dysmorphic feelings all because of those cheap mirrors- they shouldn't even be allowed to be sold on the market because they have the power to distort the poor’s view of themselves and keep them tied up in shame, lacking dignity and afraid to move out into society. This truly can be the power of a mirror and lack of proper lighting in the home.You should go down to the beach, or go out at noon when the sun is highest in the sky and there is the most sunlight and look at yourself outside. This is what you really look like! This is your true beautiful self.If you don't see beauty because of lack of self care or a distorted attitude then make a decision to take action to start taking care of yourself inside and out.