Can You Lose Weight Without Cardio Can You Lose Weight Without Cardio

Can you lose weight without cardio ?

You should do weight training. The more you get muscles in your body, the more it burns cals. Muscles burn fat


So I am 14 (girl) and overweight. My weight has always been my biggest insecurity.
People make fun of me all the time even my parents. I want to lose weight this summer but I have shin splints. I am unable to run or play sports. I have had it for a couple months now. Is there a way I can lose weight without cardio ? I am going to the doctors in a month to check it out but I need to start losing weight before that. Thanks.

How to lose weight without cardio?

weight in general? or body fat, to lose body fat your gonna have to do some cardio, to lose weight in general thats easy, starve yourself, put on a sweater and go sit in a sauna (lose lots of water weight). now, for some helpful info, for your weight lifting, lift heavy, add more weight to your body through muscle growth. the muscle will make you burn more calories per hour (metabolism boost), and also, as you gain more muscle, your body fat percentage will decrease, and it will make it easier to lose body fat. but in simple answer to your question, no, you can't lose fat without burning some extra calories.

Can I lose weight without cardio workout?

Contrary to popular believe. weight lifting is more efficient than cardio for weight loss anyway.Although both cardio and weight lifting are healthy, both will increase your appetite, so without controlling your diet you will most likely gain weight with either form of exercise.Therefor regardless of which form of exercise you choose, you’ll still have to watch what you eat. It turns out that insulin is the hormone that forces glucose into your fat cells where it is converted to fat and stored as well as the hormone that prevents fat from being removed from your fat cells to be used for energy.Therefor the commonly recommended low fat diets with 4 small meals a day is the WORST thing you can do for weight loss. Instead you should cut out all the carbs from your diet and eat one meal a day. You need to eat low protein too, because protein can also cause an insulin spike. You should therefor eat no more than 0.5g of protein per pound of lean body mass.Lean body mass would be your weight without your body fat added to it. Or the weight of your muscle, bones, and organs. A typical healthy thin person is around 20% body fat. If you are overweight, your body fat could be 40% to 50% or more.You do need calories, so if you cut the carbs in your diet, you’ll have to eat fat. Eggs and cheese are very good foods that are high in fat and low in carbs. Eggs have no carbs while cheese has almost no carbs.Unfortunately they have been adding sugar to everything we eat. Even bacon HAS SUGAR ADDED!!! So, look at the ingredients of everything you eat.Sugar comes in many forms. Sugar, Turbinado, Maltose, Dextrose, Honey, Agave Nectar, Concentrated Fruit Juice, and the list goes on. READ THE INGREDIENTS. Even some Stevia (which is supposed to have zero calories) sometimes has added dextrose. DO NOT BUY ANY 0 CALORIE SWEETENERS THAT CONTAIN DEXTROSE!!!!

Can you lose weight without doing cardio? I.e by only doing push ups and sit ups?

Traditionally cardio has been regarded as one of the best forms of exercise to lose weight. Typically running, swimming, cycling and endurance training activate the bodies energy pathway using fat as the primary energy substrate. With enough training of this type the body efficiently oxidises stored and dietary fats to sustain long bouts of exercise. More recently evidence has emerged that High intensity interval training (HIIT) burns fat just as effectively if not more efficiently than cardio. The high amounts of muscular contractions performed throughout intense bouts of interval training poses a high caloric cost.  High-Intensity Intermittent Exercise and Fat LossSimply maintaining a greater muscle mass poses higher caloric costs to the body. As muscles adapt through training they accumulate more mitochondria which can use fat as an energy substrate. The more mitochondria you have the greater your fat burning potential. By repeatedly stressing your muscles and developing them you are able to increase their mass and their mitochondrial density, effectively making them fat burning machines. These adaptations take time though and will take at least a couple months to gain significant hypertrophy and efficiency. Cardio shouldn't be ruled out, though. Mitochondria can also develop through endurance exercise and burn fat effectively. Your best bet might be to do both.

Doing weights without cardio?

I'm gonna be on crutches for around 2 months soon & I was wondering what will happen if I carry on with some weight training without doing cardio? Obviously I won't be able to do a lot, and I can't do any cardio at all, so will my arms get bigger or stay small & toned cos I'm not going any cardio to loose weight? Or should I just not do anything until I can do cardio again?! Thanksss

Can you lose fat without cardio?

yes very possible.. technically when u lift weights u are building more muscle which will speed up metabolism....

more muscle u have the more u can potentially burn off.. u can also do higher reps sometimes for more calorie burns...

and u will also have to reduce the carbs...

you are best to lay down on the benchpress.. do flat, bench, incline bench..... and do dumbell presses

also sitting bicep curls.. sitting tricep extensions, close grip benchpress, shoulder presses sitting, sitting laterial raises,

and side back raises on arm at a time..

hope u heal fast :)

Can I lose weight through weight lifting and dieting without cardio?

yes definitely you will I will tell you how it workswhen you do cardio it reduces your fat instantly in a very large amount but when you stop cardio the burning of fat also stops but in case of weight lifting its different when you do heavy weight lifting the stress created on a a particular position so fat burns for that stress but when you are not doing any exercise for example sitting on a sofa and watching TV you still burns fat because the muscles you have made through weight lifting continuously need energy to be sustain to that level so it burns fat or protein in your body through out the day just keep one thing in your mind that control on your diet eat less calorie contain food so that you will create a calorie deficit and the results will take less time .Best of Luck!!

Can I lose belly fat with weightlifting only and without cardio?

Tackle your diet first. I teach how to this for free here ….How to lose weight:You must be at caloric deficit in order to lose fat/weight.You can lose body fat by being at a caloric deficit, which can be done by:1# Eat less than the calories you burn per day (calorie intake - (*BMR + expended calories))2# Do some cardio that helps you burn more calories than you need in a day3# Increase your BMR by weight training. This causes your basal metabolic rate to increase, which increases the amount of calories you burn at rest!*BMR - BASAL METABOLIC RATE (Calories burned at rest) - you can figure this out with a machine at the gym or doctors or you can count calories for a few weeks and estimate what your BMR is.Counting calories is a tool for your fitness and nutrition toolbox. It is something you can do when you want to cut down in body fat. It is a misconception that cardio is the best way to lose weight! Counting calories is the fastest and most efficient way to cut down the fat and keep the muscle you have.Loosing 1lb of fat per week is a good way to lose fat and conserve muscle!Many people believe counting calories is a tedious tasks and it can be at the beginning when you have never done it before!After awhile you do definitely get used to it and it actually becomes convenient, because all your meals are pretty much made and set out for you!For the most part, you can just eat pretty healthy year round with some cheat meals and outside food on occasion.I teach how to count calories and track properly in this video:Summer:Winter:For example:My weight usually likes to stay in these ranges:Summer weight = ~ 118 to 120 lbs (1200–1400 calories/ day)Winter =~ 125 to 130 lbs (1500–2000 calories/day)I can master my weight fluctuation by around+/- 10 lbsYou need to learn what your numbers are! Let me know if you need help :)

How bad is it to do weight training without cardio training?

It’s not inherently “bad,” but it depends on your goals. The body can only recover from so much exercise induced stress, and it all comes from the same “recovery pool.”Strength training is a very regimented and intense process. You lift progressively heavier weights, recover from the stress, and repeat. The majority of your “recovery pool,” is reserved for recovering from the previous work so that you can progress in the next. In this case, the worst thing you can do is tax your recovery with “bonus” cardio.It’s not my area of knowledge, but bodybuilding might benefit from some aerobic capacity. However, progressing your bodybuilding routine will eventually condition you in itself.My personal philosophy on cardio? Unless otherwise necessary, let it train naturally. If you walk or bike to commute, your cardio endurance will adapt to the challenge. If you practice a sport, you will become conditioned to that sport. If you hike… see the pattern?If you need to prepare for an event, like a marathon, or a PT test, cardio will be necessary. Otherwise, your cardiovascular needs will sufficiently adapt to your lifestyle.