Can You Make Comedy And Beauty Videos In One Youtube Channel

Good Youtube Channel name?

I was in a group and our names were ComedyCast3. I got mad and I split from the group. Now we are friends again and I want to change the name. But then I might want to keep it. What should our names be? Heres some Words that you could mix up.

Comedy Cast
Entertainment Show
Horror Channel
Suspense Dudes
Action Group
Enjoy Videos

Mix up the First words with one of the Words in the second row. Or could you make one up?

Should I start a YouTube channel with just one genre? I have multiple interests like fashion and beauty, DIY, and comedy. Are there any successful channels with so many genres covered?

So what is the current Scenario on Youtube?There are thousands of Channels of every genre one can think of. The popular one's are the established one's which were started years back. Kids watch those youtubers earn a lot of money and try to create content for their youtube channel which ultimately FAILS…….Since the Competition on Youtube has grown so much, the only way to outshine is to think of some NEW Type of Content, which you think you will be interested in watching on Youtube if created by someone else.The key rule for this platform is to think,”Will you be interested in watching what you are uploading?”, If its a YES, then go on and upload it, if its a NO, think of some other Idea or just enjoy the Crisp Content of other Creators.And generally, successful youtubers dont club their channels for different genres, they prefer making different channels and linking them together, each one associated with content from different genres.

I'm afraid to make Youtube videos..?

A couple years ago, I was introduced to the Youtube 'beauty' community and I've always been really interested in making DIY fashion videos and just making videos but I never did because I don't want people to make fun of me. I'm 14 years old and this upcoming school year I will be a freshman. I'm already really nervous about making new friends and if people found out I don't want it to prevent people from actually trying to get to know me. I'm afraid guys will think it's stupid, and the past school year a fellow classmate made videos on Youtube ( comedy/skit videos, different from the type i'm interested in ) and he was always teased for it. I'm afraid and in need of advice? Help!

Youtube name ideas?

So I really want to start a youtube channel but I don't have any name ideas
I really like this one you-tuber named zoella and I want to do videos like her but I also like Caspar lee and want to do videos like he does so I was going if you could give me some names like zoella's or any name like that oh and btw my name is gaby

How to tell your friends about your YouTube channel?

On YouTube, I have had a YouTube channel for a little over 3 months. It's a beauty channel and has grown a lot to over 1,300 subscribers. The only problem is, only my parents and one of my friends know about it. The friends I told doesn't even go to my school.

All of my friends have channels, but they all have like 5 subs and they're comedy or anime channels. None of my friends are interested in like makeup videos except one of my friends who does watch beauty channels.

I just don't know how to tell them. I guess I'm just a worry wart. I keep thinking, what will they think of my videos? So, how do I tell them? I think I might just tell my friend who watches beauty gurus. :) Thanks!