Can You Recommend Eastern European Brides

What were the roles of women in East Asia and Western Europe?

1. Very bad question: We don't use the terms Western Europe or Eastern Europe since the end of cold war. They are very vague, biased and even offensive, or racist, terms. Don't use them, unless you want to be perceived as an ignorant. Europe is united, again. Now we speak either about Europe as a whole, the European Union or specific countries.

In your case you need to speak about the whole continent.

2. Women in Europe were generally treated in a very minor way. In Asia, the situation was very similar - wife was meant to stay at home.

3. I recommend you Fiona Wilson to research more.

HOw to order a mail order bride from Serbia or eastern europe?

What a pathetic question. Goes to show how insensitive some people are huh? Women are ot material possessions that should be bought. They are an asset. When me stop looking at women as property and start looking at them with dignity and respect then we can say we have accomplished something. Regardless of what country they are from or what moral beliefs that country instills in its citizens we are supposed to be a country with bigger and better morale. There are many prostitutes on the streets if you want to buy a woman. And to all of the mial order brides from Serbia......Proud of you for taking these men for all they have! Sometimes the best way to hurt them is to hurt the pocket book! Use them just as they were using you.

Can an Indian man marry a Bulgarian or any East European girl?

Yes, definitely.It's actually easy because of Bulgarian Bridal Market (Also known as Bulgarian Virgin Market). This market is held 4 times a year. There are even mobile apps to facilitate this. You don't even need big amount of money to “buy” a bride. Average price is $290 to $350. Although prices can go much higher.(Real image of the Bulgarian Bridal Market)Now, you may think it as some underworld, illegal thing in which human trafficking is involved (such as what happens in Thailand etc). But, it's 100% legal thing. You'll have a relation with girl's real family and your bride would be highly cultural who hasn't grown in a prostitute environment. They also have better living standards than those Thailand babes (comparing on the basis of their cost; obviously, a million dollar virgin girl in Bangkok market is going to be way better in all aspects).The thing is it is a cultural tradition of Kalaidzhi, an orthodox Christian subgroup of the Roma community. And, they still follow it religiously. Governments have tried to stop this bullshit, but they have failed.There's one problem though: Young girls can be forced to leave school as soon as they have their first period (depends on family). So, don't expect all of them to be highly educated.BTW, I'd NOT recommend you to go with this cultural mess. Why would you buy a girl when you can seduce her on Tinder or in Bar. Here, there's option of dating several girls before settling for the best. This may not be possible in that buying scenario. Even if you run away from the relationship, you'd be ruining someone's life. Just travel to Bulgaria or East Europe and launch Tinder. There are also local dating services available which can assist you in this.

Are there any men here who had a bad Russian Bride experience?

Horrible experience with a Russian "bride" that I imported to the west, and to whom I gave a home. (Lies, secrets, loyalty issues, economic obscurities. Passive aggression and projected accusations with subsequent revenge (such as more lies). In any challenging circumstances, she positioned herself as a victim, and didn't accept responsibility for her actions or lack there of. Countless times unfaithful in small and eventually in big things.)It took me time, health and money to leave all that behind. Completely my fault to ignore all the tiny signals - I should have walked away much much earlier, but I waited for years because "love". Meanwhile she waited to achieve all the western legal and economic benefits, such as residence permit, rental flat in suitable neighborhood, kinder garden for her kid (that she left behind in Russia, and that she did not tell that she had!). When she was done accumulating benefits, the relationship ended, and I found myself without a home - homeless that is, in my own country.Since over 5 years ago I share my life with a life partner from one of the Scandinavian countries. This person is honest, fair, friendly and we can always talk things out - a true friend.Sure, all people are individuals, but culture/values do matter.

Do guys in europe pay bride-price for their brides to be?

Not if they are raised in a western culture.....neither set of parents are 'paid' for their children's one time a gal had to come with a dowry but that practice fell away over a few hundred years ago.....the bride's dowry became her 'trousseau' in more modern times which was usually a chest that over the years she placed modest home items in such as bed linens, quilts & blankets, table linens, dishes, pots & pans but even that practice was considered old fashioned when I married the first time in 1974....btw I chose to have a trousseau which I thought it was very practical to do.....

What's the best website to meet English-speaking Ukrainian women?

The simple answer, NONE!, there are many scam dating sites out there, and i have read of guys spending tens of thousands of dollars, just to make “friends”, come on!, seriously!, many of the women on the dating sites are materialistic, part of a scam, running their own scam, or getting paid/promoted some how!. Many of the women on the sites also have “skeletons in the closet”, and there is a good chance you’ll never know them unless they suspect you to have similar “skeletons in the closet!”. As for spending lots of money on them, gifts, dinners etc, that is materialistic!, any decent woman would not expect such treatment unless they knew the man had lots of cash to throw around!. Russian women, along with women from a lot of eastern European countries are very proud women, and they like to show of their beauty if they’ve got it!, and their man if they’ve got one, else they will just keep looking!. In the end, in many ways they are very similar to western women, with the fairly common values of loyalty and family!. If they like you, you will know, i.e. they will be eager for another date based on spending time with you, not your wallet!. As for, the scammers realized that site is a free advertising basis for their scams, so, just as with the dating sites, there is danger for you, and more anonymity for them!

Are any of these Russian "mail order brides" legitimate?

Q: "Are any of these Russian "mail order brides" legitimate?"
A: most of those "brides" are stolen (from social networks such, etc) photos of innocent Russian/Ukrainian/Belorussian girls/women by NON-Russian men.
Check those IP's - they are NOT located in FSU.

@Kittysue: "Considering Russia has the world's highest divorce rate..."
A: sources???!!!
@Kittysue: "And any woman who goes online specifically to find a husband in a foreign country is going to be looking for money or a greencard, not love."
A: ANY???!!! Ok, then ANY NON-Russian man, who is looking for Russian/Ukr/Belorussian woman is pervert, fat, lazy western loser, who is not "desirable" by his own female compatriots; who earns less than 50-70-100 K (what are those "limits" set by western women in cases when his salary sucks?), who is looking for "cheap" sexy toy to implement his vulgar fantasies; who doesn't consider Woman (and Russian in particular) human being, but commodity and servant (slave?).
Btw, many of them are looking for wives (who don't know local laws) to gain credits, "marriage bonuses" e.g. to pay less income tax etc etc etc... Not to mention about those "serial wife importers" who bring foreign women to western countries to abuse them before kicking them out and replacing them with a new woman every 2-4 years.
There are a lot of stories about jobless lazy asses, who married well-educated Russian/Ukr/Belorussian women only to gain homebuyer credit, forcing those wives to work, while sitting at homes themselves, and make them pay for all of that!!!
There are also a lot of stories about men of all races, who want white/whiter babies. After 2-3 years of such a "marriage" they kick those women out! After using them as "bearing baby machines"!
So, who the hell is materialistic huh? Who is looking for "advantages & bonuses"?