Can You Take L-carnitine And Creatine On The Same Day

Creatine + L-Carnitine?

There's no problem with taking these two supplements at the same time.Creatine is just an amino acid compound but does not contain any L carnitine.Amino acids should be supplemented at different times of the day though because they compete for absorption.I always choose to use one for at least 30 days without adding anything new so I can see what benefits if any I get from using the supplement.Creatine definitely works and I've been using it since it hit the market years ago.And just in case anyone's going to say it creatine is most definitely not a steroid.

Can I take L-carnitine and creatine together?

Definitely- I do it all the time.I find that both are good as a pre-workout supplement routine. Plus I get an added benefit of appetite suppression (which God knows I need!) from the Carnitine with no side effects.If you haven’t been doing one or the other, perhaps start with just the creatine and add in the carnitine after a week or 10 days or so and see how it goes.Good luck!!

Can I take a creatine and an L-carnitine in pre-workout?

Yes BUT when you take creatine, choose Kre-Alkaline(buffered creatine) instead regular creatine monohydrate. Kre-Alkaline has a way better absorption rate. I’d recommend: About the the other supplement, what you need to know is that L-carnitine needs carbs in order to be fully absorbed by the body. It’s wiser to take it together with your post workout meal (or your protein shake as you add some simple carbs). For a pre-workout, Acetyl L-carnitine would be a better choice because of the Acetyl group attached to it which allows body to absorb it easily. My choice will be:

Can I take L- Cartinine L- Tartrate while I am taking creatine?

Yes,u can take carnitine before meals. Creatine works best when mixed with some carbs like juice. Taking post workout with whey will work fine too. Moreover creatine needs just 5 gms serving a day which u can take whenever.

Can I take L-arginine, L-carnitine, creatine and whey protein together? Also explain the pros and cons of their combination.

Go for whey and creatine, that will be enough. Take 5mg creatine in your after workout shake. L-arginine and L-carnitine are not actually required, they are just marketing gimmicks by supplement industry.

Can I use a fat burner, whey protein, and creatine, all at the same time, along with some serious strength training?

Whey Protein can go with almost any supplement. Wether you are gaining weight or losing weight, adding a bit of muscle to your body will help you either way.Here are some tips for you.You should not use Creatine when you want to lose Fat. Creatine is a water retainer that absorbs and stores water in your body cells (muscle tissues) and helps increase volume and weight of your body.Fat Burners work only when you have a good enough diet. Your diet is the main thing. Your diet should be focused on fat loss. Your diet must be a high protein and low carb/fat diet.Not all whey protein work for weight loss. If your goal is weight loss, i will suggest that you use an Isolated Protein like Whey Isolean or Isopure.So other supplements that will help you a lot in Fat Loss are, L Carnitine and Meal Replacement Shakes. L Carnitine converts fat cells into energy. Meal replacement shakes are great to creat calorie deficit which will lead to fat loss.

Can I take L carnitine and C4 Pre Workout together?

Yes, C4 has it’s own version with L-Carnitine called Cellucor C4 RippedBut would you want to mix a creatine based supplement with L-Carnitine? Probably not.C4 has creatine in it which can have a water retention effect - you generally use creatine to gain weight and strength. Water retention also reduces the definition of muscle tone, so it can make you appear to have a higher body fat %.Read the difference between C4, C4 Ripped and C4 50x in our Review: GEN4 C4 vs C4 Ripped vs C4 50x Review - Which is right for you?L-Carnitine is a known weight loss supplement used to help aide diet and exercise. Note that L-Carnitine does not work alone, you must combine it with a caloric deficit diet and exercise (HIIT is recommended) - More reading: Acetyl-L-Carnitine is good for weight loss, brain and his...It is extremely hard to put on muscle and lose pure body fat at the same time, if you are genetically gifted, you would know by now because you would naturally have a great looking body with little effort.