Can You Tell If Someone Blocks You On Text Messaging

How do I know if someone blocked me from text messaging on their phone?

Generally, you won’t know if someone has blocked SMS messages. The message will send as usual and the recipient’s phone will receive it, but they won’t get notification and it won’t show up with their other messages (most phones store messages from blocked contacts in a separate folder).If you have an iPhone and you iMessage someone who has blocked you, typically the iMessage will fail and your phone will resend the message as an SMS message. A failed iMessage that resends as an SMS is a good sign you’ve been blocked.You could also call the contact in question. Typically a blocked contact’s call is sent to VM after one ring. So if you keep getting VM after one ring, that’s also a good sign that you’ve been blocked.

Can I see text messages from someone I blocked?

Any message sent, while you had them blocked is gone, and when you unblock them, you only get NEW messages that are sent after they have been unblocked.So if you want to ignore someone for say a week, put their contact info on silent, that way you don't hear they have sent text. And then you can greedily read everything they send. Otherwise you are playing that stupid Block UNBLOCK game that most people are playing, but wishing they could see the begging and pleading to text or call them. (at least that is what they are hoping is happening while they are blocking people). Me if I have gotten to the point of needing to block someone, I just delete them from my contacts, and their message never reach me after that point, because for me, if their number is not in my contacts, I don't get the texts or the calls. Out of sight, out of mind (aka dead to me).

If someone blocked me, will they still get my text message?

Usually, with SMS text messages, the block feature on most phones doesn't really “block” who ever's incoming text messages..“Ignore” would be a better fitting name for the feature.And it's also very phone dependent.When you block someone, on most phones, that will just send their calls straight to the voice mail.. Incoming text messages will still go through..New phones though, will actually block the incoming text messages.. Although, like I said, it's not really blocking. The text message is sent.. So it has done its rounds through the network. Then, when it reaches the phone, the phone will recognize that the incoming message is from someone that is blocked. So it will not set off the notification ring tone, and it might even delete it..It's a fake block..More of a filter than a block.Anyways. I hope that helps.

What message do you get if you call someone that has blocked you on their cell?

well most often than not it will just give you a message such as "the person you are tryin to reach is unavailable" or "the number you are trying to call is no longer in service" however depending on HOW the person blocked you (if they did at all) and depending on their phone service provider (not yours) the messages can vary... i had a phone where i could block someones number directly on my cell phone just by typing it in to a blocked number list on my phone, all it did was send the person straight to voice mail when they called and my phone would not ring when they called, however is still showed me when they called... its always hard to tell, but if you know for a fact you have the correct number AND it rings when you call from a different number other than yours, then i can guarantee you have been blocked

Can you tell if someone blocked you from iMessage & FaceTime?

We were talking just fine last time we talked, but now that I'm trying to get ahold of them, I can't. FaceTime audio won't even ring, it just says that they're not available. Tried sending iMessage, but it wouldn't send. Does this mean that they blocked my contact info? What are some signs?

How do you know if someone has blocked your phone for text messages?

If it’s some online texting platform, then you may not be able to send anymore messages to the particulate person. If it’s any offline or highly secure texting platform, then you may not know.

Can I see text messages from someone I blocked on my Android phone?

It depends on the app you used. Some Android phones have call blocker built-in, but it does not work on text messages (SMS). If you referred to your Android inbuilt call blocker feature, yes, you'll be able to receive/see text messages from the contact you blocked. It only works on calls and not text messages.If you used a third-party app, then you'll need to check the developer website for list of features embedded within the app. Some call blockers can block/restrict both incoming calls and text messages, while others works on calls only. Most of the apps, however, have a log that records the restricted events which the user can view at anytime.If you are referring to your Android built-in call blocker, yes, you will be able to see the text messages of number you blocked.UpdateSome Android phones inbuilt call blocker can block both calls and text messages of the persons number that is blocked. Furthermore, some custom ROMs (i.e Resurrection Remix) comes with the call/SMS blocker baked in. You will need to go through your phone manual to learn if your phone inbuilt call blocker also blocks SMS. That is the surest way to find out.

Can you text someone after you block their number?

No, if you block someone on iphone they will neither receive your texts nor calls. Also, if you have blocked them and you dont have any social media like facebook or whatsapp, they would never come to know of this and whenever they call you, they will get a busy tone. So, after blocking that person you are actually cutting off all the means to contact that person.

How do can you tell if someone has blocked you on pinger?

You can't tell. If a person has blocked you, or even can't receive any texts at ALL, the sender will be unaware. There is no "message could not be delivered" thing like e-mails do when they bounce.

My niece once had her texting turned off (money issue), and a friend texted her that a high school classmate had been killed in a car accident. She didn't get the message, and the friend was unaware that she hadn't. She didn't actually get the news until AFTER the funeral. Awful.

Don't rely on paging or texting if you really need to get ahold of someone.