Can You Tell What A Person

How can you tell if a person is spoiled?

Spoiled children want everything, won't take no for an answer, pout a lot, and are used to only having their way.
Youngest children are much the same as a generalization, b/c they are indulged. The older children usually give in to the younger child, just the same as a parent would. A lot of youngest children act like they have been spoiled. Parents are usually tired by the time the last child comes along and they indulge them, so they aren't as hard on them, as they were on the first child.
don't feel bad, I'm an oldest, and my younger sister ( who is the youngest child) told me one day that I was a guinea pig. I asked my mother about it, and she was embarrassed and said my sister should not have repeated everything she heard. So, you could have been the one they made all the mistakes with. In the middle, you would be one ignored. As the youngest, you might have been indulged more so than your siblings, especially if there are a number of years b/t you and your closest sibling.
So what if they can tell? Are they jealous??

Can you tell a genuine person from a fake person?

I am fairly good at detecting non genuine people.
The way they may or may not listen to you.
The way they may or not look at you when you are speaking to them,(or vice versa), or interrupts.
Smiling. There is a look that should be in a persons eyes,glow
Sparkle in the genuine person..
If situations or conversations all about them...Start backing up.
Your "feeling" is gut instinct...Usually correct, so don't blow it off.
Hang in there little Chic, not all are fake , some takes longer
to get to know.


How can you tell when a Black person blushes?

it will turn burgundy just kidding you don't see but they feel just like other people

How can you tell when a black person is blushing?

Why don't you ask one?