Can Your Gamer Tag Be Different From What Your Pan Is

How can you make the Kinect camera pan (follow) left and right? As if it is following you?

It only follows you if the kinect deems it necessary to follow you, which most of the time it won't

Need A Gamertag for Cute Girl?

Hi guys, I'm looking for a new Gamertag for my xbox live account. Apparently my current name ChloJob, which was supposed to be a joke, is a little explicit haha. I like funny names and bad *** names too. I'm open to lots of ideas, My name is Chloe, and I like words like vixen, goddess, sterling, bunny, wifey, Miss, stuff like that. Thanks for the help guys!! If you help me out I'd be happy to add you to my friends so include your tag

What nicknames have you been called in your life? Where did they originate?

Well, in the past 23 years of my life, I have had my share of nicknames:Just after I was born, my father named me Juhi after the Bollywood actress Juhi Chawla. She was his favorite actress back then. I do love this name.Juhi is still my official nickname and I am identified by this name among my extended family.When I was in 2nd grade, my friend Navmita used to call me Akudi and I used to call her Navudi. I don’t know if she remembers these now!My cousin calls me Juju (a shortened version of my nickname), because I call her Kunku (a shortened version of her nickname). Yeah, cousins can be crazy at times, to think that even nicknames need to be shortened further!I am called Akku by many of my friends in school, college and hostel because everyone thinks that my name Akankshya is too long to pronounce.My friends at hostel even got me a birthday cake that read ‘happy birthday Akku’ because they were unsure of getting my spelling right.I like being called Akku as it indeed is short and sweet.Back in high school, I was nicknamed AK-47 in the class magazine. There’s a long story behind this name, and it still runs as an inside joke between me and my best friend.My best friend Isha calls me sunlight, as she believes that I light up her life like the sun. This is by far one of the most touching things anyone has ever said to me.She also likes to call me yabo, as it is the Korean name used to refer to a loved one and we both are crazy Korea fans.I love both of these names too.That’s all folks!

What nicknames have you been called in your life? Where did they originate?

Well, in the past 23 years of my life, I have had my share of nicknames:Just after I was born, my father named me Juhi after the Bollywood actress Juhi Chawla. She was his favorite actress back then. I do love this name.Juhi is still my official nickname and I am identified by this name among my extended family.When I was in 2nd grade, my friend Navmita used to call me Akudi and I used to call her Navudi. I don’t know if she remembers these now!My cousin calls me Juju (a shortened version of my nickname), because I call her Kunku (a shortened version of her nickname). Yeah, cousins can be crazy at times, to think that even nicknames need to be shortened further!I am called Akku by many of my friends in school, college and hostel because everyone thinks that my name Akankshya is too long to pronounce.My friends at hostel even got me a birthday cake that read ‘happy birthday Akku’ because they were unsure of getting my spelling right.I like being called Akku as it indeed is short and sweet.Back in high school, I was nicknamed AK-47 in the class magazine. There’s a long story behind this name, and it still runs as an inside joke between me and my best friend.My best friend Isha calls me sunlight, as she believes that I light up her life like the sun. This is by far one of the most touching things anyone has ever said to me.She also likes to call me yabo, as it is the Korean name used to refer to a loved one and we both are crazy Korea fans.I love both of these names too.That’s all folks!

What are your best kahoot names?

Lot of Funny Names already Share but i have some very Unique And funny kahoot Names list :Ima KaShoot myself161 10( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)114 20loading..99 11Kim Jong Uno96 21༼ つ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ༽つ65 6Thanos car55 12Claustrophobic Teletubby53 12Kashoot the Teacher50 9KahshootMePapi49 5Kool Kids Klub45 18Kahooareyou44 4HortonHearsAJew41 7I don’t feel so good33 11Tyrone stole my phone32 3Ligma32 5Chris P chicken32 11anne frank (get a streak)28 6Daddy26 6Depression25 0kahtities25 6kashoot me24 124 13༼ʘ̚ل͜ʘ̚༽Looks Really Weird Funny Kahoot Names!Hope you will enjoy this !thanks!

What are some good nicknames for Peter?

It’s quite hard to shorten an already short name like Peter, but I’ve heard some people use ‘Pete’(English) or ‘Peti’(German/Hungarian). I can’t think of any other ones.

Someone threatened to "fry" my router. Can they actually do that and what can I do to prevent it?

My first reaction is “why bother?”My guess is that it’s more BS talk than anything. What they are probably referring to is a probably “DDoS attack” that might again be just talk. If you find yourself unable to connect to the internet, the thing to do then would be to reset your router and problem solved.They can’t literally “fry” your router unless they come to your house, remove it physically and take it to say a fast food restaurant and literally “fry” it.

Has anyone ever played in the office on your company's LAN network?

Not in recent years. But we had a guy (this is like 15 years ago) who stored copyrighted games files on a corporate file server in a directory he had setup for himself. My take on this would have been to give him a little grief and make him remove them, but another systems admin took an entirely different approach. He went to the management of the group and the guy was let go.The reason it was such a big issue is that we were contractors working for a private company and the servers belonged to the federal government.

How many combinations of three letters in a 26 letter alphabet are there?

According to, permutations occur when order matters, combinations are defined as when order doesnt matter. Since letters can be in any combination or permutation as long as they arent words as your question suggests, any letter can occur in any of the 3 slots thus the answer is simply number of letters in the alphabet to the power of 3, also commonly known as “cubed”. Thus, 26 x 26 x 26 or 26^3 which is 17576. The caret symbol, (not carrot) is the symbol used by computers to denote “to the power of” or “cubed”, while in documents (written or otherwise) we use superscript numbers which appears “above the line”. If your question was to have 3 non-repeating letters, you would use 3 iterations of 26 “factorial”, which is denited 26! This is 26 x 25 x 24. Normally 26!, mathamatically it means 26 x 25 x 24 x 23, on down to 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1. Written mathamatically: 26 x 25 x 24 x 23 … 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1. The … means elipses or “repeating by pattern” So, again for non-repeating (also known as unique), multiply the number of letters in the alphabet (26) by the numbers in the alphabet MINUS 1 (because we used one letter previously. To prove it to yourself: pick a letter, say q, that was picked initially. The English alphabet minus the letter q is 25 characters in length). 4 unjque or nin repeating characters in the english language is 4 iterations of 26! or 26 x 25 x 24 x 23. Now back to your original question: we arent taking any letters away from the possibilities, thus, 26 times how many letters you are talking about.