Can Your Product Hurt My Dog

Can parvo hurt a pregnant dog?

Good god! Why would you take in a dog off the street whose medical history is a crap shoot when your own dog is about to whelp a litter? You need to completely disinfect your whole house and yard and call the vet to find out how to keep the disease at bay. Phone calls are free, so go ahead.

Would Human hair dye hurt dogs?

If you have your mind set on changing your dog's fur color consider natural hair changing products such as rtrue Henna coloring.

Also, if you have the money consider getting an animal artist. They use all natural vegetable dye products and can do soem awesome things!

It's not my idea of humane treatment, or a good use of money; but i consider these options better than the alternatives.

Please don't use regular hair dye on poochie!

Why does my dog;s bark hurt my ears?

now a days using lot of MP3 and headphones make our ear sensitive
happens with me too
and we new generation have to worry about this
by the age of like 50s we will have serious hearing matters

Would you buy a product to keep a dog out of a room?

Yes, because I actually did buy something to keep my dog out, well in a sense.Nellie tends to form a habit of peeing on the floor of my bedroom, once she starts, it's starts happening everyday. She was adopted so I'm not so sure what she was taught before, but she doesn't acknowledge pee mats either. Hardwood is especially annoying to clean early in the morning, also the only time I CAN clean it up since school… anyway, I bought a baby gate to put in my washroom entryway. When the habit starts up she sleeps there, it allows her a clear view of me but also keeps her from wetting the floorboards (she doesn't pee on ceramic I guess)Luckily, I have a smart dog and after a few times she has been able to figure out why she’s stuck in the washroom, she's the type of dog who desperately needs to sleep close to someone, the distance from my bed to the washroom is enough to make her whine. It’s been a while since I've used the barrier and I would like to think that it's safe to say Nellie won't be peeing on my floorboards anytime soon.That being said, there's nothing wrong with spending money on some sort of barrier for your dog, as long as it's used for a positive notion. If you're just barring your dog in fear that they'll make the house messy than that goes back to why even get a dog. They make mistakes too, it's all a matter of training.Also, sometimes it's more helpful to get a barrier, the other day I left my dog to my mom for a few days. When I came back she was complaining about how noisy Nellie was at night, whining and moving around all the time. Turns out, my mother had put her in the washroom and shut the door (she assumed that that was what I did) Nellie freaked out, (may I just say she was found in an abandoned apartment before her apdoption) hence, the noise.So sometimes it's better than other solutions.Thanks for the request! Finally a question that I can personally answer! :)

HELP I used Hartz on my dog...?

I have used Hartz on my cats in the past and they both reacted badly to it. I washed them off with mild soap and water they where fine after that. I use advantage now and one shows no signs it bothers her and my cat with allergies hates me the day it is applied but is fine after that.

Will bleach hurt a dogs eyes?


Would you wipe bleach around your eyes?


Bleach is dangerous to put around any living beings eyes.

And the structure of a dogs eyes are very similar to that of a human. So every one here who is telling you not to do it and asking if you would put it in your own eyes is absolutely correct. Don't believe up your vet (speak to the vet....not your sisters half wit friend) and ask them.

Go to your local pet store and purchase a product that is specifically made for eye stains. And make sure to read the directions and follow them when you use the product.

Can dogs eat cat food?

tl;dr: Yes, but it's not healthy in the long run.In fact, dogs seem to really like eating cat food. They like it so much that people have monetized the concept of "protecting cat food from dogs" in products like this:However, cat food and dog food is not the same, and can lead to long-term problems. Health issues are much more severe for cats eating dog food than the other way around, but dogs can get sick too.Unlike omnivorous dogs, who eat both meat and plants, and thus need more fiber, cats are obligate carnivores -- they need to eat meat as their main food source, so their food is higher in protein and meat. They have other unique nutritional needs: they cannot synthesize enough niacin, arginine, vitamin A, arachidonic acid, or taurine, and they need five times as much thiamine as dogs do. Bad things can happen if cats are fed dog food. Cats with taurine deficiency become blind, deaf and develop heart failure. Please keep your cat happy and healthy by feeding it a nutritionally-balanced diet!As for dogs that eat cat food? They're pretty safe, since they won't develop vitamin deficiencies, but the higher protein content can cause stomach problems. They might love the taste of that extra meat, but just because I love cake doesn't mean I should eat it every day!...with some dogs, even as a rare delicacy, cat food can cause problems because dogs aren’t designed to have such a protein-dense diet. Some dogs will get an upset stomach — vomiting, diarrhea — from eating cat food, while some other dogs with a tougher stomach can handle cat food. If your dog breaks into the bag of cat food, is it going to kill the dog? Absolutely not. But if your dog does vomit or have diarrhea, make sure the dog can’t get into the cat food again, because it’s obviously one of those dogs whose GI system reacts badly to cat food. In the long-term, it's not properly balanced for them in terms of fiber, protein, and certain nutrients. Plus, it can be hard on their liver and their kidneys to have so much protein.-- Sharon Crowell-Davis, DVM, DACVBThe Differences Between Cat Food and Dog FoodCan Dogs Eat Cat Food?Cats Are Different: How a Cat's Nutritional Needs are Different from a Dog'sTaurine Deficiency in Cats

Will hydrogen-peroxide hurt a dogs ears as a cleaning agent?

Yes it will, and because it doesn't evaporate quickly, it leaves the ears too moist, which is the perfect breeding ground for yeast and other infections. My Vet told me to use a mixture of 50% alcohol, 50% white vinegar. Put some on a cotton ball or pad, to clean the ears. After the cleaning (don't use too much) take a dry pad to gently dry the ear. The alcohol kills germs and evaporates quickly, the vinegar helps balance the natural PH.

P.S. If there is a funny smell, discharge, or your dog seems uncomfortable about it's ears, please have a Vet check for infections. Some could take more than just one treatment.

Will it hurt my dog if i put calamine lotion on her to stop the itch?

most likely no
i have never used calamine lotion but i have gave her an oatmeal bath and she thanked me for it.
spray your doggie with bug repellant 4 or 5 times a day so the bugs won't bite her so much