Cancer Guy Friend Thinks Im A Liar And Doesnt Trust Anyone

Best friends: a Leo and a Cancer?

You're not her best friend. You're more concerned about her liking you, her opening up to you, her caring about you, than you are about her. Perhaps she doesn't feel comfortable enough with you to share herself with you. Perhaps you are a person who talks about other people or who seems to open so she is concerned that you may let slip something very personal and private she tells you. A Cancer is loyal, so you can trust that she will take what you tell her to the grave, but maybe she can't say same about you. There is always a reason why Caner withdraws or chooses not to share themselves. As far as her "caring about you" goes, again, it's not all about you. She told you she doesn't want to share some things, you pushed her again about it, and so she is blocking you out. When its no with a Cancer, its no. You pushed, and she let you know that you're not going to get your way on that one.

Cancer and Leo can be friends as long as there is mutual respect for boundaries and equal give and take. Stop keeping score and enjoy the fact that you've got a good friend who listens to what you have to say. When and if she feels comfortable, she will open up as well. Stop fishing for it and she may surprise you. I am sure there are many many interests you have in common that you can discuss....her personal life doesn't need to be on the table for your viewing pleasure all the time. Cancers don't have a habit of lying, but we will self protect when we don't trust someone.

My friends think I am weird because I don't masturbate, but I don't because it really has bad negative effects. Why do my friends think so of me?

There are two things I wanna say about this question. First of all the thought it has Bad negative effects which I also used to think is a complete lie. Secondly your friends are stupids. There’s nothing weird if someone don’t masturbate. There are always some exceptions. Guys mostly Masturbate so seeing one who don’t do it is kinda rare but it doesn’t make him weird. It’s Completely okay if you don’t. Also I assume you’re younger but still in your Teenager to Adulthood life in any part you will masturbate there’s a high chance. So The answer of your question is your friends are stupid that’s why they think so of you that you’re weird because you don’t do it. I don’t smoke but 90% of my classmates smoke but it doesn’t make me weird anyway. Also Just to let you know Masturbation is normal and it’s not bad unless it’s excessive.

Do Cancer Men Fall In Love With Their Best Friends ???

Wow! I could have sworn I was reading about my ex-boyfriend. He was a Cancer and a huge player. He has 2 kids with one cutty buddy and just had another one with another casual sex partner. However, I didn't find out about these women and children from him because he was a compulsive liar and still denies it to this day. His mom finally told me one day about the kids and how he was lying to and cheating on me. I actually was pregnant by him last year when I found out that he had another girl pregnant at the same time which in turn caused me to have a miscarriage. As mean as it may sound, I'm glad I didn't have a kid with him. He wants all these kids but doesn't want to commit to any of these women.

Don't get involved with this guy hon! They come off as charming and they can lie so convincingly that they can make you believe that the moon is actually a big balloon but don't fall for the sweettalk. I thought this guy was the one at first but after a year and a half he was still at the "I don't know" stage. They're a complete waste of time because they'll never commit or be honest but will expect you to be completely devoted to them. I'm Aquarius and I always read that it's my sign that's bad for his but I think that applies to Cancer women and Aquarius men. Cancer men are just as bad. I was the one waiting for a committment and that's coming from a freedom loving Aquarian.

I broke my girlfriend's trust. She doesn’t trust people easily. We love each other too much to break up. Is there any way to get her trust back?

When someone doesn’t trust you, they fear that you offer them something while you actually follow your own interest, which will lead to them being hurt eventually.In the case of a sentimental relationship, they fear that their feelings might be misplaced, while instead of loving them, everything you do and say is about you only, which, once again, will eventually lead to them being deceived.In order to address that, you need to balance the situation so as to make it clear that there’s nothing in for you at all and the support you offer is unconditional without a doubt.Try to make her understand that. Imagine that you’re the one who’s having trust issues, while the one that you don’t quite trust opens up and confesses you:I know that I hurt you and thus altered the trust you have for me. I accept that, but I still need to apologize and make amends.It’s a bit difficult for me to identify how I could make amends in an abstract situation like that, but I’m not giving up, so here’s what I have in mind:I will be your friend with no expectation whatsoever. I don’t ask anything of you, but I want to give you everything.I will respect you and everything about you, even when it pains me. So, I’m not forcing a trust answer out of you. Instead, I know that you need time to process everything that happened. Forgiveness takes time, and I will wait.I will love you silently and with politeness and I’ll be as careful as I can about your feelings and everything about you. I won’t take you for granted anymore.But I’d like to emphasize, though, that I’m lifting the burden of distrust from you by wiping out all the aspects in which you could be vulnerable that way in front of me. That is why I’m offering you everything I’ve got, while I don’t expect anything in return.I don’t know if you’ll ever accept me as a lover again, but I know that I will always be your friend.Of course, you need to really feel like that. Just saying the words won’t work.

Do Cancer guys hide their feelings?

honestly,i'd have difficulties expression myself especially when i'm trying to say how much i admire or respect you as a girl.
like emotionally, and most of the times we tend to show or give signs of our feelings because we can't say till you act like you understand where we are going and if you will be interested.
i don't have problem in expressing my bad feeling but i try to be more positive so that your reaction will be a little positive even if i know that it was going to effect wrongly.
honestly, i have a girl friend who i will love to be more than a friend with bt i'm still trying to send more signals to detect what will be her reply when i finally ask her confidently..
i wish, a girl l love could come up to me to say "i know you love me"don't you?
but i still won't be in a hurry to say yes.
Cancer are funny people when i take an outer look at us
we just don't want to hurt people and be hurt

Who are the biggest liar amongst Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo?

The biggest liar is a complicated issue. Is it Gemini's passion for lying about their intentions? Cancer's passion for lying about their age? Leo's passion for lying about their STDs? Or Virgo's passion for lying about whether they returned their library books. We all know Virgos steal books from the library like clockwork. Before the invention of the internet, all books with nudity were constantly stolen from the library by Virgos. But Cancer also can't get over how they are so old and their wrinkles have wrinkles because of the age. It's gross. But not as gross as Leos, who are just gross to begin with, before the syphilis rots their brains and they are sent to asylums. Leos are probably the worst, but because they are diseased they can claim the diseases made them do it. It's totally unfair. So my vote is for Leos, and also for condoms condoms condoms. And more condoms.

Thank you.

Do all cancers sweet and honest to you?

i met a mean cancer once but shes the only one...i know other good ones.. my daughter is an Aries and yes she fits this description and my husband has her birthday too

What is the intuition of a Cancer like?

I have a cancer moon and rising. It's really crazy because I absorb everyones emotion and I can tell what you're really feeling even though you're giving me the poker face...and I mean I FEEL it like I'm experiencing it.

I usually know when people are getting ready to call me - and sometimes I think I can "will" some one to call. its very interesting. One time I was on the train and a mentally disturbed woman was kind of harassing passengers and basically talking gibberish. I KNEW she was going sit right in front of me (because i just have that type of luck! they're drawn to me lol) and she got out one gibber sentence and I looked at her with loving eyes and told her (not out loud) that its ok and to relax. That woman looked at me as if she understood and just gazed at me my entire time on the subway.. when I got up to leave she started her gibberish with the next passenger lol!

I often have emotion base premonitions (through dreams). If I dream about someone and I FEEL what they're going through - its getting ready to happen - soon. And usually, when someone tells me a dilemma I can cut to the chase emotionally tell them went wrong and what will happen if they continue. I can always tell when people are lying and someones true intentions - which is sooo very very draining because sometimes your bubble is busted when you realize people are only doing things to help themselves and not you.

Leo... or Cancer... do u secretly have Trust issues..?

It is obvious he has trust issues. I don't think this is problem about his sun sign. Generally if men act like that, its not good at all. He doesn't trust you, hes gonna control your life soon. I'm sorry but you have to leave him, or talk to him that you're not going to tolerate that. He does have some issues but you wont be happy with him forever if he treats you like that.

It depends on his moon sign too. Or venus. He might some Cancer traits and he might need you to reassure you love him and wont be unfaithful in this relationship.

Jared: Thats not how it works, before you try to even outsmart us, learn a thing or two about it dummy. ^^

Bigboss: Some us don't give a damn if it goes against religion. We all aren't religious. I'll make you choke on that cigar.