Candy Crush Stress Balls/relievers

Is playing games such as Candy Crush good for you in any way?

Yes.It’s a yes because I think that mobile games, especially Candy Crush, are very good for passing time when you have no other options available, for example, when you’re traveling with public transport. I also really like playing video games in general, and I also have fun playing them, so as long as I don’t really have something to do, time is not really wasted.Also, Candy Crush actually trains your perseverance as you try to complete the levels without boosters. Get ready to be frustrated as you fail the level for the n-th time. Yet, you are too curious to know how is the next level looks like and keep playing it without boosters. For example, IIRC I failed at level 421 so many times, mostly due to the Cake Bombs and also the tornadoes, before finally passed it without boosters. The perseverance thing also applies to other games, like when I’m playing AM2R (Another Metroid 2 Remake) on Hard.Finally, games like Candy Crush also helps you to plan ahead, and make decisions. Do you want to destroy jellies quickly at that time, or stop destroying jellies to make your Colour Bomb + Striped Candies combination, so that the combination destroys lots of jellies directly? It depends on the level and current situation.

A girl I like is stressed what do I say to her?

Relax Darling . You with me . I'll look after you , take care of you . If you've got any problems you let me know ok . If I can help you I will everything within my power to do so . Now your clear I that ya . You tell me when I'm with you or sms me or call anytime ok . Relax her . Reassure her . Comfort her and put her at Ease & Comfortable . Give her Confidence in your Gentlemanly Skills such that she may see  Your Maturity in handle stressful situations calmly, logically, responsibly & considerately . Impress her with your actions not your talk or the money in you pocket. Talks Cheap . Money Comes & Money Goes . Actions & Delverables of ones Word shows the Man in the Making . Good luck & thanks 4 the A2A

What's the best way to get rid of a canker sore? I have a canker sore all the way in the back of my mouth/throat, and I usually rinse my mouth with salt and water, but I can't seem to do it now because I might drink the salt water.

Canker sore can also be called as small ulcers that have a red lining with white cavity.Causes of canker sores are:-They are caused by a number of reasons some of them includes hormonal changes, food sensitivity, poor immunity, allergies, constipation and even stress. Chomping your lip may also be the reason that these painful ulcers are triggered in your mouth.Rinse by Hydrogen: Hydrogen peroxide cleanses and puts the healing process in action. It also cleanses the sore and by rinsing through peroxide the sore will not give the burning sensation as in case with the salt water. It gives a soothing effect and used in most of the gels recommended for canker sores. The solution can be easily made by mixing half cup water and hydrogen peroxide.Gargle: Dentists always recommend that if gargling is done salt water than it can provide great relief in conditions like canker sores. As Salt hydrates and clean the sore so as to start the healing process and is also known to be a pain reliever. It provides relief to a great extent.Avoid: Foods that are of acidic nature like fruit juice of citrus fruits should be avoided as they irritate the sore and slows the healing process. Along with this the foods that are highly rich in sugar should also be avoided during this time as sugar converts into acid and delays the healing process.Toothpaste: If suffering from cancer sores than SLS free toothpaste should be used. The normal oral mouth wash and toothpaste contains sodium sulfate which triggers the cancer sores and could result in worsening the condition of sores.Magnesia: Magnesium hydroxide is used for digestion, as laxative and also for heartburn.It is also known as milk of Magnesia and it protects the sore from any further infection and irritation by forming a layer over the sore. By applying this canker sores will heal within a few days.Baking Soda: t acts both as a pain reliever and cleanser for canker sores. Mix a tablespoon of baking soda with warm water and just swish your mouth with this mixture.

I am so frustrated with this hyperthyroid cat, please help?

First, I think its great that you took the cat in, knowing a cat that age and with her condition would probably never get adopted.

I have a hyperthyroid cat on tapazole, her levels are now normal thanks to it. She also vomits a lot (including the foamy clear fluid). What seems to have worked for me - since I dont want to traumatize her by wrestling with her and forcing a pill down her throat twice a day, is to use food with lots of gravy. I mash the pill into a powder in the bowl, then pour some of the canned food's gravy over it to hide it. She'll normally have had the entire pill after I pour it into the bowl once or twice. She's also big on eating off of a spoon if I hold it up for her (one of those weird quirks I guess.)

My cat also has the "I'll eat it one day, but not the next" bug. If she liked it at SOME point, she probably likes it. Try taking a spoon and mixing it up a bit, that seems to peak my cat's interest again. If she does like dry food, maybe you can try pill pockets as well?

As far as pooping on the floor - had the same issue. Is the box in a convenient place? She's a bit older, with a sensitive stomach, same as my cat, and I realized that she simply didnt want to walk up the four stairs to where I had her box. Try to keep it near somewhere she likes to hang out, or near her food.

Hopefully, once her thyroid levels are normalized, SOME of her symptoms will go away more or less. Hopefully things work out. You say she's a sweet cat and she certainly doesn't mean to be a hassle. Good luck.

GIRLS: is this a good thing to text a girl i like. PLEASE HELP. Ill answer yours. 10pts?

Im 16 and have a crush on this girl. She gave me her number a few weeks ago and ive been txting her maybe 2-3 times a week. I normally text her at night cuz we are both pretty busy during the day. I will text her or a few hours until we pretty much fall asleep. Now this girl seems to like me. She has given me tons of signs. But she is a very flirty girl who acts differently around me. She seems to be a little more nerous and acts a bit shy. Since we arent really that close i dont know how comfortable she is with me. I normally just text her "goodnight! :)" at the end of the night. I want to make her say awww before she goes to sleep and i want to make her smile and be happy when she reads my texts. Since she is a bit shy and uncomfortable with me what could i text her that wouldnt be wierd or scare her or make her think any less of me. I dont wanna say anything stupid or pathetic. We havent really hungout before and she never txts me first. Sp what would be a good thing to txt her? Sweet dreams? Ive said goodnight every time so thats kinda getting old. Give me as many options as you can. Thanks

Secret Santa task ideas?

something silly would be a dare to ask your crush out
Something embaresing would be to ask a teacher what their doing for the holidays
Something fun would be all going to the mall and asking the Santa there if he's real! :-)