Cat Terrified Of Everything

Why is my cat terrified of everyone but me?

That's just the way some cats are. It's not unusual for them to be this way. I've 5 cats. All but one is like that. They don't like strangers or strange things in their house. Cat's alot of will respond negatively to any change in their environment. Mine get upset when I move things around in my apt. Cat's aren't like dogs where they just come up to you wanting you to pet them. It takes ALOT OF PATIENCE WITH CATS. YOU HAVE TO WIN THEM OVER. BUT ON THE OTHER HAND SOME ARE JUST NATURALY friendly. CATS do things their own way, own time. You can't dictate to a cat. The more you try to make them do something the more they will rebel. They are a very fiercely independent animal. They take orders from no one. They are of their own creature. All 5 of mine are rescue cats. 2 full blood Black Bombays. Male, female. A Dilute Tortie, Tortoise Shell,and a female Tabby. They are very affectionate cats. Iove on me kiss on me, pike in the bed at night with me. Bombays have a nickname, called velcrow cats. They usauly single out one person and follow them all the house. Mine are always in my lap. Especially my female. She's the worlds worst at. If I don't hold her she'll slide right off my lap. That's how relaxed she is. Not to there's no trust issue me and them. Cat's do things at their own pace not yours. Just be patient and take your time including your friends. Let them come to them on their terms. It will work out.

Why is your cat terrified?

Poppi when we first got her in 2012 was absolutely terrified of bad weather, the bathroom, women screaming and bass male voices. A bit of background she was adopted from RSPCA and she had come from a abuse case. We brought her home and were watching a program and there was a scene with a woman screaming. Poppi was sitting with me and she looked at me with sheer terror in her eyes, just shaking. My husband very quickly switched to a Antiques roadshow episode and we spoke very softly to her and calmed her down. She wanted to be held and cuddled.She would wail when went into the bathroom but if we let her in she shook in terror by the door especially when we flushed the toilet. Bad weather would send her to velcro against me. After about 3 weeks she realised we were very calm people and she started to relax around us. It helped that Thalia was so easy going around us.How we found out about the bass voice fear. we had to have some tradies out to work on the roof and one of them had a very deep voice. (Note we had other tradies out before and she just kept an eye on them.) Once he spoke she vanished! I found her curled in a little ball (3.5 kg cat) just shaking with terror behind the computer room door! I couldn’t get her to come out until after they left and then I couldn’t even move without her trying to climb inside me.Poppi still doesn’t like bad weather but she just burrows into her comfy spot. She isn’t terrified of the bathroom anymore (thinks we’re nuts to take showers). She knows the difference between a program on TV and real life. But a real bass voice will still send her into terrified hiding. Because we were never told any details we thought the abuse was just neglect/abandonment as she does have food anxiety issues ( upset if she can see the bottom of the food bowl). From the way she acts she was witness to, or even the victim of physical abuse by a bass voiced man.

I got two ferrets and my cat is terrified and my bunny is very aggressive towards me, any help???

Your cat and your bunny are just reacting to the new smells in their environment. Cats and rabbits use their sense of smell in the wild to protect them from predators. That includes any "unusual" animal smell they run across. The rule in the wild is "if it's new, screw". (LOL!!)

Your best bet would be to keep the ferrets in an area of the house away from kitty and bunny for about two weeks. Whenever I introduce a new animal in my house, the newbie gets to live in my bedroom, which is generally off-limits to everyne else during that time. Let your animals do what they normally do while your home, then put them someplace (the bathroom?) for about an hour or so, and let the ferrets out to play. Once play time's over, ferrets go back in the bedroom, and kitty/bunny can come out of the bathroom. Give kitty a chance to smell everything over real well. She's curious, and sounds like a shy little soul, so she'll need some time to get used to the new smell. After they've had a better chance to get used to the new smells, slowly introduce the ferret to the kitty. We have 4 cats and a ferret, and they really do get along really well, all of them. Just do some supervised visits to begin (just to be safe), and focus on your cat more than the ferrets, so she doesn't end up feeling jealous.

Word of warning, it's probably going to take bunny alot longer to get used to the ferrets, if ever. S/he might need to be put somewhere where she's out of sight and smell of the ferrets. She's probably attacking you because your hands or clothes still have ferret smell, and it's freaking him/her out. Just be patient, and remember to wash your hands before you go near her.

As far as tips go, get some good quality ferret food from a PET STORE (not Wal-Mart, etc). They need a high protein food, so flip the bag over and check the perecentages. They don't necessarily need a big cage, just be sure to let them out to play for a while, so they can romp and scamper. It's good exericise. They'd probably love a larger hammock, so they can snuggle together while they sleep. Give them lots of love and attention - NEVER spank a ferret - they have hollow bones that break easier than you'd think. They have very little fear, so don't put them in high places. Kooky things will always jump!! Best of luck with your new Ferts, it'll all work out in time.

My cat is TERRIFIED of slinkies?

Bad experience with one? Maybe it got pwned by one when it was trying to play with it xD.

Why is my cat acting afraid of everything after getting neutered?

It could depend on many factors, from transport to pain, to even the type of medication used as a sedative/anesthetic.For example, ketamine is commonly used for cat surgeries. It is popular in humans as a drug of abuse due to its hallucinogenic and dissasociative properties, effects that could be terrifying to cats.Coming out of anesthetic disoriented, cold, amongst the crying and fear pheremones of other animals must be horrible, add in being trapped in a tiny, brightly lit cage with no escape.Add in that the poor thing is in pain, and many owners aren’t willing (and some vets don’t offer)to pay for the “pain shot”, or meds to take home, and you have a very scared, traumatized, and painful kitty.My old man has required a few vet visits for colonics and enemas, as well as frequent dentals (those are over with as he recovered very poorly from his last anesthetic). Though he is a clinic favorite, always gets pain meds and sedatives, and is treated very well, he still spends some time under the bed when he first gets home.Though neutering is considered a non-invasive,minor surgery, there is s till going to be pain and swelling. Get some pain meds from the vet, and provide him with a safe, dark, warm hiding place like a covered bed, and light, tasty, easily digested food to eat. Put his litter pan, food and water in easy reach of his bed, though in opposite directions.To prevent litter sticking to his incision, use shredded newsprint (black and white only) for a few days until oozing has stopped.I’ve been through a life-threatening surgical situation where I was man-handled, only vaguely knowing what was going on, and it was so terrifying that I still have nightmares about it.

My cat is TERRIFIED of our christmas tree! What do I do?!?!?

Move her litterbox somewhere else so she doesn't have to see the tree. It's something different in her world and she's not sure about it. Given time and patience the problem may go away. I'd just leave her alone to work it out. Some cats are more "fraidy" than others.

(I had a cat that was afraid of a doily, so go figure.)

Why are cats terrified of balloons?

I think they do not understand why things don't fall. They have a really strong sense of gravity (given their ability to fall on their feet) so things like baloons and moving ceiling fans freak them out.

Why is my new kitten afraid of everything, even me?

First off, it takes more than a few days for a new cat or kitten to start to feel at home in a new environment. It is best to put kitty, his litter and bowls in a small room in your house. A bathroom or a spare bedroom work really great. You don't want kitty to be overstimulated because that makes kitty afraid. Cats are not like dogs and he will need time to make up his mind about you.

I suggest you keep him in your room and keep your door closed. Only allow him to have interactions with you for a few days. This will help him get used to you and begin building trust that you are not going to hurt him. Try to understand what you have just done is plucked him out of the only environment and family he has ever known and dropped him right into the middle of a new one. That would be stressful for anyone.

Vets are used to animals' shenanigans. Many cats bite and hiss. This is normal defensive behavior and there is no way to reason with a cat that the scary person in the white coat who has the needles which sting is a nice and helpful person. Some cats, even the sweetest, can require special handling at the vets office. For this reason you should get a small pet carrier which you will put kitty in until she is in the exam room at your vet's office. This will keep kitty safe and it will be familiar to her if you keep it out when not in use for her to explore on his own terms.

As your cat becomes more comfortable with you, you can allow more people in your house to visit the room you are keeping him in. In this way he feels safer because he is familiar with his environment and the stranger is the only scary thing he is facing. After he becomes well aquainted with each and every member of the family( including the dog ) you should leave your door open to your room. Let kitty explore or not on his own terms. Try to ignore him when he ventures out so that he can take it at his own speed.

Before you know it he will be the king of the house and odds are that he will come to like your dog or at least tolerate it.

I hope this helps you.

My cat is suddenly scared of random things?

One of her senses may have dulled, which means she can't really see or hear or smell as much as she used to, which would scare anyone. The reason she clings to you is you're her mother in her eyes. whenever she's scared try to calm her by petting and talking to her.