Cats Legs Going Bald Any Idea

Bald spot on female cat's back leg at elbow joint?

i think your cat has fungal infection. it tends to to look exactly as you described and it doesnt bother your cat much. it doesnt hurt her but she feels theres something odd about her skin. thats why she licks more but doesnt chew or bite. and its because shes long haired that she probably got it.its very very common and happens almost to every cat. a part of the infection might got transferred to her eyes. but its mild thats why it doesnt harm her. i think you can treat her with any anti-fungal cream that you have (if you do--- ask your family members) or take her to a vet. rub the cream on the skin spot. as for her eyes (if its even related), the infection will be relieved as soon a her legs are healed. dont go near her eyes. the amount you should use isnt much. just enough the the cream in visible on her skin but not too little that its absorbed instantly. twice a day for about 4-6 days will heal her perfectly and the spot will be covered back in hair by 2 weeks. dont worry this is still mild that it has no major health effects :) but be careful not to transfer it to yourself. wash your hands after petting her and dont rub your eyes :)

Why is my cat losing the fur on his legs?

There are several reasons that may cause your cat to suffer from hair loss on its legs. The ASPCA recommends bringing your cat to the veterinarian, as hair loss can be caused by fleas, food allergies, a bacterial infection or even an autoimmune disease. Hair loss, or alopecia, in cats can range from treatable to serious. Have your cat diagnosed and treated for the condition causing its hair loss.

It could be because he had flea bites on its legs and he tends to scratch it or bite it a lot. Flea saliva may cause an allergic reaction in cats. Cats who also venture outdoors are susceptible to fleas, an external parasite that pierces the cat's skin and feeds on the animal's blood. Because fleas have many different lifecycle stages, more than one flea treatment is usually needed. When fleas bite the cat's skin, the saliva may cause irritation, leading to itchy, red skin, hair loss and crusty scaling. Left untreated, fleas also cause anemia in infested cats and kittens, sometimes leading to death.

Often, hair loss in cats is caused by an allergic reaction to a particular food in the cat's diet. The only way to treat this is by conducting food elimination trials, observing the cat's positive or negative reaction to foods that have been removed from the diet. Food allergies have similar symptoms to inhalant dermatitis, including excessive licking of the feet and inflamed ears. Food allergy symptoms also include hair loss and hot spots, which are sore, red blotches on the cat's skin.

Folliculitis is a disease that causes a bacterial infection in the hair follicles. Although hair loss typically appears on the cat's face and neck, it can also be seen on the body. Hair loss is caused by pustules that form in the follicles. When the pustules open, the liquid inside is released, forming a crust on the cat's skin. This leads to hair loss. Folliculitis is typically due to an underlying condition or some type of allergy.

Although rare, alopecia areata is also a cause of hair loss in cats. Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease that usually results in noninflammatory hair loss. That is, there are no signs of redness, itching or scabbing on the cat's skin. According to a 2003 Word Small Animal Veterinary Association article, this disease is caused by lymphocytes that attack the bulbus region. Cats usually recover from alopecia areata on their own, as immunosuppressive drugs are typically not effective.


Our cat has a similar problem. Whenever we go out of town she 'stress licks' like crazy, and it causes fur loss. She does the same thing at the holidays if we have a lot of company staying with us. Something is stressing your cat out, she can probably sense that you are also stressed out, and its making it worse.

Go pick her up, and give her a hug. What has change lately? Have you changed your work hours, do you have a new beau or new friends? Do you go out more often? Are you increasingly upset or stressed yourself, because your cat could be picking up on this. Do you have a new pet?

Also, check her skin, does it seem dry? I use a 'emollient' spray on my cat, but she doesn't like it. I also bought a conditioner for her, but she doesn't mind baths, so I give her a bath sometimes and condition her coat (long haired).

Lastly, there are some treats that will help improve her nutrition. Fish flakes and dried chicken flakes are good, healthy treats for your cat. I got mine at the regular petsmart, but independent pet stores have alot more varities. Also, try some wet food, whenever one of our cats seems to have stress issues, we break out a can of wet food, and it helps.

Cat Biting It's Legs Constantly?

I have a 3 year old, neutered male cat, we have had him since 12 weeks old.

He has always lived with our other, male neutered cat.

Earlier this year, we noticed his back legs were bald and took him to the vet. The vet took a skin scrape and this came back as negative and he was diagnosed with stress anxiety and put on Zylkene tablets for 4 weeks.

At the end of the course, we went back to the vet and he agreed they'd had little effect on him and took him off the tablets with advice just to monitor him.

After another month, we noticed the cat was actually pulling his fur out of his legs, we hadn't noticed this before.

We've now had a period of 2-3 months where he's had a cone collar prescribed by the vet and has been wearing it but now the fur has grown back again, he's biting his legs again and pulling the fur out.

Also noticed he's drawing blood now and his normally pink skin is tinged with brown flecks, like dry skin.

Vet has ruled out flea allergy, skin conditions etc and can't seem to offer any resolution.

Cat seems fine in himself, eating, drinking, playing as normal. He's never gone out, even though we have a cat flap but the other cat goes out as he pleases, he has been out but gets scared and panicky and rushes back into the house.

I am wondering where we go from here, whether the vet is missing something, whether there is some stress he is experiencing in the house and we are obviously keen to break the cycle of his biting as well.

He is treated with Frontline Combo for fleas and a vet prescribed wormer. We have tried other flea treatments but this hasn't seemed to have had any positive or adverse effects on him.

UK Question, though any international answers welcome!

At what age will my cats start being more cuddly and loving?

Some cats don't sit on laps. Most Maine Coons don't.Some cats don't sleep with people.Doesn't mean they can't be affectionate. I have three very affectionate cats, of whom two won't sit in laps and none of them snuggle in bed (thought two will sleep on the pillow next to me).As for petting, go check out some youtube videos on how to pets cats properly, to see if you are doing the right things (and not doing wrong things) with Mya. Jackson Galaxy has some good info, do a youtube search on him. It may be however you are handling Mya, she just doesn't like that kind of touch.Cats differ greatly, but in my experience some become a bit distant in their "teenage" phase (1 year-1 1/2), and then become friendlier. Cats in general seem to become more mellow at about 5–6 years, and some have major personality changes at that time, becoming much more people-oriented.If these are new cats, train her to come to you by offering treats, and just pet her a tiny bit each time, never enough to make her want to go away, Teach her that being in contact with you is a good thing, Also remember it can take weeks or even months for a cat to settle into a new home and get used to new people. Have patience and the closeness will grow.

Why does my cat have a bald spot near her butt?

Sounds like she has worms.
If you don't want to take her to the vet, give her a worming pill and see if it goes away.

My poor kitty had ringworm, she had it for about a month and we gave her pills so it wasn't contagious. Her fur grew back right after it was gone.

Cat pulling out own fur and eating it?

Our cat is pulling out her fur and swallowing it. She is a long hair kitty and now has bald spots on her stomach, bum, legs and the has scratched a bald spot onto the top of her head.She has been treated for fleas and they have been resolved and she is healthy and eating and going to the bathroom regularly and is happy in general. Anyone have this experience with thier cat? Any natural remedies until we can afford to take her to the vet?

My cat has scabs, weight loss, and bald patches?

Many different issues can cause cats to develop scabs on their bodies. Allergic reactions, skin infections with bacteria or fungus, skin parasites and immune system diseases may all cause problems such as the ones you describe. Of the possible causes, allergic reactions are most common. And flea allergy is the most likely culprit. Cats that are allergic to fleas often develop a syndrome called miliary dermatitis. These cats develop small scabs all over their bodies. There may be an especially heavy distribution of scabs near the tail and around the neck.
Both my cats had fleas and only one got dermatitis from the fleas. The vet prescribed steroids witch helped her a lot .