Cellular Respiration Low Ph On Germinating Seedlings

Summary for celllular respiration & photosynthesis.?

Cellular respiration:

oxygen + glucose = carbon dioxide + water + energy

Okay, we breathe in oxygen and eat food. The food is broken down to glucose and used for energy. Carbon dioxide and water are co products.


carbon dioxide + water + sunlight = glucose(starch) + oxygen + energy

plants take in CO2 and water and sunlight. And make starch which in turn makes energy. Oxygen is released

How does acid rain effect the germination of seeds?


The embryo
What the acid affects is the very tiny and very specialized part, the embryo, where cells are already formed and where most of the initial meristem cells are. These meristem cells are the ones that do all the dividing. If cell division does not happen, the plant does not grow and eventually it will die. The acidity affects those cells.

Cells are kept separate from each other by membranes, these membranes keep areas isolated from each other so that reactions in one area don't interfere with reactions in another. Water and some other things such as hydrogen pass freely though the membranes, but most things are only let in through expenditures of energy (ATP, NADP, etc.) or as a result of a pH gradient.

The hydrogens in an acid (like sulfuric) disrupt the pH gradient. The cell must work overtime to deal with the additional hydrogens and processes such as photosynthesis and respiration are disrupted, which at first slows growth and may eventually result cell death.

Why are refrigeration and pickling successful methods of food preservation?

Rotten food is caused by groups of microbes inhabiting, and growing within the food. Most microbial bacteria grow optimally at warmer temperatures (thermophiles), or around room temperature (mesophiles). By refrigeration, the temperature of the food is typically brought down to just above freezing, which inhibits the vast majority of microbial growth from occuring. Only a few types of microbes can grow at lower temperatures (psychrophiles), but these are more infrequent.

Pickling preserves food because it stores it a low (acidic) pH. Unless the microbe is an acidophile, the microbe will not be able to grow in the acidic conditions.

Food can also be vacuum sealed, irradiated, and salted, which all control microbial growth in order to prevent spoiling.

What are factors that affect cellular respiration?

Cellular Respiration is the process of conversion of chemical energy stored in the food to ATP or higher energy compounds. The factors that affect the cellular respiration are:1. Amount of nutrients- if the amount of nutrients is more, then the energy is more in the cellular respiration. The nutrients which can go through cellular respiration and transform into energy are fat, proteins and carbohydrates. The amount of nutrients available to transform into energy depend upon the diet of the person.2. Temperature- the rate of the cellular respiration increases if the temperature is warmer. The lower the temperature,the slower the rate of cellular respiration.the reason for this is enzymes  which are present in cellular respiration process. They breakdown easily and are transformed into energy when the temperature is high.3. State of the cell- Working cells such as neurons, root of human hair have higher respiration rate than the dormant cells. This is because working cells can store energy in the body . Plant cells donor store as much energy as human and animal stores. Therefore the cellular respiration in plant is different from the human or animal cellular respiration.

Three Biology Questions!?

The quantity of each type of organelle in a cell varies depending on the tasks the individual cell must perform. If a scientist needed to find cells that contained a large number of chloroplasts, where would be the best place to look?
A. A leaf covered by Spanish moss
B. A leaf growing in full sunlight
C. The stem of a young tree
D. The stem of a mature tree
Why is it important that the inside of a lysosome have a lower pH than the surrounding cytoplasm in the cell?
A. The digestive enzymes in the lysosome work best at a lower pH.
B. The protein molecules constructed in the lysosome form best at a lower pH.
C. The substances stored in a lysosome are most stable at a lower pH.
D. The waste products stored in the lysosome require a lower pH.
Runners only have enough stored ATP in their muscle cells to run for about five seconds. Which answer correctly explains how will the runner’s body adjust to the longer distance, for example, a marathon (42.1 km)?
A. The runner's body will convert stored fat molecules into energy.
B. The runner's body will create all of the needed energy through fermentation.
C. The runner's body will produce the ATP that is required through glycolysis.
D. The runner's body will supply all of the needed energy through cellular respiration.

Thanks so much guys!

Does photosynthesis and/or cell respiration happen at night time?

Photosynthesis and cell respiration are two separate biochemical processes that function in different ways.Photosynthesis can occur during the night, but requires light for the process to begin. The light independent portion of the cycle is called the dark reaction/ Calvin cycle and is a continuation of photosynthesis from light dependent stages. The dark reaction is not a separate cycle, but a continuation of photosynthesis and is independent of the presence of light.Cell respiration occurs continually during the plant life cycle because it produces the energy necessary for the plant to maintain itself through grow and development. If the plant didn’t have this energy available, it would die.

What happens to a plant if the rate of respiration becomes more than the rate of photosynthesis?

This is similar to a situation where expenses are more than income. Exactly what happens when animal body doesn't get enough food for energy synthesis is what will happen in plants.Photosynthesis is an anabolic pathway. Carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and water from soil get converted to glucose in plants in the presence of sunlight. This glucose acts as food in plants.Respiration is a catabolic pathway. The glucose breaks down into carbon dioxide and water by using oxygen to release energy. This process is similar to the process of digestion in animals where a complex molecule is broken down into simple molecules.Now, in a case of prolonged fasting in man the body doesn't get proper food and thus no nutrients are provided to it. To compensate this loss the carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the body start breaking down into their simpler forms.Something similar happens in plants. When the rate of respiration is more than the rate of photosynthesis, the biomolecules present in plants break down to compensate the reduced rate of photosynthesis. This results in loss of dry weight of the plant.

Why are co2 emissions harmful?

It is a green house gas that forms a layer around the earth in the upper atmosphere. This is a major source global warming as it traps heat energy from the sun reflecting the rays back to the earth.