Cerebral Palcy Treatment Pls Suggest

Cerebal pulsy question...?

ok i am a teeage girl and the other day i went the foot/leg/arm doctor (idk what thats called) and was diagnosed with Cp. the doctor said i had a rly minor case of it

btw--i can walk, talk, move my arms and jump up and down like a nornal person. the only thing is is thay when im doing everyday activies, my right hand wont cooperate like it should and it becomes stiff. sometimes when i walk, my right arm scrunches up.

but basically thats all the cp i have.

the question- will i die early? can i fix my arm?

this is a very sensative topic so pls answer respectfully :)

Which are the hospitals in India that provide "Free treatment and surgeries"?

[1] Noor HospitalJIIU’s Indian Institute of Medical Science & Research, JalnaFootnotes[1] http://Noor Hospital Dhawalpuri,...

What is the difference between seizures, convulsions, epilepsy and tremors?

Seizures are temporary disruptions in brain activity due to excessive and inordinate neuronal discharge, focally or in a generalised manner.Epilepsy is a condition in which the affected individual suffers from recurring seizures.Convulsions are erratic involuntary muscular movements. Their etiology is variable: From vitamin deficiencies ( Vitamin B6 deficiency) to epileptic developments in the Primary motor cortex of one's brain.Tremors are principally undesired oscillatory movements of the distal limb. These are encumbering as well as distressing. They may be voluntary, as in only observed during action, seen in cases of Parkinsonism or involuntary ( seen even in resting state) as in cases of cerebellar lesions. Tremors may be fine or may be coarse.

My brother is 19 & is suffering from cerebral atrophy,he is unable to stand,walk or speak properly,do help?

You have to consult some professionally qualified doctor.

Or you may write to the Director, National Institute of Mentally Handicapped and Neuro-surgery, Bangalore, India. Give more details as far as possible. They may be able to guide you. It is one of the leading and recognized mental health institution in south east Asia.

Please help me about my pregnancy .. i really need answers immediately .. thank you ..?

hi im about to give birth this month .. and i read this article in the internet about having LMCV (Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus) .. its viruses you can get from rodents .. and this keeps bugging me coz since i got pregnant me and my husband has really many pet rodents inside our room who sleeps with us .. and i keep hugging and kissing my hamsters .. their clean but i didn't know that i can get some virus from them .. and its only been less than 2 weeks since we removed them from our room .. and im about to give birth .. im so scared coz my baby might already have the virus or what .. coz its says that my baby can get brain damage, epilepsy and cerebral palsy .. but i don't feel sick or something .. and my baby's really active and kicking almost every minute of the day .. do you think my baby has the virus already ? coz we also had 3 guinea pigs just passed away with the symptoms of LMCV and im really freaking out about this .. im scared to tell my mom coz she keeps telling me to get away from our pets but i don't listen .. but now im seriously scared that my baby has the virus .. what can you guys suggest ? please help ............... T_T

What is the best health insurance plan available in India that is most comprehensive and covers critical illness?

It is difficult to pick out any one health insurance plan as what may be suitable for you may not so for another person. Hence, meticulous research is mandatory in order to find out which plan works best for you.You will have to be sure about your financial capabilities, i.e. the coverage you will require, the premiums you will pay, the facilities that are a must for you. For starters, you will have to be sure regarding the type of health insurance plan for yourself. If you are unmarried, then a single plan will be sufficient for you. If you have people who are dependant on you then you a floater plan is something that you will need for yourself.You will also have to choose a plan depending on your family’s medical history and lifestyle. If you have members who are susceptible to falling ill often or have a lifestyle which involves smoking and drinking, then the plan will be different for you as compared to someone who is a non-smoker or does not consume alcohol.You will also have to check the facilities and benefits provided by the different insurance companies including the premiums that you will have to pay and its features. If you or any of your family suffers from a pre-existing condition, it is important that you properly research. Generally, various insurance company are not willing to provide cover to you if you suffer from any pre-existing condition and even if they do, there is generally a lock-in period.Top insurance companies generally provide cover against major critical illnesses but it is still important to check and read the documents before signing on the dotted lines. For example, Star Health Insurance does have plans not only for people suffering from cancer but is the only insurer in India to cover those suffering from HIV/AIDS. Health insurance companies such as Max Bupa, Reliance Health Insurance, etc. also provide cover against major critical illnesses and diseases.You must also check the incurred claim ratio of the health insurance company before selecting a health insurance plan for yourself. Higher the incurred claim ratio, better the company is likely to be.In the end, only proper research and comparison depending on your family’s medical history will you be able to select a proper health insurance plan most suitable for you.

Can anyone tell me anything about PLS/Primary lateral sclerosis?

I recently was diagnosed with PLS. I am a female age 37. I have been diagnosed with everything from major depression causing my ailments to a mild case of cerebral palsy to fibromyalgia and now PLS not sure of who or what to believe any more. I have been dealing with symptoms severe since 1994. I was always a fragile child got sick a lot and missed a ton of school. I get severe migraine headaches, balance problems,vertigo,extreme tiredness, clonus, hyperextensive reflexes, cramping in legs and feet,neck , mid back and low back pain, bee sting like pains in legs, mild body twitches, some mild urine incontinence, my skin hurts. I have had mri's, cat scans,blood tests, urine tests, tests upon tests. No lYme disease,no ms, no lesions on spine or brain. This is progressively getting worse last 6 months it seems to be more rapidly progressing. I need answers. I have yet to find anyone in or around lincoln nebraska that knows about it.
Please help if you can
Thank you
God Bless