Check My Grammar And Correct It

Can you guys check if my grammar is correct? How can I make this sound better?

I would make some small changes:1.) What sets Modern Philosophy apart from Medieval Philosophy?- The main differences that set Modern Philosophy apart from Medieval Philosophy are:Firstly, the authority. Medieval Philosophy is mostly based on doing whatever is right in the eyes of God, while Medieval Philosophy reasons whatever is most convenient for [remove “the”] other people or themselves.Secondly, location. Medieval Philosophy’s members mainly consist of Catholic Universities, while Modern Philosopher’s members could be groups or independent thinkers.Thirdly, Medieval Philosophy uses commentaries, while Modern Philosophy’s uses treatises. [Remove “and”]Lastly, their language. Medieval Philosophy uses the Latin language, while [remove “the”] Medieval Philosophy uses the vernacular, making it widely available to non-Catholic people.I’m sure others would do it differently, but the above works for me!

Is my grammar correct? We'd like to inform you that the check payment for annual membership dues is now ready for pick up.

The grammar is correct, but the rhetoric is faulty. In other words, I have no idea what it means. Please provide the logic: who is addressing whom, what is the situation, and what is expected to happen after the communication is completed?“Grammar is concerned with the thing as-it-is-symbolized. Logic is concerned with the thing as-it-is-known. Rhetoric is concerned with the thing as-it-is-communicated.”—Sister Mary Joseph.

Check my grammar.?

1. 'Two members of the Personnel Managers' Association agreed...' or possibly: 'Two menbers of ther personnel managers association agreed...'

With this one, there's a guess or two. Is there an official organization called that? If not, go with the second. If there is a name, just what is the official name? That will dictate what to use.

2. 'John and Crawford's mountain cabin....' This assumes that John and Crawford jointly own/rent/lease/use the cabin.

3. Who are Ross and Lopez?

4. 'Dora's and Phil's offices ...' This assumes that Dora and Phil both have individual offices in the suite.

5. '... a stone's throw...'

6. "Bob's hesitating...'

Grammar check?

Is there a grammar website which will check your grammar for you, like

Because my question is: what is the correct grammatic form of this phrase. "What happen?" or "What happened?"

Where can I check that my grammar is perfect?

PERFECTION IS A MYTH, EXPERTISE IS A REALITY.Here’s the thing. As you start to gain expertise in a language, you just know where you’re going wrong.Suppose you are conversing with someone and you said something that just didn’t feel grammatically correct. It will instantly strike. It just does. That’s how it works. We are the first ones to realize our mistake. Here are a few things that you can try, to check if you are getting better.Ask yourself: Try speaking in front of a mirror. Just talk to yourself. Notice the points where you get stuck. Check whether its a grammatical error or you just ran out of ideas(happens sometimes).Talk to eloquent people: I know, it’s embarrassing when you can’t match them. But, it will definitely enhance your word stock.Use extensions or apps: There are extensions like “Grammarly” in Chrome that check your errors when you type something.Now, last but not the least.Accept your errors: It’s okay to make mistakes or stutter sometimes. After all, EXPERIENCE IS A JUST A FANCY WORD FOR MISTAKES.Keep Trying…

Check my Grammar homework? See if it's all correct?

19. The answer you've chosen is missing commas between the day and year in the dates...I.e. Today is May 29, 2012. That one is tricky!

Everything else looks good to me! Great job!

Can you check my grammar see if i did it right?

Which sentence is punctuated correctly? Believe it means which sentence is correct
The most popular house pets are as follows, dogs, cats, and birds
The most popular house pets are as follows; dogs, cats, and birds.
The most popular house pets are as follows: dogs, cats, and birds.√
The most popular house pets are as follows; dogs, cats and birds.

Which sentence is punctuated incorrectly?Believe it means which sentence is incorrect
He explained the principle of internal-combustion( although not very well. )
Frederick ( now knows as "Tex") was becoming a well-known animator.
The Latin expression "per se" ("in intself") has found wide use in legal circles.√
John Lennon (1940-1980) was a founding member of The Beatles

Which sentence is punctuated incorrectly? Believe it means which sentence is incorrect
The boys's attempt at making dinner was a smashing success.
The children's playroom was a metaphorical beehive of activity.
The ladies' room is on the other side of the building.√
The music industry's profits have fallen sharply over time.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly? Believe it means which sentence is correct
Hey, Chris do you want to watch the game on TV tonight?
Hey, Chris, do you want to watch the game on TV tonight?√
Hey, Chris, do you want to watch the game on TV, tonight?
Hey Chris, do you want to watch the game on TV, tonight?

Correct the grammar and punctuation, i did it just want to check?

illyria like most nations in the ancient times of the roman empire was ruled by a duke the benign and gentlemanly orsino. orsino loved or thought he loved lady olivia but she spurned the advances of everyone. one day in his palace that overlooked the sea duke orsino surrouned by the sound of his musicians songs pined fore the elusive divine olivia

Is Microsoft word " spelling and grammar check "100% correct?

You can trust me on this: Microsoft Word's spelling and grammar check tool is a joke! The spell-check part is okay, but the grammar part is terrible. Word has no idea what context you are trying to say, and it will often tell you that you have an incorrect sentence structure when it is absolutely fine. If it is at all possible, self-edit your papers line by line for grammar and mechanics. It takes a while, but it is time well spent.

Is there any free app to check your grammar in writing?

I’m not sure about the apps for smartphones, but you can definitely use this Grammar Sentence Structure Checker on PC or use the mobile version of this site to get your writing fully checked. It is free and instantly gives you report on every type of mistake you’ve managed to do:Grammar (Subject-Verb Agreement, Sentence Fragments…);Punctuation (Missing Comma After Introductory Element, No Comma In A Compound Sentence…);Bad spelling;Enhancement (Word Choice and so on);Style (e.g. Inappropriate Colloquialisms);Sentence structure.What you will need to do is simply paste your text into online editor and click submit: all the work will be done by tool. However, I still recommend you to pay attention to mistakes and proofread your text after all as tools also make mistakes sometimes.