Child Support Laws I Need Help

Child custody and child support?

Your ex doesnt have any right to not allow u to see your child. It doesnt matter if u were seeing a lawyer or not. File a claim with the courts to make her. IF she doesnt comply then the judge can give u custody. (violation of a court order)

Help in nebraska, child support law.... i have stopped child support payments, with the acnoligment from my?

I'm not familiar with the specific laws in Nebraska, but assuming that you not paying has a legal basis (keeping in mind that your ex may or may not have the legal right to free you from the responsibility, as pointless as that would be) you should be able to resolve the issue without a lawyer. My suggestion is to contact the court that issued the child support order (the family court, the court that handled the divorce, or whatever) to ask for help. The judge can simply nullify his order. This may not be necessary though, it may only require that the right agency be contacted, and the court should be able to handle this as well.

Find the contact information for the court, speak to the clerk, explain the situation and the clerk ought to be able to tell you what your next step should be. Be prepared to give any information about who you or your ex spoke to, what paperwork was filed with whom and when, etc.

If that doesn't work you should probably contact your lawyer to avoid getting put on a deadbeat dad list or some other such ridiculous thing. It's not fair that the legal system is designed to keep regular people from helping themselves, but paying your lawyer a few more hours would be better than having to deal with getting arrested or your wages being ordered garnished =\

Good luck and just be thankful your ex is reasonable, this kind of thing is a LOT easier in those circumstances.

How does a family law attorney help in child support matters?

A family law attorney can be of great assistance in the child support matters and provides assistance to both the custodial and non-custodial parents.For The Custodial Parent:· They help in getting the most appropriate child support as required by the custodial parent.· They ensure that the other parent offers the stipulated support as ordered by the court.· They ensure to attend the court trails and fight against the opposition’s attorney for the sake of their clientFor The Non-Custodial Parent:· They ensure that the custodial parent does not demand an unreasonable amount as support· They make sure that the child support is offered only till the child is eligible for it.· They ensure to get the support terminated if the custodial parent violate court’s terms and conditionsThus, family law attorneys help both the parents a great deal and avoid any kind of unfair verdict for them.So if you are looking for an experienced family lawyer in San Diego, you can contact ‘Mesnik Law Group Inc.’ for the best assistance in your case.

How does child support work in the US?

I am not an attorney, nor a law student, however, I will comment on this as I have personal experience with Child Support and how it works. In order to find out about how Child Support works in the United States, you would have to look at each individual state as they all very. I will speak to how Child Support can work from a lay-persons experience in the state of California:     From "Child support is defined by law as the ongoing monetary expenditures and payments necessary to cover a child’s living and medical expenses.  Both parents have a legal duty to provide financial support for their children.  The court may order either or both parents to make ongoing payments to cover a child’s living and medical expenses."The process of how child support is calculated and who pays for what can look like this: (this is a very simple look at the process-there are entire websites and case studies, etc about the process).     Paperwork is filed in order to receive a case number for a divorce. You then go to court to receive "Temporary Orders" from a Family Law Judge. These temporary orders can be for Child Support, Custody, and any other un-mediated issue between the parties.      The Family Law Judge will take into account the number of children, how much time in percentages does each child live with each parent, and how much income each parent earns based upon current and prior tax returns. There is not a lot of leeway in the Child Support calculation as it is done by a standard calculation of standardized inputs.      Once the Child Support number is ordered by the court, the parent responsible for paying Child Support typically pays either privately, or goes through the State Disbursement Unit to pay the parent receiving Child Support. This is typically made on the 1st and 15th of each month.     If Child Support is 3 months or more in arrears, the state can suspend a drivers license, brokers or business license, or have other remedies to try and "true up" support payments.      After a trial, or after the case settles, final Child Support is determined.     Under California law, a parent's obligation to pay support continues until the child becomes 18 years old. However, the current support obligation may continue until the child is 19, if the child is unmarried and attending high school full time.

Do women abuse child support?

Yes. I was one of the children in such a situation.It isn’t “politically correct” to tell the truth about this. But that is also the case with numerous other issues.Anyway,My deadbeat mother decided that she was entitled to use her children as a permanent meal-ticket.She exercised her legitimate right to leave my father. “Leave” meaning about a thousand kilometres, for years.Then, she used the threat of court action to extort my father for most of his income. He had a lower standard of living than she did. Despite the fact that he worked, and she didn’t.Daddy had to get up and work all day, every day, at a demanding job.Mommy sat on the couch all day, every day, watching television.She bled him dry, every month.The “children” (teenagers) were past the age of legal and practical ability to be left alone. These weren’t some kind of toddlers in need of supervision.Mommy developed the delusion that she could force her “children” to continue living with her, after the age of 18.Mommy believed that she could force her “children” to remain financially dependent. She believed that none of us would ever get jobs or our own apartments.Mommy believed that her “children” would remain “children” and that Daddy would just keep paying and paying and paying. So that she could continue using her “children” as a meal-ticket, and avoid employment.Mommy believed that the child support free ride would just continue for the rest of her life.Mommy anticipated that, when her “children” were 30 or 40 years old, we would still live with her, totally dependant, and she would continue extorting child support from Daddy.Mommy also engaged in Malingering By Proxy, and hoped to collect disability welfare for her three little retards (me and my siblings). Her 18th birthday present to my sister was a welfare application.I was designated as “The Bad Kid” for daring to get a job, and my own apartment. Because it meant that Deadbeat Mommy couldn’t demand “child” support payments, or welfare payments, based on me.Then, one day, the youngest “child” turned 18 years old.Mommy got a little surprise.Daddy slammed the brakes on the gravy train, and brought the free ride to a screeching halt.Deadbeat Parasite Mommy got introduced to reality.ETA: People keep posting comments asking what happened next.What happened was that, she had to finally get a job, and face the world as an adult. She was apparently a toxic workplace bully.

Locating my child's father for child support?

I haven't talked to my daughter's father since Feb 06. I don't have his SSN# or a current physical address. All I have is old phone numbers. I contacted the Attorney Generals office and they are not much help in trying to locate someone. They want YOU to have all the information. Can someone tell me how I can locate this person using the old numbers I have? Is there a website I can go to? Btw, I tried the free searches and that doesn't really help me. I don't mind paying as long as its a credible site that will provide me with accurate information.

What can be done to make child support more equitable?

I don't know what jurisdiction you are referring to for one thing. Each state in the USA is required by Federal law to have a formula to determine what child support should be in that state, and these laws are gender neutral, so child support is not paid to the mother in nearly all cases, as you state. Many people have argued that they want an accounting of how the child support money is being paid (receipts, etc.). If this was required, it would completely overwhelm our court system, as people brought in their shoe-boxes filled with receipts, and judges tried to piece it all together. An accounting of how child support is being spent is simply not manageable. Spousal support is tax deductible to the payor, but child support is not, because it is not viewed as "income" to the payee. There is a way to combine child and spousal support for tax purposes, so that they entire payment is tax deductible, but that's another discussion. In any event, child support is viewed essentially as the child's money, so it is not treated as "income" for tax purposes.Some people have raised the last issue you are raising, i.e., that child support is not based upon the child's actual needs, but based upon the incomes of the parties (among other things). Again, it would be perhaps to time-consuming to assess each child's individual needs for purposes of determining child support, and would likely lead to wildly inconsistent results as different judges have various opinions about what children "need". There are some exceptions built in to the law for "excessive earners," as in people that make millions, as the law-makers recognize the issue you are talking about, i.e., that children do not necessarily need to receive $60,000 a month in child support (for example). You can rest assured that every issue you are raising has been raised in the courts numerous times, and analyzed from every angle. Unfortunately, there are no simple answers to these "problems".

Help me with child custody laws in north carolina???

Me and my two year olds daddy have already been to court and we agreed to 50 50 costody but that was over a year and a half ago. Now things have changed im married and I've setled down and he is getting crazy he never has my 2 year old his mom does and he is meeting girls off of myspace and letting them around my 2 year old as if thats not dangerous enough he is witha girl who does drugs and has been arrested help me with some laws in north carolina to help me get full costody!!