Choose Any Annual Report Of A Reputable Nigerian Company And Summarize It S Editorial Contents. In

How do you write an appeal letter after a college suspension?

The only right way to write this kind of letter is by explaining everything and being honest: tell your story. State your current situation: emphasize facts that prove how your current situation differs from the one you had when you were suspended.But another important thing to remember: avoid using cliches and buzzwords. It’s always better to tell your real story as people relate to people. You should show that your understand your problems, have learnt a lesson out of them and have a plan for future. Another good thing is to show that you take full responsibility and deal with consequences well.Here’s a nice sample of appeal letter:Learn more about this topic here: Writing a Letter for Readmission to a CollegeGood luck!

What are the differences between magazines and newspaper?

Main Difference – Newspaper vs MagazineNewspaper and Magazine are two modes of communication via print media that is used by millions of people all over the world. Though both newspaper and magazine seem to have the same purpose and feature, there are distinct differences between these two print media. The main difference between newspaper and magazine is that newspapers contain relatively short articles on current news while magazines contains longer articles on a variety of subjects. Let us first briefly observe their features separately, before comparing the difference between Newspaper and Magazine.Difference Between Newspaper and MagazineThe most noted difference between newspaper and magazine exists in their content. Newspapers mostly write about current news in the world and their articles are short (generally under 900 words). However, magazines have longer articles on a variety of subjects such as fashion, sports, movies, medicine, etc. Another difference between newspaper and magazine is their audience. Newspapers have a broad audience as they provide articles for people of all ages and interests while magazines have a specific and targeted audience as they provide information on a specific subject area.Design and attraction is another difference between newspaper and magazine. Newspapers have simple design and layout, and the content is usually in black and white. However, a magazine is complex in design; it uses a variety of colors and fonts, making the appearance of magazines more attractive than newspapers. A magazine is also more expensive than a newspaper. Another difference that can be observed between these two media is headlines; a newspaper uses catchy headlines in order to attract readers whereas a magazine uses baseline concepts.