Chris Nicholson Salon

How is a person chosen to give a TED talk?

It’s a huge myth that if you wait around, one day you’ll magically be invited. In reality, you can reach out to TEDx events in your area and apply. The TED website has a comprehensive list of every TEDx event. Step-by-step instructions here:Now that you’ve found events in your area, you’re on to how you can stand out from the other 50–80 people that apply to speak at the same event (this is a real stat — in 2015 we had 85 people apply for 13 spots).Getting selected really comes down to 3 things:1. Your idea2. Credibility3. Communication ability#1 - Your IdeaWhat is your “idea worth spreading”? As in, what is the central thesis of your talk? I would make this as specific as possible, since broad topics (“here’s my lessons from running a business”) are over-done. Frankly, if something is expected, there is no reason to “spread” it any more.Pick something unique. A problem that frustrates you. Something that you think nobody else is saying. Something surprising.#2 - Credibility/QualificationsYou don’t have to have a book, or run a company, or have some fancy degree. What you need is a simple answer to the question - “why are YOU the best person to speak about your idea?”#3 - Communication AbilityI’ve intentionally left this last. One of the biggest myths about TED/x speakers is that they got there because they’re experienced and proficient speakers. I strongly disagree.They got there (and you can too) because they had an “idea worth spreading” (see #1). At the same time, you do need to be a good enough communicator such that people can understand what your idea is, but that’s about as far as it goes.More here: 3 things TEDx organizers look for when selecting speakers - Get Your First TED TalkGood luck with your journey!

How much does it cost to open an investment account?

Many platforms, such as Fidelity, charge zero. But they require you to have $2500 to start investing with. Vanguard charges a maintenance fee of $20/year.