Citizen Warrior How Do You Get Someone To Take A Look

What's that word for someone you look up to?

Someone you look up to and use to learn about the career you wish to go into. Not Idol but that other word... oh what is it. Does anyone know the word I'm talking about?

What is a social justice warrior?

Refers to someone who is outwardly and annoyingly against social injustice to the point that they write blogs about it and condemn people to hell. The SJW's do these things to attempt to convince others that they are open-minded.

""Social justice warrior" is a term used to describe someone who is purposely looking to be offended by something, or who wants to make an issue where none exists.
Someone who legitimately cares about (and is properly informed about) social issues is not referred to as a warrior, but instead as perhaps an "advocate," "activist," or "concerned citizen." The term warrior is more aggressive, and is used to someone who relentlessly pursues a false agenda. Most SJWs don't even actually care about the issues they bring up, but rather are trying to get social attention for being "progressive."

Are social justice warriors dangerous people who can't take different opinions?

Social Justice Warriors, for all the rancor, web content and dystopian hysteria they warrant, are incredibly elusive creatures!Quora is rich with blog posts, answers, and questions about social justice warriors.But you know what rarely comes up?an example of one running for office or holding office;a picture of a Social Justice Warrior with their actual name and their policy positions and political views. Memes of an unnamed college student protesting with zero sources doesn’t count;A mugshot or an arrest warrant of a specific SJW;An actual verifiable incident involving an SJW caught in the act of a hate crime, a robbery, mugging, an act of vandalism or property damage or sexual assault. I mean, I would take a parking ticket or a citizen’s arrest for jay walking;According to urban dictionary, Quora, reddit, 4chan, Jordan Peterson, Franklin Graham, The Church of Our Lady of Real Americans and a guy I knew in college, SJWs populate most of the Democrat Party, and their presence will cement Trump’s re-election. SJWs have been assigned so much political power & influence, they are in the company of George Soros, The DeVos Family, the oil industry, teachers unions and The Koch Brothers. They cause Donald Trump such problems he is prone to Twitter gaffes and support of White Nationalists. Everything bad in this country has the fingerprints of SJWs on it— along with the Illuminati, The New World Order and the ghost of Elvis Presley. Oil spills? SJWs. White nationalists? SJWs. School shootings? You guessed it. A drop in the Dow or your 401K? You guessed it. SJWs. Low testosterone, head lice, PMS. bad grades, late taxes, inflation… SJWs all are behind it.;Apparently SJWs are so powerful a lobby, they have no addresses, Social Security Numbers or DNA.It’s almost as if there are actually political movements more powerful that people need to be distracted from acknowledging.Luke Jacobs's answer to As a liberal, what do you think the alt-right is right about?

Explain how you can demonstrate good citizenship in your community?

Lots of ways. Its sad that today many people (and well-intentioned) think being a good citizen means no more than not breaking the law and going to vote every couple of years.

But there is MUCH more that people can do. And many things that they do--but don't realize that the effects their choices goe beyond their immediate concerns

Here's a few examples (obviously, not a complete list):

1) How do you raise your children? Do you make sure they understand the history of this country? The constitution? The values and principles of our contry?
2) How do you treat others--those that are different from you. Do you make derogatory remarks about people based on their skin color or their religion? Are you willing to make an effort to help others? Or do you elittle others and never look out for anybody but yourself?

In the "formal" sense--there is a long list of things you can do beyond just voting. Many people don't have time for most of them-but almost all of us have time for some:

1) Tell politicians what you think. Today, with e-mail, this is easy--so don't just post your opinion on these boards--send it on to the people who can do something. If you have time, go to public hearings on issues in your community. A lot of the local things you don't like were decided based on what was said in those hearings--often by a handful f people who did bother to go and make themselves heard.
2) If you don't like the candidates we get--find ones you do like and volunteer in their campaigns.
3) Want to make your community better--there are a thousand programs trying to do that and they always need volunteers. You don't like "all those people on welfare?" Volunteer in an adult literacy program to give them the basic skill they need to get a job. Etc, etc.

But first and foremost: this is America. Respect your neighbor's right to think, speak, and BE different from you. If you don't--or won't--do that, forget the rest. Because that's what this country is about--and if you don't support and defend the right to be different--you're not an American, except in name.

Is it ok to wear a Wounded Warrior Project shirt if I am not a "wounded warrior"?

So I have a WWP shirt and I wear it to the gym occasionally. This guy approached me (didn't appear to be military) and thanked me for my sacrifice and asked how I was wounded.

Now I am a vet of Iraq and will be deploying to Afghanistan in the near future. However I was not wounded (and hopefully won't be) but I do donate to the WWP when I can. I didn't tell him I was a vet but simply said I wasn't wounded. He then got clearly angry and asked "who I thought I was wearing that when I wasn't wounded". He was not discreet about it and basically chewed me out in front of the whole gym. It was very embarrassing because now everyone thought I was some douche posing as a wounded veteran.

He stormed off without letting me explain and I knew half the gym was staring at me. Someone with a USMC tattoo on his arm came up and clearly was pissed (thought I was a poser). I explained to the situation that I wore it because I donated to them and was a vet. I even showed offered to show him my military ID that was in my wallet in the locker room. He believed me and thankfully had the courtesy of basically letting the gym know I was in fact a vet and not some *** hat posing as one (which was a relief because a lot of people were glaring at me).

Now I don't know if I want (or should) wear it. Is it ok to wear even if I wasn't wounded? I was under the impression it was basically to help promote the WWP and not just for wounded troops.