College Blog Name Ideas

Blog Name Ideas for a Capsule Wardrobe?

Does anyone have any blog name ideas about creating a capsule (minimal) wardrobe?

(a capsule wardrobe is like a minimalist wardrobe made up of really versatile pieces that you really love to wear)

Thank you!

Which is a more suitable name for a blog that is common for all? For example, affiliate marketing, entertainment, online earning, learning, knowledge, ideas, tutor, stories for kids, etc.

Don’t waste your time on deciding a perfect name, I know I have done it too in the past.Most of the cool names are already gone, get a decent name using a domain name generator such as#domain name #search made fun and easy - namemesh.comORDomain Name Generator - Find Good Domain Name Ideas (Instantly)The more important stuff is to start working on the blog because it is lot harder than it looks.All the best!

How do you decide the name and what your blog should be about?

Choosing a blog name and niche is the biggest hurdle for potential bloggers. The good news is that there is a solid way to choose your niche and blog name.How to choose your niche1. NARROW DOWN YOUR NICHEIt will take a little bit of time but finding a solid name and niche to blog is worth it.Think about potential blog post ideas you’d love to write about. Narrow this down. You could write about anything you are passionate about. Some of the top blog categories are:Marketing, Digital marketing, Politics, Agriculture, Business/Entrepreneurship, Events, Lifestyle, Health, Tech, DIY, Fashion, Relationships, Entertainment, Jobs, News, Sports, Reviews, and Food.2. MONETIZINGIf you want to monetize your blog, choose a topic that others would be interested in. Monetizing a blog is all about providing content which solves a problem for your readers. it’s all about others and serving their needs. Look at your top categories and narrow down the list of topics that would be profitable.If you want to make some money or lots of money through your blog, affiliate income is one of the top ways to do so.3. STAND OUTGoogle some of the top blogs in the final categories that you have written. While looking at these blogs, think about how you would differentiate and stand out. Jot down ideas of how you would want to stand out from the crowd.How to choose your blog name1. CONTENTWith your niche/blog category in mind, answer these questions:If you could sum up your blog in one sentence or have a mission statement, what would that be?What services, products or information will your blog provide?What are your blog goals?How do you want to be perceived?Who are the successful bloggers in your niche?Who is your ideal customer/demographic?2. BRAINSTORM KEYWORDSOnce you’ve figured out the core subject of your blog, list as many words as you can that derive from the answers to those six questions.3. BROADEN YOUR KEYWORDSThink of all the words you can that are similar to your keywords. Use a thesaurus and write them out.4. DESCRIPTIVE KEYWORDSNow list descriptive keywords. Who are you, what are you doing or what do you do?5. COMBINE WORDSCombine the words into something catchy that will stand out. A good name is memorable. In brand design, it is called “a smile in the eye”.The final stepYou’ve chosen your niche and blog name. What’s next?!Your next step is to look into hosting and setting up your blog. Congratulations!

I need cute blog ideas!?

You can read posts regarding blog ideas as inspiration:

"Developing Your Blogging Identity"

"How to Find your Passion (& What You Should be Blogging About)"

"To have a Niche Focus with Your Blog or Not? Tips on Making the Decision"

"How to Develop a Niche Blog Content Plan"

"20 Types of Blog Posts - Battling Bloggers Block"

"Lack of Ideas? You’ve Got to Be Kidding!"

"55 More Blog Posts I Hope You Write"

"A Simple Way To Develop Writing Ideas for Your Blog"

"How to Choose the Perfect Blogging Topic"

"9 Steps to Better Blog Post Ideas"

"14 Types of Stories You Can Tell on Your Blog"

"Use These 10 Tips to Write Your Most Popular Post Ever"

"24 Things to do When Stuck for a Topic to Blog About"

"Six Steps to Stress-Free Blogging Habit"

What should I name my blog for my english class?

I named mine after an unusual protrusion on a cliff wall facing a beach I like to walk with my dogs. It was a pastiche of tin, steel and overall rusted scraps used to build a wall against beach erosion. Combined with my screen name, it was kind of natural:

A blog is a place where things which incite passion in someone are written and posted. Best to ask yourself if there is an author, story and/or genre that incites that passion, then use that as a name for the blog. You may also try using an author's last name and part of one of their more popular stories to generate a name. For example: Poe's Raven, King's Carrie, Lee's Mockingbird, Orwell's Farm, etc.

I have a blog and I'm stuck. What are some ideas on what to write about?

To give you a better answer, I would wonder what kind of niche you are in and the purpose of your blog. Are you trying to monetize the blog itself or using it as a way to drive traffic to your website?Either way, what to write about is a common question I hear from some of my clients as a content marketer. If you are struggling with coming up with ideas, you can come up with topic ideas from questions customers ask you, you can find popular blog posts with websites like Buzzsumo, or you could see what the competition is writing about and make it better.If you are struggling with coming up with NEW ideas, then you do not need to. Most blogs write about the same things over and over again, but they tell it differently. In one post they may use a case study, in the next post the may make an infograph, in the next post they may be tactical and create a how-to, in the next post they might be more emotional about it, in the next post they might do a teardown. Example: Your company is the greatest theme. You could create a case study of a customer and how you made an impact on their lives. Next article you could write about the awards you won last week. In the next one you can teach people what makes a great company, etc.Think of it like a prism. You look at it from multiple angles, all different, but the produce nearly the same light.

What would be a good name for a film blog?

Lights! Camera! Re-action!