Colour Change In Mole

My mole changed color...why?

Seek medical attention immediately, it is one of the malignancy signs.

My mole change colors!! Help?

Im Getting my mole removed this week, Im very scared that it might be cancerous. The only symptom i have is that it recently change color. My mole is Dark brown and i notice that it grew a little light brown part on the side. It doesn't hurt, itch or bleed. It does have a hair on it, i don't know if that's normal, i have had this mole my whole life. does it sound cancerous?

Light brown mole changing colour?

I've had this spot on my back for as long as I can remember, but because I couldn't see it I assumed (wrongly) that it was just a patch of dry skin. Last night I finally saw it for the first time and realized it's a light brown mole. On closer inspection I noticed there was a small, slightly irregular darker spot at the top (on the mole itself, not above it). I went to the doctor this morning and he did a biopsy (ouch!) but now I have to wait 5 days for the results. Of course I'm freaking out now that it may be melanoma. The doctor said that because of its position it could POSSIBLY be due to trauma from constant leaning or laying on it. The nurse also said that 99% of changing moles turn out to be benign and that she had a few that turned completely black and ended up being fine.

My question is, could this be anything OTHER than melanoma? I'm really scared as I'm only 27 and I have always practiced strict sun safety

My mole turned a pink color?

I've had a mole on the back of my neck for as long as a could remember. A couple months ago it started feeling itchy. I don't know if it turned pink because I started itching it or if it was punk before. I work at a drug store and will be there tomorrow...should I ask one of the people who work in the pharmacy to look at it? Thanks.

Question about a mole changing..?

I have a mole on my back. It's weird though, its almost like I had a mole and it deflated. It's just like a little flap of brown skin. It's always been like this, but this morning I woke up and it was like a regular mole (just kind of a bump on the skin), and it was lighter in color. I'm only 17, I've never been sun burnt badly, I don't go tanning, I don't even tan in the summer time. My aunt did have skin cancer removed, and my mom had it removed too, but it wasn't a deadly kind. Can this be skin cancer? What else could it be?

How are moles formed in our body and why are they black in colour?

What causes moles?We have a pigment called Melanin in our body. This defines the colour of the skin. If a person has more melanin present in the skin, his colour will be dark and vice-versa. Melanin is produced in the top layer i.e.; Epidermis or the second layer i.e.; Dermis, in cells called melanocytes. The melanin is equally distributed throughout the skin of humans but at times they can form clusters which causes moles to appear.

Why do alkene and alkyne change the colour of bromine in the bromine water test?

Bromine is a reddish brown liquid at room temperature.Alkenes ,alkynes have their characteristic phi bonds between carbons.Such un saturated compounds tend to add two bromine atoms across phi bonded carbon atoms.This addition reaction consumes bromine .Hence reddish brown colour vanish.Mind you one mole Allkene decolourise one mole bromine where as one mole alkyne decolourise two mole bromine!

Can a mole be different colours in some parts and not be cancerous?

While colour change in a mole is one of several that occur in malignant transformation, there are several others including growth, irregular borders, and others. Rather than guess, if there is any questions, it should be evaluated professionally or even removed if it is in a spot that is constantly being traumatised.