Comedy Manga About 4 Monks 2 Masters And 2 Students

What was the Highest rated TV series based on a movie?

1) What New york state mountains were named for a mohawk word meaning "They Eat Bark"?
2) What was the Highest rated TV series based on a movie?
3) What mountain fortress on the Dead Sea saw 960 Jewish zealots choose suicide over surrender to the Romans in 73 A.D.?
4) What nutty legume accounts for one-sixth of the world's vegetable oil production?
5) What European brewery is third in worlds beer production?
6)Which U.N. secretary general has been the butt of the most David Letterman jokes?
7) What Las Vegas Casino has an autographed Bob Dylan Guitar above the window where you cash in your chips?
8) What Tom Wolfe work spoke of Wall Streeters as "Masters of the Universe"?
9) What campus heard 67 shots fired on May 4, 1970?
10) What is te abbreviation for the dream stage of sleep?
11) What number do you always get by adding the opposite sides of a die?
12) What stuffed and roasted animal is the worlds largest menu item, sometimes served at Bedouin Weddings?

GOOD ANIME?!?!?!?!!??

Kaze no Stigma
Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpucho
Druaga no Tou
Rental Magica
World Destruction

What does cosplay mean?

It's dressing up as a character. It doesn't matter if it's anime, comics, or whatever. And it DID NOT originate in Japan as a previous poster stated; it originated in USA at the 1st World Science Fiction Convention in 1939. Japan just made it more popular.

Why is dragon Ball Z so perverted?

You think it's perverted? You should try the ecchi genre/tagged mangas/animes.Well, there are more perverse ones out there but all those serve just one purpose, to add comedy. That's all it is for, those ‘pervert’ moments are usually hilarious scenarios that get a couple of grins out of you at the very least.