Compare And Contrast Differences

Can somebody compare and contrast the differences between Queen Elizabeth I and King Philip II?

King Phillip II (a Habsburg)was known as the Catholic king. He was dedicated to his religion, and went to great lengths to make all of his subjects devout Catholics. During the beginning of his reign, Spain was the world's largest military power. Phillip is well known for his failed military action in the Netherlands to quell Protestant sentiments. This failure led to his eventual loss of the territory. Also, he defeated a massive Turk fleet at the Battle of Lepanto, his last major victory. When Elizabeth came to power in England (ie it was no longer Catholic), he sent a massive armada. It was destroyed in 1588 in the English channel.

Queen Elizabeth (a Tudor) was more of a benevolent leader. She took the stance of democracy over war and used covert action, such as pirates, to accomplish her military goals. Her massive victory against the Spanish Armada inspired a renewed British nationalism, and a resurgence in the arts. The Elizabethan era was home to such greats as Francis Bacon and William Shakespeare. Also, she unified the people under the Church of England with the Acts of Supremacy and Uniformity, which got rid of the discrimination of the past and replaced it with a more open church.

What's the difference between compare and contrast?

There is very little difference: Compare means to look for similarities and differences. Contrast means to look only for differences (though one could argue that you cannot look for differences without looking for similarities).The two words are often used as a set phrase in schools to mean to look for similarities and differences. Some teachers try to suggest that the "compare" part of the exercise is looking for similarities and the "contrast" part is looking for differences. I bet this is really just a rationalization that was made up by teachers trying to figure out the phrase after schools began using it. A "contrastive essay" or a "comparison essay" would not be any different than what we call a "compare and contrast essay." It's just a phrase. In that usage, it doesn't make sense to break it down into its separate parts.

Compare and contrast similarities and differences between a goldfish and the flame of a burning candle?

Both require oxygen to survive/last.
Goldfish are organic; a candle is not.
Goldfish can survive in water; a flame cannot.
Goldfish reproduce and die like any other organic organism.

[Answers: just some examples above]

How would you compare and contrast the different US military branches?

20 years ago, I think I would have answered differently, but now the four services are very much alike. They all have similar equipment, work together on combat operations and have similar occupational skills. The Marines are probably the most different, but the Air Force and Navy have major overlaps in aviation assets. Both have fighter jets as a large section of their air forces. They all four have helo assets, and even the Army and Marine Crops have boats.There are differences, but just like Canada did, I can see the eventual combining of all the armed forces into one force to save money on buying military equipment to increase the efficiency of economics.

Compare and contrast difference between "Leisure" and "recreation" and "Play"?

leisure means free time. recreation is what you do in that free time, and play is one form of recreation.

Compare and contrast the differences in the tribute and encomienda system?

5) Leowen argues that the version of the Columbus story is interpretation at best, yet is presented strictly as fact in most traditional accounts. What is an example of Columbus? this? What is the role of "humanizing" Columbus?
6) Compare and contrast the differences in the tribute and encomienda system
7) Why did the Columbian turning point spark an African slave trade?
8) What were some of the aspects of the Columbian Exchange for Europe? (What did they get" from the Americas other than slaves, land, and gold?)
9) What does Leowen mean by "cognitive dissonance"?
10) Why does Lowen argue that specific wording is so important?

What is a compare and contrast essay?

An informative essay in which you talk about what is similar and different between two things. To write a compare and contrast essay, you will need to construct an outline first. Then, for your intro and conclusion, they must wrap up your essay into a focused topic. It must be specific and clarified.Introduction  Your introduction — like the five-paragraph-essay, should open generally (with a quotation, anecdote, generalization), and lead into the thesis statement.   Topic 1  This next portion of your essay (which may consist of one paragraph or several) should cover only the first topic of the comparison and contrast. Compare/Contrast essays take two topics and illustrate how they are similar and dissimilar. Do not mention topic 2 in this first portion.   Topic 2  This next portion of your essay (which may also consist of one or more paragraphs) should cover the second of the two topics. Do not discuss Topic 1 in this section. Since you have already gone into great detail about it, you may allude to Topic 1 briefly; however, do not analyze Topic 1 in this section. This portion of the paper is to discuss Topic 2 in great detail.   Topics 1 and 2 Together  Now that you have analyzed both Topic 1 and Topic 2 independently, now it is time to analyze them together. This section may also be one or several paragraphs.   Conclusion  The conclusion — like the introduction — should be a generalization of the thesis. This paragraph should express your certainty and absolute knowledge on the subject matter. You should reaffirm your thesis (essentially restate it in new words) and show how you've proven it.For more reference you can take help from professional essay writing services at affordable price

What's the difference between comparing two things and contrasting two things?

Short answer: contrasting is a subset of comparing.Longer Answer: You compare two objects or more. You can compare as many things as you want, but it can get pretty complicated if there are more than three items involved in the comparison.When you compare items, you are asking:In what ways are they similar (alike) or identical (exactly the same)?ANDIn what ways are they different?When you contrast items, you are only looking a how those items are:differentdissimilaroppositesheading in a different directionincompatible (oil and water, anyone?)in disagreementat oddsor any other such term that describes contrast.Have fun comparing the various answers to this question!