Compare And Give Similarities Between Soccer Talent And Religion.

Similarities and Differences between Pareto and Marx ideas?
Pareto explains:
class struggle is a real factor. struggle is not confined only to two classes: proletariat and the capitalist; it occurs between an infinite number of groups with different interests, and above all between the elites contending for power. existence of these groups may vary in duration, they may be based on permanent or more or less temporary characteristics. the most savage peoples, and perhaps in all, sex determines two of these groups. oppression of which the proletariat complains is as nothing in comparison with that which the women of the Australian aborigines suffer. characteristics to a greater or lesser degree real — nationality, religion, race, language, etc. — may give rise to these groups. In our own day [i.e. 1902] the struggle of the Czechs and the Germans in Bohemia is more intense than that of the proletariat and the capitalists in England.
Pareto noticed that 80% of Italy's wealth was owned by 20% of the population. He then carried out surveys on a variety of other countries and found to his surprise that a similar distribution applied. -
at the bottom of the wealth curve - men and women starve and children die young. In the broad middle of the curve all is turmoil and motion: people rising and falling, climbing by talent or luck and falling by alcoholism, tuberculosis and other kinds of unfitness. At the very top sit the elite of the elite, who control wealth and power for a time -- until they are unseated through revolution or upheaval by a new aristocratic class. There is no progress in human history. Democracy is a fraud. Human nature is primitive, emotional, unyielding. The smarter, abler, stronger, and shrewder take the lion's share. The weak starve, lest society become degenerate.

Can soccer be considered a "religion" in many countries?

Players performing regular repeated behaviour called rituals on the pitch. ; Chelsea loanee zouma bowshis head to the ground as soon as he enrers the pitch. Kaka doing sign of the cross the moment he scores a sing songs and hymn on match day.2Both are taken serious ; people don’t go to church to have fun.viewers don’t go to viewing center just to be entertained.3 Both are institutions meant to promote teamwork, love etc.Feeling of togetherness among similar group.; going to stadium is like going to church.4Each has its constitution and structured pattern which is used to achieve a goal. They are bodieswith rules and punishment for deterrence. Referees,pastors and imam are thereto remind members of rules and ensure they are enforced.5Competition is key: in Nigeria, there is a struggle over which religion is the dominant one same way fans believe their club is the best. Followers are kin on gathering more believers for God as clubs want to buy the best talent to play for them.6Conversion to opposite side is frowned at; Liverpool fans burnt down Fernando torress jersey when he signed for opponents Chelsea. Jehovah witness withdrewlove for their members who threaten to 7live the fold. Muslims who wish to convert to Christianity are disowned or beaten to death8Both lead to violence ; fans fight each other during matches on stadium and viewing centers. Muslim-christian fight occur frequently in kaduna9Both have their symbol of faith. Trophies, gloves ,balls bible and jersey.srrkers of kingdom, loyal devotees, shrine-hall of fame.10Both worship the living as well as dead heroes. Lionel messi is adored by barca fans as daddy adeboye is. They are treated more than celebrities. Make a negative remark about cronaldo or oyedepo and watch his faithful attack you as they have done to freeze. Statues are built to honour them. Statue of st Thomas aquinass and statue of maradonnaIronically, both collect money from their faithfull football clubs sell jersey as most churches sell handkerchiel, olive oil etc. some churches collect gatefee from members in form of tithe offering or donation the wa faithfuls pay to watch match.

What are the similarities and differences between soccer and basketball?

Similarities:Both have positions that generally lead the pace of the game offensively or are generally sought after to create chances offensively-i.e Center Attacking Midfielder in football and Point Guard in basketball.Differences:1.Football has multiple sets of positions that have a primary task majority of time-i.e goalkeeper, defenders, midfielders, attackers. A goalkeepers task would be to prevent the opposing team from scoring by intercepting shots on goal. A defenders primary task is to deny penetration towards the goal whether it be intercepting passes towards the goal or an opposing teams player dribbling towards the goal. A midfielder task is to progress the ball up the field and get the ball to the attackers, while playing a role defensively and aiding in scoring chances as well. But, some midfield positions have a player bigger offensively (attacking midfielder) and some defensively (defensive midfielder). The attackers primary task is to score goals. On the other hand, in basketball all players are required to play a role offensively and defensively simultaneously throughout the course of game. Even though, some of the better defensive will have more of defensive role and the better offensive players will have a more offensive role, they still have to able to be competent to some extent on the other end of the court.2. Dimensions of the playing surface, field is much large r(football) and court is much smaller (basketball). This is the reason why the roles are separated in football, it would be extremely difficult and exhausting for the players to travel up and down an entire 120 meter pitch to play both offense and defense vs a 15 meter basketball court.

What are some similarities and differences between U.S. and Chinese cultures?

Similarities :1: both Americans and Chinese love Chinese food.  And Chinese restaurants are very popular in America. 2: both countries occupy a large territory . US being the third largest country in the world, China the fourth. 3: both countries have a strong military. And both country men have a great respect for their militaries. 4: both Americans and Chinese are subject to consumerism. We have Black Friday here , China has dozens of their versions ( 双十一 光棍节 妇女节 ect .) 5: contrary to public impression , both China and US and culturally diverse. China actually has 55 ethnic minorities and there are Caucasians, Turks , Indians who are Chinese citizens. 6: both China and America sheltered Jews during WW27: young people in China admire American culture , while in America , Chinese culture is a part of American culture. Differences :1: Americans are predominately white and American culture is largely based on European culture. 2: little is known prior to Europeans arrival in America , while in China, they have over 5,000 years of history. 3: Americans religious belief is based on Judeo christian beliefs while in China most are atheists. 4: China is a dictatorship and rule of men, America is a democracy and rule of law. 5: China speaks Chinese , America speaks English. 6: America is a highly developed country China is a developing country ( at über high speed ) 7: after all, Chinese foods here taste nothing like their counterparts in China

Compare & Contrast Argentina and USA?

First of all an amazingly interesting and intellectual question considering some other awkward questions by amateurs. To become/be a superpower there are alot of factor to be achieved or "had". Most important and almost never argued factor is an equivalent counter part. Starting from ancient history it was mostly true, Athens and Sparta were some of the earliest superpowers in the west, both had spheres of influence 'Sparta on Land and Athens on seas (near by islands), but once Sparta defeated Athens by breaching its walls, slowly but surely its days of demise was written. Imagine how soon Sparta faced an unimaginable defeat in an open battle(first and at that time it was like USA being defeated by today's Pakistan or Iran) its simply because once the other part of the Balance is destroyed its a quick and hard fall (from greater height) for the remaining superpower. The same was the case for Romans after they defeated Huns, and England after France was defeated by Germans and Nazi Germans were eventually defeated by Allies. The same is the case for US after RUSSIA collapsed in 1989/90, the rise of China could never be mistaken as a superpower for its mostly an Economic boom through some cheap and mass produced products that sell faster and in Great number. While its true that their army is the largest on the planet, it can by no means give it a standard to be called as a super power. A super power needs more than being just a big boy with brute fist(nukes and a grand army) it also should have greater influence on the world at large, just like England and US did/do. And finally US rein as a super power is not ending that fast as some may think, it still has the largest naval fleet(perhaps in the history) for its navy is larger than the next top ten navies put together. Furthermore for the influence building part(which is one of the most important part in becoming a superpower) its good to be a democratic country these days for such countries are easier to thrust than Dictators and Communists. So at the end of the day, US, UK, France, rest of NATO, Australia, India and allies vs China would or could be the power struggle. And if this is the case(which i believe will hardly be a direct military conflict) China simply cant match things economically and diplomatically and so it will surely be a victory for democracies of the world

What similarities do the USA and Ancient egypt have in common?

The United States and Egypt as Soul Mates

What are the similarities and differences between christian art and roman art?

roman art: is essentially classical art- d hellenistic n greco-roman stuff. it looks neat n simple...orderly
christian art: usually adopts art in d romanesque, baroque and gothic style (especially cathedrals/churches )- thou they r not restricted to it...they have this churchlike thing...hmm mood......
The similarity can b said dat they r both supposed to give d viewers a sense of the majesty..err magnitude? power n d godliness? of the god/s AND they bOth paint stories from the their book/story of god/s

What are the differences and similarities between Jesus and Mohammad?

the similarities:Jesus and Muhammad were born in the East, they both said they were sent from God. They were both persecuted.They both founded a brilliant religion, with a very great morality based on love, mercy, and compassion.The differences:Jesus appeared in the Roman Empire which was a structured and organized state with laws. He did not introduce new social laws, but recalled the law of Love and charity towards his neighbor. He recalled the primacy of the spiritual over the law.Muhammad appeared to him in a most barbaric region where the law of talion reigned and where the tribes did not cease to make war, the condition of the women were horrible one buried even the little girls and the men could have dozens of wives. He had to ensure the safety of these disciples, put in place laws that protected women and the poor.But both first put spiritual elevation as the first condition to all things. And both recalled that men were created by God and that they have the same common origin since they come from the same original couple and that they have no differences between them.With the golden rule common to all religions."Don't do to others what you don't want done to you"

Is there a correlation between IQ and interest in sports?

theres 2 types of people in my opinion;

the "male warrior" who likes adrenaline kicks, and that "zone" where your body and mind feel totally connected. these people like extreme sports, such as skydiving, big mountain biking, big mountain/freestyle skiing, and etc.

the "aristocratic male/ female" who has taught himself or herself to enjoy activities that use the brain more than body. however, this is just an illusion, as the body NEEDS endorphins from adrenaline and extreme sports in order to be happy. without, this can lead to the "lonely professor"

finally, there are the people that just like to sit in front of their tv and watch nascar. we can consider that these people like sports, however, their vision of a sport is not to test the body's limits, but as a reason to hang out with a bunch of friends in front of the TV (which in my opinion, isnt really bad)

However, I have to consider your question offensive, because it degrades those that likes sports and physical activity. Also, your question should have had some scientific basis before posting.

In what ways are France and Italy similar?

Both are-- at least originally in the case of France if not anymore-- Roman Catholic countries for the most part. They share border, and to a certain extent probably particularly around those border regions they share some cultural and mutual history as well.  In ancient times Julius Caesar conquered Gaul, which later became France, and that was a key part of its history because through that --- even though they were later invaded by Germanic Franks--- future France got a large part of its linguistic and cultural base (Latin language,& direct Roman Empire influenced).