Complete Personality Change

My horse has had a complete personality change and is unmanagable. What can I do?

How old is this horse? How experienced are you? What is your ultimate riding goal for him? How committed are you to keeping him and working through these issues?

You've been given many good suggestions here. I'll try and add a few more. Definitely have bloodwork done to determine (whether he has been proud-cut).

You say that he's hard to catch. I would start with that. Teach him to catch you. Go spend however long it takes sitting in the pasture until he comes to you, then pet him, place some feed on the ground or in a bucket, then leave--without him. Take a halter with you in plain view but don't try to halter him for a while. Wait for him to be so nosy that he invites you to, and comes running to you when you walk into the pasture. If you do this long enough, he will. Make the object of the game being with you, and make it be a game.

If you can achieve that, the rest will be easier. Try leading him from the pasture to his meals, bring him up to the barn area, and feed him while haltered, then return him to his pasture. Do that for a while, too, until he will lead easily. If he gets pushy just ask him to respect your space.

While he's eating, groom him. Spend time with him. Don't hurry. When you can do all that, then find a round pen and try taking him in there, you can leave a halter on if you wish but no rope or line. Ask him to move away from and toward you, at a walk, trot, then canter. When you can do that without a rope then try it with a rope/line on him.

Next, work him in the pen before saddling him, then work him on line saddled. Do that for a while without riding.

If you take enough time with all of this, then you should eventually be able to ask him to stand for saddling. Once he will do so, then you can try riding again.

Stopping while riding may be a refusal, but it may also be more about him having less training than you thought he did, he might not be sure of what you want. Ask him to go forward, and if he does, great. If he does not, get off and do more ground work, he is not yet ready to be ridden.

If you moved all of the horses into the new pasture, it sounds like your horse is herdbound--so you have to find a way to be more interesting to this horse than his pasture mates are.

You might look into some natural horsemanship with this horse. I hope this helps, whatever you decide.

How would you completely change your personality in 66 weeks?

Refer to book 7 HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE it has lots of powerful lessons for self change.

What makes someone have a complete personality change? Could it be either he suffered a narcissistic injury, he has a tumour, or I just didn't know the real him?

Mine kept the Prince Charming mask on until I refused to combine bank accounts. Then the mask came off and the crazy came real quick. What I realized is that I had such a big heart. I just kept giving and giving and giving. Well. I finally set a boundary that he did not like and boom. Mask came off. So I think when you tell them no, they get bored with you, or they are ready to begin the devalue and discard phase is when the mask comes off. Only a Psychopath can fool someone so well for that long. Even though it's devastating in the moment when they do a 180 and you figure out the are a minion of Satan. It's a blessing in disguise. Why? Because you finally know who they really are. I have talked to many people. We all got that gut feeling that it was too easy. Too good to be true. So when the mask comes off, it validates that inner voice inside of us that knew something was off the entire time. That is why I do this. I had that gut feeling. I want women to start listening to that gut feeling that is telling you something is wrong. Listening to that gut feeling would have saved me time,money,stress and embarrassment from paying so much money for a fake wedding when I was the ONLY one that didn't know it was fake!

How do you change your personality?

It's not magic. It's not rocket science either. It doesn't happen in a second. It's a slow process and you won't even feel it.Going back to 2015, when I used to be a stout, chubby kid with no confidence or energy to speak to new people or even put forward a point in a discussion. I have been a patient of clinical depression and when you are dependent on small bits of solidified chemical complex, pills and tablets, you lose confidence, you need support and you try to find solace in someone rather than yourself.This was 20152018 :I started travelling. It gives you the feeling of being independent. I have travelled to a lot of places, sometimes with friends, sometimes with myself.I still remember while going back to to college after a week of vacations back in 2015, I asked my psychiatrist “Can I travel alone in train?”“Why not” he replied“What if I get a panic attack?”“Then you would learn how to handle a panic attack while traveling alone in train. Cmon, don't you think we can pull this off?”I nodded.I travelled alone for the first time. I got no panic attacks and I reached safely. I got a lot of confidence from that.Work on yourself, your body, your skills and your hobbiesI started giving more time to drumming, I developed interest in new instruments like harmonica and guitar, I started using my time in a more efficient way.I keep trying new things. I don't give my brain time to over think. You can possibly find everything on my Instagram. I get trolled for it but I don't really care. Haha.I lost weight, around 19 kgs in total. I got in shape and I learnt how to carry myself. My dressing sense wasn't good back then, I observed and I started experimenting on clothes. You can always learn from other people, just by looking at them.Be more active in literary activities. Take part in debates, MUNs etc. Watch TEDx and learn how to speak with authority.I used to be a guy for whom uttering a single word in a group used to become a comic scene for others. I was afraid to speak in front of people. I started speaking, regardless of what people think about it.I have been to places to talk about mental health, self love and motivation. It's not something extra ordinary, it's just about trying and keep trying until you get good at something.Become independent. Have faith in yourself and stop caring about what they say about you.What you think about yourself matters.Pictures : Asad Zuberi ( • Instagram photos and videos

It it normal for someone to have a complete change in personality traits and interests?

Yes it is….Interests do change according to age, environment, friends, and influence of some people.In childhood every one loves watching cartoons, but while entering into teenage his interest gets shifted to some other thing like porn, action movies etc, after reaching young age, his interest may again change into something else. He may stop watching TV too, or he may start cartoons all again.Change in the interests and behaviour doesn't mean he is abnormal, a person should be like a water who can change themselves constantly but not like a statue which will stay same all the time.Even Hormone also plays an important role in this, so Stop judging someone by their past

Will being gay change my personality?

Just express yourself within your comfort zone and don't try to be or act like something that you aren't. If you are naturally flamboyant or if you're naturally not as expressive, then be that. If you are gay, that doesn't mean you have to be flamboyant in public, that is often seen by stereotypes. Or vice verse with lesbians, they don't have to be "macho" to be who they are. Everyone is different, and not one group of people act the same way as others do. A lot of gay men do act more feminine after coming out, they just had a huge weight lifted of their shoulders and they're happier because of it. But there are a lot of gay men that you would never suspect are gay, you would never know unless they told you. Which is probably the reason for the stereotype that gay men are feminine. The only gays the general public can recognize are feminine. But like I said don't worry if you are a flamboyant gay or otherwise, you will be happy with who you are.

Why did my personality change so fast? I am a completely different person than I was one year ago. I’m happy about that.

I doubt your personality actually changed. It is much more likely that it evolved and developed. Change in personality terms would be a complete 180 and running in the opposite direction. Which is something that very rarely happens.