Complexion By Richard Rodrigues

Where can i find an essay "complexion" by Richard Rodriguez? i need answeres the questions about this essay

Richard Rodriguez essay?

Ha, I did that last year in AP Language. Do your own homework, that one isn't hard

Please Help! 3 American Lit. Questions! Help Please!!!!!!!?

1. In "Lady Freedom Among Us," Rita Dove's description of Lady Freedom having "oldfashioned sandals," "heaped up trinkets," and a "hand-me-down cap" evokes the image of __________.
A. a refurbished statue
B. a motherly woman
C. a homeless person
D. a classical goddess

2. Many of Richard Rodriguez's relatives in "Complexion" view his dark skin negatively because __________.

A. they associate dark skin with a lack of intelligence
B. they associate dark skin with a neglectful family
C. they associate dark skin with a disregard for one's personal health and safety
D. they associate dark skin with having to do difficult labor outside for little money

3. Why did Suzan Shown Harjo write "Last Rites for Indian Dead"?

A. to demand equal treatment and respect for Native Americans
B. to ask the government to continue its policies with regard to Native Americans
C. to show readers the many cultural contributions made by Native Americans
D. to explain the historical significance of several nineteenth-century battles

What is the best feature of a girl or a woman?

I’ve been dating my current girlfriend for a three and a half years. Now I am eighteen so maybe this is simply just a immature almost high school graduate talking.I’ve know my amazing girl since junior high. The first day I saw her I was attracted to her. Yes she was amazingly pretty and hot. But that was definitely not what drew me inShe is a true extrovert while I am more an introvert. She is very popular but is nice. She didn’t get the popularity by being mean and harsh and scaring everyone in the school. she plays lots of sports; hockey, baseball, basketball, volleyball. She is greatly stubborn.When she was thrown into the boards and broke a few of her ribs and had to stay in the hospital. If she had gotten her way I would have never visited her. She hates getting help, she is brave and very smart.But I think even more so, the thing that I love most about her is she won’t change for anyone. She doesn’t quiet down for her more introverted friends. She doesn’t act like she doesn’t love sports when she is hanging out with the nerds. But she does make everyone around her feel welcome.I love her more than I can say.I think the best quality on a girl personally is happiness and peace with herself. I find my girlfriend is radiant with happiness. It makes me happier. So much so that when she is sad or angry I want to hurt whoever hurt her.She is also very at peace with herself and you can see that in everything she does.