Confucianists Hat Does It Mean To Live In The Present Moment

Differentiate confucianism, taoism and buddhism?

They all try to resolve human problems, teaches proper human conducts in this world and to self in their own ways.


Confucianism tries to target the learning of Human to their society and how to be an upright citizen of the country and of this world. There are the five tenets of their main teachings:

1.) Respect the Heaven- no particular God in question, but believe there is a / or some supreme beings.
2.) Respect of Mother Earth- not necessary personified Earth as a female deity, but rather respect like the American Indians do with the Earth.
3) Loyal to your Emperors/ Rulers- these days just the Government.
4.) Honor your parents, and respect your seniors.
5.) Honor your teachers.


Taoism- free with human conceptions, free from world dictations, many mental practices lead to immortal status, must carry on many Charity works and learn to tune your body to be harmonious with the Universe.


Buddhism- obtains true happiness; steps to learn to achieve the elimination of sufferings; followed by paths to eliminate suffering and obtain higher realization; develop Bodhicitta for perfection of practices and Enlightenment. Final result achieves eternal awareness.

1.) Understand the basis of human desire- to avoid sufferings.
2.) First understand what sufferings are. (4 Noble Truths- break down each component analysis so you understand.)
3.) What is necessary way to eliminate sufferings? (8 Noble paths).
4.) 4 Immeasurable.
6.) Six paraparamitss (six ways of conducts lead to perfection.)
7.) Generate Bodhicitta- develop loving kindness and empathetic compassion,)
8.) 37 branches of Bodhisattvas- right ways to develop and maintain both Loving Kindness and Empathic compassion....etc.

What is concept of God in Confucianism?

Confucianism is not necessarily a religious concept. It mainly concerns itself with ethics. To put it simply, Confucianism is based completely on upholding kindness, mutual respect, and strong moral character/values. It is founded on the idea that society can only flourish when it is bound together by positive interaction and bonds. It came about before Master Kong (later renamed Confucius by European missionaries) was even born. It began in the Zhou dynasty, when ideas of respect and love were considered important but were second to divine commandments and the mandates of those in power. The hope was that if all followed the rightful rulers of their land, the gods and spirits that watched over them, and in all gray areas followed the virtues of kindness and respect, rebellion and chaos would be avoided and the people would remain strong.The way this differs from present Confucianism is when Confucius defined it the way he saw things, he focused more on daily life and the present rather than any sort of divinity or ruling power. This new philosophy did not fully take root until the Han dynasty, the next to occur. A good quote to sum up his general view on religion and the afterlife: “We do not yet know how to serve man, how can we know about serving the spirits? We don't know yet about life, how can we know about death?” (The Analects of Confucius) He believed that you shouldn’t worry about what came after death, and that you should simply live the best and most morally correct life you can possibly have, you have nothing to fear from a God. Distance yourself from the otherworldly and mystical, for it can offer you nothing you need.To learn more about Confucianism, I would recommend going here. If you’re doing a report or are really interested, read a translated version of the Analects of Confucius.

Explain how elements of Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism and Shinto are present in Bushido?

Bushido was influenced heavily by Zen Buddhism, which was very easy for samurai to practice. Buddhism deals with impermanence, living in the moment, and was a way of readying the mind to face death at any time. Confucianism contributed to ideas of honor and duty, Bushido is often called the tao (or way) of the Samurai... Shinto was the native relgion of Japan... so it influenced Samurai thought. Many Samurai paid respects to Hachiman which was a shinto deity of war...

In Chinese Confucianism, Buddhist, and Taoist thought, what happens after you die?

Confucianism (the Confucius school): “While you do not know life, how can you know about death?” (未知生焉知死) — agnostic secular humanismTaoism (the Laozi school): Life and death are two sides of the same coin, as is day and night. All death returns to the Cosmos. — pantheismChinese Buddhism (in general): believes in Karma and Reincarnation. — panentheism (not pantheism)Chan Buddhism (aka Zen): “accepts Karma and Rebirth but doesn’t care too much about the afterlife, as what matters is the present moment, here and now.” — secular panentheism [1]Huangquan & Shangdi/Tian (native Chinese religion): dead people become ghosts who cross over a river to the next world, so ancient Chinese had to build mummies and terracotta armies to protect their ancestors in their afterlife. The omnipotent High God Tian, also known as Shangdi, oversees everything. The belief eventually became a symbolism after the Qin-Han period. — monotheismFootnotes[1] Panentheism - Wikipedia

What are the core principles of Taoism?

Well, the following are the "Taoist commandments," if you will, found in the 8th chapter of the Tao Te Ching;

"In dwelling, live close to the ground.
In thinking, keep to the simple.
In conflict, be fair and generous.
In governing, don't try to control.
In work, do what you enjoy.
In family life, be completely present."

Personally, I would say the core philosophy of Taoism is to release your need for control.

According to Taoism, you will make yourself miserable trying to control things that aren't under your control, such as other people, and the future. The Tao Te Ching suggests that, instead, you should learn to accept and love things as they are and count each moment of life as a blessing, regardless of the circumstances.