Confused On How Calories Work Help

How many calories a day should I consume? SO CONFUSED HELP PLEASE!?

Two things: One, I'm pretty sure with that caloric intake and the cardio you're getting you will lose weight. However, you are not overweight now so it might be a slow process (as it should be). Don't expect miracles. You will probably feel thinner before the scale actually says you are (as the result of toning).

Two - I am a little concerned about your motives for losing weight. You are at a healthy weight right now, and at only 14, I worry that dieting is a bad idea. You need fat and calories to grow to your potential. Whatever you do, don't skimp on vitamins and healthy stuff in your diet. It's great to be more active and eat better, I just hope you aren't being sucked in by the media telling you that you aren't good enough because you aren't rail-thin. As a female, development at your age is very important.

Confused! How does BMR work?

I'm in the process of losing weight and in doing so I made an excel sheet where I write down the food I eat everyday. I made it so that all of the calories are added up at the end of the week. I also made a column for exercise that adds up all the calories burned for the week. As I add food and exercise, Excel calculates how many calories I burned and converts it to pounds lost.

In order for this to be accurate, I need to factor in how much my body burns on a daily basis. My BMR is 1488. However I'm a little confused...After you calculate your BMR, you are supposed to multiply it by 1.2 for sedentary people, 1.3 for mildly active people, ect. This confuses me because I am already accounting for exercise in my chart. So should I multiply by 1.5 (because I exercise 3-5 times a week) AND then add the calories I burn from exercise that week? OR do I just say that I burned 1488 calories that day and then add the calories burned from whatever exercise I did?

If I multiply by what they tell me to, then the calories my body burns daily is apparently what does this mean? Do I still subtract the calories from exercise? Or is that already factored in? If that is the case, isn't it more accurate to just use your BMR and then manually calculate what you burned everyday?

Sorry if this is confusing....

Im confused about the difference between fat and calories?

nothing about it is confusing. calories come from carbs proteins and fat which im sure you know but not EVERYONE knows that 9 calories come from 1 gram of fat. they put both on the label so that people will know how much calories come from fat. some people dont want to eat something if half of the calories come from fat. its just EASIER for the person to read it. and that way the person knows how many calories they should potentially try to work off. example:
a kellogs fiber plus bar has 130 calories. 45 of those calories come from fat. that means 85 calories are from carbs and proteins which is what i need. so when i go to the gym i will work off at least 45 calories so that i do not store the fat. then i will work off the other 85 calories so the carbs do not store as fat that way i am using the energy up and i will do very light weight lifting so the protein will be used as well. light weights so i wont actually gain muscle but just work the muscle so the protein will be used.

I’m so confused, I’ve been eating 1.7k calories for a week of only healthy food, no cheat days, no nothing. I’m 5’3 but my scales says I’ve gained 5kgs. Is this possibly all fat?

Its really hard to gain 5 kg (about 12 lbs) in a week, so I am wondering how accurate that is. You have not indicated whether you are trying to lose weight, or just maintain it. A 1700 kcal diet should maintain your weight, or if you are very inactive, you may gain a bit (one or two lbs in a week at the most). So I would suggest going back and looking at your diet and ensure that you have accurately measured the foods and used a reliable source for determining the calorie count of the foods you are eating. There can be other factors at play as well, including where you are in your menstrual cycle, and if you have had any illnesses in the last few weeks such as colds, flu’s or gi tract disturbances. If you feel that you have accurately measured, weighed and accounted for all of your intake then I would consider checking to see if your scale is working. If you have gained 12 lbs our clothes would be much tighter. You might want to also start using body measurements - measuring your chest, waist, hip, thigh and upper arm circumferences on a weekly or monthly basis. If you are trying to lose weight 1700 kcal is not likely to lead to weight loss. An intake of 900–1200 kcal is usually required for weight loss, depending on your activity level.

Very Confused Physics Homework?

“1 food Calorie is 103 calories.“
You mean: 1 food Calorie is 10^3 calories (1000 cal).

1cal = 4.184 J so the cake contains:
936 x 1000 x 4.184 = 3916224J

If the climber is 100% efficient, the energy they use equals the gravitational potential energy gained (mgh).

73.7 x 9.8 x h = 3916224
h = 3916224/(73.7 x 9.8) = 5422.12m

This must be rounded to match the precision of the data used. I’d use 2 sig. figs. but 3 would be OK.
h = 5400m (or 5420m)


okay so I understand that your bmr uses up calories to make some of your body parts function. My bmr is 1428. SO does that mean that in order for me to live I have to eat 1428 calories? and if i eat less then my metabolism slows down and I start gaining weight because im going into starvation mode or whatever? and if i eat over that amount i gain weight? i also read somewhere that your bmr burns calories even when youre not doing anything at all just sitting on your butt. So if I eat a cupcake some fried dumplins, a twinkie, and a cheeseburger (and all of that stuff is under 1428 calories) my bmr will burn off those calories and i wont gain weight even if I don't do a thing to burn those calories off, just sit on my butt and let my bmr handle the job? please help me I need ANSWERS im a hormonal awkward adolscent who cant spell for her life whos just trying to get healthy and educated and lose some belly fat. HELP ME PLEASE I NEED ANSWERS!!!!!!

How does caloric deficit work?

Hi, so recently I've been trying to lose weight and every time I read something on fat loss it talks about caloric deficit. I'm confused about it because of this: my basal metabolic rate (bmr) I calculated was 1613 which is what I would burn if I did nothing all day. So it's like a theoretical question:

Say I burned 500 calories at the gym (which has been pretty much what I've burned lately) and I consumed 1000 calories per day (about accurate as well). If this is the case, is there a deficit because of the 1613 basal calories lost, or do those basal calories not count and therefore I would have to burn at least 1000 calories at the gym to have a deficit? Idk its confusing but if you can answer me that would be very helpful, thanks so much! Xx

I am confused about working out at gym? Does living gym after may increase weight gain again?

First of all,you need to understand,how weight loss/gain happens -:When you eat more calories and burn less….You Gain weightWhen you eat less calories and burn more….You Lose WeightWhen you eat and burn equal amount of calories….Your Weight stays sameNow,Whenever a person join gyms,then definitely,since he is burning more calories, in comparison to before….so,he starts losing weight(point 2. applies on him)And Once you leave Leave Gym,then that calorie burning stops and you start gaining weight back(point 1. applies on him)But,this same story will happen, even if you join walking,yoga,zumba,cross-fit,swimming,dancing or any form of physical activity….So,the problem is not in Gym….Its in the Sedentary Behavior….You need to stay Regularly Physically Active,if you want to Maintain Your Weight in Long run.Additionally,joining Gym offers several benefits,which are beyond weight loss-:Weight Training in gym build muscles and thus you look toned and strong.Bones become strong because of weight training.Release of Endorphins postworkout gives a ‘feel good feeling’ and its a different sort of high(for some its higher than even drugs)Your risk of diabetes,BP and cholesterol issues goes downYou become regular and disciplined(provided you do it for long time)So,join a good gym and get a proper Nutrition Plan by an expert….Don’t look for some short cut or crash form of diet……..Incase,you still feel,that gym doesn’t suits you and you want a proper Weight Loss……Then,You can visit our website Beyond Calories, Gym & Weght Loss in case of consultation.

I have started work out recently. i am bit confused about my diet. working out for my lean muscle gain and i will eat vegetables+chicken, no other meat.  can any one suggest me in daily diet(hour by hour)?

I like Joshua's answer. Overall I think he has provided a very knowledgable response. There are a couple points I would comment on (not saying he us wrong, just that I have a different opinion). The main thing he said that I disagree with us in regards to weight loss (which isn't even pert of the original question). I do not believe hat counting calories makes a difference. It is old school thinking. Obviously you don't want to overeat, but weight loss is determined by what you eat more than by his much . Likewise moderate exercise does not make any noticeable contribution to weight loss! Exercise IS necessary and highly beneficial to your body, but not a major player in weight loss. He mentions protein powders. I highly recommend the use of high quality WHEY protein after a workout. If you are exercising to build and tone muscle you must increase your protein intake throughout the day. Also a quality CASEIN protein shake before going to bed will feed your muscles all night. Eggs are excellent for breakfast and are okay any other time. They are safe and the old cholesterol myth has been proven false.My other recommendation for building muscle and losing fat is to take a high quality BCAA supplement. (Branch Chained Amino Acids). This protects to your muscle and helps force your body to burn fats.Whether building muscle or losing weight, eliminate added sugars from you diet. PERIOD. Only sugar occurring naturally in foods such as fruits should be in your diet. Limit grains, especially wheat and more critically white flours. Get your carbs from non starchy vegetables. Don't stick to chicken. Fish, pork and beef are excellent sources of protein as well.

I am confused, does curd help in losing weight or gaining weight?

Now, never exclude curd off your diet. It's very important and has some really good health benefits. But refrain from consuming curd at night. Curd is rich in fats, protein, carbohydrates and probiotic content. Adding this to your breakfast can do wonders to your daily routine. And since it being rich in these macros, it helps gain weight (of consumed wayy too much). Instead, buttermilk, another very very good fluid that one must have in their diet. This is very rich in protein and less in fats and carbs. This also has better health benefits than that of curd. Having a glass of buttermilk a day can make you super healthy. And if you wanna lose weight/consume less carbs, this is the way to go!Hope this helps :)