Connotation Definition .

What is the best definition of connotation?

1.) What is the best definition of connotation?

a.the dictionary definition of a word
b.all of the intended meanings beyond the dictionary definition
c.the methods that linguists use to compare foreign languages

2.) What is the best definition of context?
a.the elements surrounding a word that influence its meaning
b.a means of transmitting information in a bound, written format
c.the meanings of words as they occur in the language structure

What is the definition of negative connotation?

Connotation refers to the underlying meaning of a word rather than its literal meaning; the negative connotation represents underlying negative implications of a word.For example, the words ‘childlike’, ‘childish’ and ‘youthful’ have similar denotative (literal) meanings, referring to a young person, but they have different connotative meanings, that is to say, that whereas ‘youthful’ refers to a lively person (positive connotation), the words ‘childish’ and ‘childlike’ have negative connotations, referring to an immature person.


Connotation is the Definition of a word in your own words, while denotation is the Definition of a word that is exact or straight from the dictionary. Isn't it ironic that I learned about this yesterday-thank you school:)

Define connotation.?

Connotation is an implied meaning of a word. Opposite of denotation.

Good noght, sweet prince, and flights of angels sing thee to thy rest (burial)

T or F: Connotation is synonymous with definition?


Select the correct definition of ‘connotation’?

Choose the best answer from the options below:
A the dictionary definition of a word

B making a footnote/reference

C a word with similar meaning

D emotions associated with a word

Is there a difference in connotation or definition between the words "familiar" and "furmiliar"?

The word "furmiliar" is just a facetious or humorous respelling of "familiar." The respelling is trying to convey a certain regional accent or social characteristic of the speaker. This is a technique (properly called eye dialect) often associated with Charles Dickens and Mark Twain.

What is the difference between the definitions and connotations of the word "Leftist" versus "Liberal"?

Leftist, is a broad-term that is used to describe parties and voters that advocate socialist-influenced policies. Political stances can vary in the left-wing but the unifying trait is that they all advocate some form of welfare or mixed-economy policy.Liberal, has a double meaning. It is a word ascribed to policies that advocate personal or economic freedom, usually from the government. It is also a centrist political stance that runs closely along the lines of Classical Liberalism, advocating for personal freedoms and economic freedoms, to a degree.There are notable variations though. Some liberals are Social Liberals which lean more on the left of the spectrum (but still centre) and then there’s liberal Conservatism which is a more economically conservative and slightly more socially conservative but overall, values personal freedoms.Overall, liberal is generally ascribed to anyone in the centre of politics who advocates for personal freedoms, controlled economic freedom and democracy.

What is Connotation???

Connotation is the tone or emotional association that a word has. It can be negative or positive, but is usually something seen by the population in general.

For example, "slim" and "scrawny" both mean that a person is thin. "Slim," though, has a positive connotation -- it makes you think of an attractive person, while "scrawny" has a negative connotation -- it makes you think of a malnourished or impoverished person.

There are also words that have neutral connotations. "Child" has a relatively neutral connotation, while "little one" has a positive connotation and "brat" is negative.

When trying to recognize the connotation of a word, go with your gut. You can usually tell just by reading it if the word is associated with positive or negative emotions, or with no emotions.

Cat -- neutral
Laugh -- positive
Glare -- negative
Book -- neutral
Shirt -- neutral
Smile -- positive
Nourishment -- positive
Stalker -- negative
Fan -- positive
Dream -- positive
Nightmare -- negative
Torrent -- negative

There are many more where that came from. :)