Cons Say That Benghazi Is Worse Than Watergate. Would They Also Say It

Is the Benghazi scandal worse than Watergate? No one died as a result of Watergate and?

Okay, judging from the answers to this question nobody wants to question the president on anything. So here is the thing, the State Department is responsible for the safety of its people and they failed in Benghazi. There was a failure in security that lead to the deaths of 4 Americans. The question is was this negligence and who is to blame? But the bigger question is, why is the Obama Administration trying to make this go away?

The Democrats and the media got rid of Nixon for spying on the Democrat party. Nobody got killed. In Benghazi 4 were killed and those who know what happened are being threatened. Furthermore, the lawyers for the whistleblowers are being denied clearances to defend their clients by the State Department. This is not only worse than Watergate it is evidence that Obama should not only be impeached but prosecuted.

Which was worse, Watergate or Iran-Contra?

When Iran-Contra began there were 12 Americans being held hostage by Islamic terrorist and three anti-American marxist regimes in Latin America. When Iran-Contra was over, there was one American held by Islamic terroriost and only one anti-american regime (Cuba) in Latin America. Watergate was the operation of a paranoid President to get re-elected.. You decide

Which is worse, Trump withholding for months, donations he received for veterans, or Hillary using a private server?

To me, as much as I dislike Hillary Clinton, when I add up all the negatives on Trump’s side and all the negatives on Clinton’s then take into consideration the experience that is necessary for governing a country of 350 million people with its (necessarily) huge bureaucracy, including the military, the State Department, federal employees, the various cabinet departments, etc., etc., I can come to no conclusion other than that Hillary Clinton (of the two) is the sanest choice. I think the way he has handled the veterans donations affair is simply scandalous. All he has had to do is make public very single check that came in and every single check that went out. This bull-crap he says about it not being anyone’s business? Of course it’s everyone’s business!!! Charities have to report these things, he should too! Besides, he sure didn’t mind televising the giant Publisher’s Clearing House sized checks he did give out! What a hypocrite. Like the Pharisees, he chokes on gnats, but swallows camels whole.The way Trump treats people, his childish reliance on silly nicknames to ridicule his opponents, his near total lack of knowledge of domestic and foreign affairs, his lack of introspection…my God, I could go on for pages…it just boggles my mind that this “sickness” might be the next president of the country. If Beirut, much less Benghazi, had happened under Hillary, I’d still prefer her over Trump.Oh, this just in: North Korea's State-Run Paper Picks 'Wise' Trump Over 'Dull' Clinton Looks like Trump’s getting the “Fellow Dictator” friendships lined up! Putin Reveals How He Feels About Donald Trump