Conservatives If Your Ideas Are Superior Than Why Is The Natural Progression Of Things From Red To

Whats so wrong about being a conservative social worker?

You don't have to conform to your peers. Be yourself. The majority is not always right.

I saw an advertisement on t.v. today that showed a black man in an exercise club. My first impression as he was walking through was that he owned the place. Then he walked past some exercise machines that were each labeled "Whites only." As I looked on in shock, a voice-over said, "Imagine how different the world would be today if not for the dream of Martin Luther King. One voice can make a difference."

If most social workers are politically liberal, does that mean that conservatives have no place in social work, or does that indicate an even greater need for the conservative voice in that arena?

Conservatives often get bashed for not caring about the needy, but in fact, red states statistically give more to charity than blue states. Liberals believe the needy should be cared for primarily by government programs; conservatives believe in individual responsibility and giving to charities and individuals directly--less of the government, more of the people.

In my opinion, it is not what you have, it is what you are able to give. If someone earns a lot of money and buys quality items, but gives a lot of money to charity (in my definition, that's 10% or more of one's gross income), is that person being less considerate of the poor than those who are poor themselves? You can't give away what you don't have.

There will always be great need in the world; does that mean that no one should ever have any luxury? Because there is pain and grief, should no one ever experience happiness?
(And I'm not equating happiness solely with "stuff.")

It is often wise to purchase good quality items because they can be more durable and therefore better for the environment as well as your pocketbook. But if the label is a status symbol to you, and your heart is concerned with presenting a certain image, please read Mary Hunt's story:

Sometimes cheaper items are just as good as more expensive ones. Read Consumer Reports and similar consumer reviews. Name brand doesn't necessarily mean the best quality or the best deal.

Also, when you're done with your quality clothes or household items, and are clearing out the old to make room for the new, consider benefiting others by Freecycling:

Why Are Conservatives So Stubborn About Pollution & Global Warming?

Think about it... only about 25 percent of Americans think Bush is doing a good job... only about 25 percent of Americans say they don't believe in Global Warming... only about 25 percent of Americans don't believe in Evolution... only about 25 percent of Americans believe that a clump of bloody cells is a human... if you computed a bell shaped curve of the intelligence level of Americans (or any group) the lower 25 percent of the people at the bottom of that curve would really be stupid people... only about 25 percent of Americans believe the Iraqi war is a good thing... about 25 percent of Americans are so shallow and narrow minded that they hate anyone or anything that isn't like them.

I'm not going to point any fingers, but my question would have to be: IS IT THE ALL THE SAME 25 PERCENT?

Liberalism? Conservative? What do these really mean?

Wow...good job! Pretty much sums it up and yeah...prepare to be attacked with namecalling. I'm sure they are on their way!

What do liberal and conservative mean?

Ok, your getting some stupid answers let me clear it up for you:

Liberal- (literally meaning generous) believe in big government, more taxes on wealthier people, pro- choice, gun control, anti- war, separation of church and state, pro immigration, support gay marriage, support welfare programs.

Conservative- (literally meaning controlled) believe, in more traditional values, they believe in smaller government, taxing everyone equally, pro-life, pro-gun, for war under just cause, some believe in immigrations while others don't, some are anti- gay while others aren't, don't support the welfare program.

Why are conservatives so convinced that the "free market" will always sort things out properly? Markets have limitations and outside influences, so why do conservatives (I assume) view it more favorably than the State?

As a limited-government conservative, the thing I really like about markets is that in theory, they distribute decision-making power amongst market actors (buyers, sellers) in such a way that the only control they have over other actors is in whether or not they choose to buy or sell. In this model, all decisions are decentralized, and so is power. Every transaction is ideally consensual, and there aren’t top-down roles in an ideal free market to prop up losing propositions, and there’s competitive forces (ideally) to keep people honest.But there’s theory, and there’s reality.Where American Conservatives (especially free-market Libertarians) get it wrong with regard to markets is in their faith that markets don’t fail, that they’re best left unregulated. In reality, markets often fail to render efficient outcomes (Monopolies and externalities spring to mind) and they are too often prone to regulatory capture. In blindly asserting markets to have no failures or errors, they are in effect arguing that we should leave things to the big players, and accept the evils that follow when they capture their regulators.Both approaches (laissez-faire, and vigorous regulation) have their upsides and drawbacks:Too strong a regulator can stifle desirable economic activity, or it can create incentives for undesirable economic activity.Too weak a regulator… often leads to regulatory capture on the part of market incumbents.It boils down to whether you prefer your markets to be dominated by regulators with political motives, or dominated by regulators working on behalf of market incumbents.So, who’s more trustable in a given marketplace? A bank regulator with the power to make the banks jump, or one that doesn’t, but is angling for a role with one of the banks? It depends on whether or not you like the foxes guarding the henhouse.

The inventor of the Wheel..conservative or leftist liberal?

Ha, I love the answers in here.

I would say he was a moderate conservative, man being tribal, yet selfish at time, the guy probably made it to make life easier on himself, he saw an opportunity and started making some for other tribe members. He traded them for other goods, including food, etc. His family was well taken care of. The tribe was now moving along with chores at a faster pace. Life was good for everyone.

Then the chief came along, he saw how much wealth the inventor had accumulated and decided this was not fair to the rest of the tribe, especially the one's who did not have enough self discipline to gather up goods and food to trade for wheels.

So the chief had his men take 75% of the inventor's goods and redistributed them trough out the tribe. Now every one was on a level playing field.

Soon the inventor no longer had the drive to make new things, the poor did not want to excel like the inventor had in the past because the chief was taking care of them.

The tribe became fat and lazy.

The tribe's enemies came and destroyed the tribe.

A conservative made it, and a liberal jacked it from him.

Conservatives, what do you love so much about tradition?

"Conservatives" by their very nature are terrified imbeciles who tremble at the future. They might lose control of themselves if there's any changes in their world - and certainly they can't control others if they don't keep things the way they are.

These people are mentally handicapped - probably abused as children by loud mouth fathers (mirrored by Rush Limbo and his River of Hate) or they were abused by churches who are famous for that sort of thing. They have been beaten, abused, starved, abandoned and convinced that preacher so-in-so is a real AUTHORITY.

"Conservatives" cannot chose what they believe - it's been forced on them - and because of that they are filled with helpless rage - and out of that comes the racism that you see pointed at Obama by the republicans on a daily basis.

"Conservatives" are a cowardly, unthinking bunch of pusillanimous pussyfooters - and this is why they're always accusing somebody else of being this way.