Conservatives Less Government More God

Is God a conservative?

God isn’t necessarily conservative but rather He desires what is good foremost. The problem with the labels for conservative and liberal is that those definitions are always changing. Sometimes liberal cares about this given issue. Later on this same issue becomes something the ex-liberals turned conservatives now defend.What God doesn’t waver on is what the definition of good is. This is why Roman Catholics tend to seem “strict” when in reality this strictness is a form of strength. What is good or bad in the previous generation remains good or bad in the next generation, unaffected by the passing trends and whims of humanity.Morality gets into trouble when it starts to dabble in the gray. Maybe it’s okay to kill or enslave if the opposing race isn’t necessarily white. Maybe it’s okay if I skim some off of the top because no one will notice anyway. Maybe it’s okay to punch this person because they shoved me first. Maybe it’s okay to tell the customer a half-truth because it’s what everyone else in this department is doing, etc.

Why do conservatives fear big government?

The most simple answer is the power of compulsion!Let’s try the following examples, see if you can name who perpetrated it:Imprison citizens for speaking out against tax policy?Imprison citizens for reading the constitution aloud in public?Imprison a business owner because they sell their services (tires / dry cleaners, etc) for less than what the government requires them to be sold for? aka minimum sale priceIn order to artificially keep prices high, force farmers to slaughter and dispose of 10s of thousands of pigs while 25% to 30% of the country is starving.In order to artificially keep prices high, force farmers to dump out millions of gallons of fresh milk, while a high percentage of the country faces malnutrition.Ok, got it? Which European countries and leaders are responsible for these atrocities? In order, they are:United States - Woodrow WilsonUnited States - Woodrow WilsonUnited States - FDRUnited States - FDRUnited States - FDRYou see, constitutional conservatives like myself don’t simply hate government — we actually want and know we need government. We also realize that governments are vested with the powers the people give them, by way of our constitution. The government works for us — we do not work for the government.It really is that simple. In the United States, we believe, and it has been proven time and again, that the worst atrocities committed against man-kind are committed as a result of government compulsion — slavery ring a bell?The government exists ONLY to secure our natural god given rights — anything more, we the people need to enumerate them with those powers; if we don’t, they can’t simply assume the powers and ask for forgiveness later. Unfortunately, over the past 100 years of progressive rule, that is exactly what has happened. They’ve turned our constitutional republic into an administrative fiat that circumvents our constitutional protections every day.

Is the Conservative way of life a good choice for me?

...::::I'll make it short:::..
(Pro) Most of my beliefs can only be titled as "Conservative".
(Con) I heard that the Conservative party opposed racial equality (back in the days).

(Pro) I love the sheer Independence, unchanging beliefs in God Laws and order that the conservative brings to the field.
(Cons) I am an Aquarius. which means liberalism is my default nature(i.e. Just because the middle east are not running around with a cowboy hat does not mean they need changing and F!@# prop 8 while you're at it!)

(Pro) I do not feel guilty when i say that welfare, Affirmative Action and other governmental reliance should be banned from all races(less government) when i am around other conservatives.
(Con) The biggest fear to why i am conflicted about converting to Conservatism is fear of becoming a Sell-Out!
for a ebony feller it truly means a great deal(it burns greater then being called a racist)

Liberal, Moderate, Conservative?

Go to

take their poll, wee which candidate you align with most, this will help you see if you have more liberal or modest leanings.

Some basics of the parties

Conservatives, theoretically want less government intervention
Liberals want more

Conservatives are more for state rights, Liberals Federal

Conservatives believe that private clarities are more efficient than government welfare.

Conservatives believe their is a place for god in government, but no place for government in God.

Liberals think that God should be eliminated from government altogether.

For full disclosure I am of the conservative persuasion, so although I tried to be as unbiased as i could be with my answer my perspective may show.

Are you an atheist conservative?

Ri... I don't think it is fair to say I was "stereotyping" and I am not sure how my question can be redundant and meaningless. I am fully aware of the fact that there are some liberal republicans and conservative democrats, however, I am generalizing, not stereotyping. Perhaps I was over generalyzing, but that isn't the point of my question, from the looks of it, most people understood what I was asking. You provided nothing with your response.

Are conservative less free than liberals?

Conservatives in some societies will try to control every aspect of living and try to prevent any thought of the opposite. Iran is a good example. Back in the time of the Shaw. Women were dressed just like here in the USA, Dresses, jeans, slacks, few burkas were seen. Then the Shaw was over thrown by ultra religious and ultra conservatives. Now a woman is rarely seen in public who is not in a burka or head scarf at least. Religious conservatism has taken over that country. There are other regions of the world just like that They were advancing under a more liberal government, and then religion took over and threw out the liberals and now they are marching backwards once again. Hence you will find that conservative governments are less free than liberal ones. Take the USA for example. Up until Trump takes over, we will have government agencies that will fight for your clean air and water. After The inaugurations, his EPA head will undo all that which was fought for to keep water and air clean. HUD will be run by a idiot as will the Dept of education who wants to make GOD the one who decides what your children learn in school. Guess who's god that is? I have no idea and hope this does not happen but based upon their own words it will. So here the religion will become the way we run things just like Iran is. This is my prediction.

Can you be an atheist and conservative?

If by conservative you mean someone who believes that there is some natural order such as two differentiated sex/genders in human beings, and that any attempt to subvert this reality can cause measurable changes. Then this does not depends on beliefs in gods. (You can change gender for class, race, individual character traits, or something else.)If by conservative you mean someone who believes that wealth should be the result of effort, and that attempts by central governments to draw the deserved product of effort by some people to rescue other people who don’t care to make an effort, creating both negative incentives and bureaucracy. Then, again, this does not depends on beliefs in gods.So, under those or other definitions of conservative, atheists can be conservatives and conservatives can be atheists.