Conservatives Why Do You Hate President Obama So Much Is It Because He Is An African American

Would conservatives hate President Barack Obama if he wasn't African American?

I never vote for anyone or judge anyone based on their race.I voted for Trump because I thought he was a better bet for the economy and the latest figures show that was probably correct.I voted against Obama, not because of the color of his skin, but because I thought Romney had a better business brain which was needed to dig the economy out of its slump.Obama was a great public speaker but he probably cost Hillary Clinton the election. For 8 years he had been telling the rust states he would give them jobs and virtually nothing got delivered. The rust states would have voted for whomever the Republicans put up.I have no hatred for Obama.I wish he had been a republican. He could have achieved so much more.

Why do conservatives tend to emphasize Barack Obama's middle name, Hussein?

It's a play on prejudice.

And before Republicans get all ticked off that I said they hate black people, I didn't. It's not racism against black people, but rather against Muslims.

Republican campaign managers felt that it would work if they played up Obama's middle name, thus associating him with Muslims. Actually, Obama's campaign managers felt that, too; which is why they tried to play it down.

Both Republican and Democrat campaigners felt that Americans were probably racist. Judging by how the middle name was handled, in particularly by Republicans, it looks like both sides were right. Overall, we are racist.

C'est la vie. Que sera, sera.

However, Obama playing up his middle name in his Cairo speech does not have the same motivation behind it. He is attempting to bring people together, moderate Muslim and moderate American; and he is attempting to do this by showing that Americans are "not racist" because they chose someone who has a Muslim name.

In essence, he is covering for a majority of us.

Which is disconcerting, and hilarious.

Why are conservatives so against Obama when he is essentially Bush in black face? They're both neoc0ns?

I just don't know where to start. You've obviously lost all perspective!

So why do Conservative, Republicans ,Tea Party libertarians hate President Obama?

From a Republican/Conservative or even Congress' view:
President Obama's policies or policies he favors...
show little respect...
and are dangerous...

to their income.

Think about it,
He signed legisltion requiring government agencies to recover their overpayments,
He got us out of a war, which was helping companies like Haliburton,
He signed a legislation that limits healthcare insurer profits and requires healthcare insurers to pay out 80% of premiums, or rebate them back to the patients.
He signed legislation that shows the American public how much money healthcare providers are making
from Medicare.
He signed legislation that reduces the amount of money hospitals pay to drug companies.
He signed legislation that eventually reduced the amount of money paid to healthcare providers by 4 billion,
He signed legislation that
would have reduced the amount paid by the government to healthcare insurers, by 200 billion,
but our new Congress stepped in and voted that reduction out.

Why do liberals HATE non-white conservatives so much?

Bravo for including Richard Steel among the list of notables above. He is one of the last, great boxing 'refs' of all time. As for Colin Powell, he's no longer among the Conservatives, as far as I'm concerned. He currently naps at Obama's feet far too often.

As for why Liberals hate non-white Conservatives...I have no idea. I cannot understand why the Liberals adopt any of the views they hold today, because there is not any reasonable explanation for most often shared views. I cannot explain why those spewing LIBERAL views so very often express disdain (and even hatred) for the values of those who follow Conservative Christian beliefs. Yet, the LIBERALS rage at anyone suggesting that they, the Liberals, are bigoted in ANY way. During the last two elections in America...I have noticed that the most bigoted people in this nation today America are very often those who scream how very LIBERAL they are. Actions always speak far louder than anyone's big mouth.