Continuous Unknown Bites

I keep waking up with bug bites but no bugs, what is biting me?

Unfortunately, the answer is that bed bugs are likely biting you. There are many myths about bed bugs - people think that you will find traces of them like droppings/blood, and people also think that you will get many bites. Both are often not true. You are going to be wondering for a year, getting bites all the while (and possibly spreading the bugs outside your home). I know this from experience of a boyfriend who spent months of online research, put down every type of trap on the market, and never found bed bugs, until about 4 months into it, he did find just one. He couldn’t find any others but continued to get bites - just one or two - every night. He got them taken care of. Don’t be fooled by the myths of how bed bugs are - just get your place examined by a professional company and proceed from there.

Do horse bites hurt?

Yes! The injury might not be as bad as if it was from a dog, since horses have blunt teeth, but they still have a strong jaw and can hurt a lot nonetheless. Fortunately, most horses only bite as sort of a “warning” when you do something they're not liking, and thus don't hurt too much since they don't apply too much force; or when you're feeding them by hand and they accidentally nip you (still hurts). But if they go serious, you can be assured it's gonna leave a mark, and if they catch your fingers… well, needless to say what can happen. The most severe injuries, if it’s a full-force bite, include broken bones and torn tissue, since they have enough strength to lift and toss you.Now, here’s a saving grace: they have a portion of their mouth with no teeth. That’s where we fit the bit when we’re riding them.When they bite you, there's a chance that they’ll go too far and fit your arm (the most likely part where you'll get bitten) in that interdental space. In that case only, you might feel some pressure, but it doesn't hurt too much because you’re in contact with softer tissue (gums and tongue), instead of teeth. That being said though, male horses do have 2 to 4 canines in that interdental space, for some unknown reason. Some mares also have them, but they’re much rarer. So don’t rely too much on that chance of getting your arm in that “not-so-safe” spot. It’s not easy to take an arm off the interdental space if the horse isn’t willing to open their mouth the slighest, so even if you do miss the teeth, there’s plenty of things they can do with you once you’re locked.

Why do I keep biting my tongue?

From a dentists point of view here are a few reasons:You have teeth missing. Maybe you got them extracted. Or you have spaces between your teethYou congenitally (from birth) have a large tongueYou may have tongue tie where your tongue is attached to the floor of the mouthIf you bite your tongue rarely, your fine. People sometimes bite their tongue while eating.. when your not concentrating on chewing your food.Stress

I can't see any bugs. What is biting me at night?

There are many possibilities. Here are some...1)     Mosquitos –have a very light touch; many times you never know you’ve been bitten until much later when the venom causes itching. They can also bite through clothing.2)     Fleas –fleas are so small and fast that you rarely ever see them bite you. Like the mosquitos, they could be long gone before you feel the bites. Because of their size they could be in your bed and you still may not see them.3)     Bed bugs – hide under the mattress and don’t come out until they sense your presence; they usually leave some signs of their presence, like dried blood (their poop) in the seams of the mattress.4)     No-see-ums – Yes, there really is such a thing. As the name suggests, they are very difficult to see. They have long (relative to their tiny size) mouths that often leave a “v” shaped bite mark under high magnification. Their bites and itching often don’t show up for a day or two so you don’t even know you’ve been bitten until much later.

What are your best tips for getting through a difficult survival situation?

Depends on the situation.

The Poster (Ivan) above has good advise if you are in a totally austere environment or in the wilderness.

But survival is a very broad term, and it's unclear what your starting situation is vs. what your realistic prospect of getting out is.

If you are stranded on an Island you need to do some things that you might not need to worry about, if you were trying to escape from the scene of an earthquake,tsunami, bombing or some other natural catastrophe.

However, that said there are some commonalities.

1. BE CALM - Hysteria didn't do anything but get people killed, so no matter what, from a fender-bender to a nuclear blast, be calm.

2. Get out of danger - if you are in some sort of persistent danger, flood, natural disaster, regional catastrophe, do what you can to get yourself out of danger. A suprising number of people don't do this, effectively and so get into trouble.

3. If you are as safe as possible, you have to do a couple of things immediately, such as assess any medical conditions and treat them as best you can if there is an immediate need - such as bleeding etc.

4. Assess what resources you have available to you, is there water, food, medical supplies, shelter, clothing or some place to rest.

5. Do you need money, access to identification criteria? Can you communicate with friends/family to help this situation, Conversely are your family members similarly endangered and are they OK.

6. Beyond the immediate needs of acquiring the basic life necessities - food, water, shelter and some degree of safety, you need to determine how best to get out of the situation in hand.

7. Be prepared to travel VERY lightly. No multiple rolling bags, just whatever you can carry easily and for long periods of time.

In this regard it's like traveling well, set aside everything you want to take, and all the money you intend to bring. Then take 1/2 of the stuff away and add twice as much money.

What do theese hamster noises mean? and how do i stop him smelling them?

good luck!
go to a veterinist!

Are seizures dangerous?

Yes, they are very dangerous. Take both the children for a second opinion at a children's hospital if possible or at least take them to a children's specialist.

There are various causes of seizures but both children having seizures within two weeks? Something other than a fever could be the cause. The family history plays into the big picture but is almost irrelevant since both kids have had seizures.

Seizures can be fatal at worst and can also cause other major problems. Get them proper medical attention ASAP! With proper medication seizures can be controlled and childhood epilepsy is often outgrown so don't despair but do act now.
My best to you! Parenting is the hardest job in the world.

PS The word FEBRILE means the seizure is fever related. When you go for a second opinions just tell the doctor your child had a seizure. Let them make the diagnosis as to whether it is febrile or not.