Controlling When To Poop

How do I control when to poop?

Yes you can, poop everyday at one fixed timing say 8am. Follow this for a maximum a week and your body cycle gets adjusted to that and eventually later you will get it at the  same time.And regarding the situation of examination everyone will get poop if the exam is tough. :-p. In reality you can control it by not drinking water and diverting the attention towards something else.Indian technique is rubbing your right palm on your stomach in clockwise direction, which eventually reduce acidity and giving little more time.

Is our puppy controlling us?

she's 3 months old and we tie her to a leash when she goes to sleep because if not she'll wonder the house and poop everywehre, the leash is very long so she has spaced to walk and the bed is next to the handle where shes tied up so she doenst choke or strangle on it at night. But sometimes she starts whinning and my mom runs to take her outside so she stops and usually the neighbors are there and she gets all excited cuz they pet her and play with her and then she comes back and she just lays down and sleep.

It gets me pissed off that everytime we take her out to do her business the neighbors are there and they play with her. and sometimes she whines just to go outside and doesn't even do anything.

I know my mom is doing something wrong here because she is controllinf us. how do we stop and show my pup who's the boss? especially with those neighbors.??

My girlfriend thinks i am too controlling? Am I?

Unfortunately, every single day, in the evening right after dinner, my GF goes to the bathroom to take a dump.

Every time she goes, I can hear her plopping out a lot of poop, and her sighing and moaning. Frequently she produces enough to even clog the toilet.

I really do NOT want her to poop so much so frequently as it would be much better for myself if she only pooped once every week.

That means that once she goes, and the next day she claims she needs to go again, instead of being lazy and going, she needs to suppress the urge by holding it all back, and waiting 6 more days before she has another bowel movement.

She gets mad at me when i suggest she do this and claims that i am the one who is controlling and that there is no possible way for her to not poop for a week. (Which i think is a lazy copout). Plus its healthier for her hold it in and wait a week before going.

I even asked her if we could compromise, and have her poop once every 5 days, but she is still acting out of line, as if she thinks that she has the right to just poop as much as she wants.


Any help would be great. She needs to understand that she is NOT entitled to just poop anytime she wants to as its VERY SELFISH for her to claim she needs to go every day, which she doesn't.

So am i being controlling or is she the one with issues by not waiting a week to poop?

How do you control the pressure when you have to poop and you find no place or the bathroom is busy and the pressure is very very high?

How to Hold in Your Poop in Embarrassing Situations Check the site.Also, stand straight, do not press your tummy.Do not eat or drink.Do not think about the bowel movement, instead, think of your date etc.Music, to distract.Good luck.

My rat keeps pooping on me, what do i do?

Baby rats will poop, that's what they do! they are only little and cannot hold it or control their bodily functions as well as older rats.

Baby rats sometimes do what are called 'fear poops' too when they are nervous etc, and yes, they do stink REAL bad. The more you socialise your rat the better they will get at controlling the fear poops. Sorry your shirt got ruined, but he will honestly grow out of it :)

To be honest though, if your real pissed at getting a shirt ruined by your rat, maybe they aren't the best pets for you.... I've lost count of how many shirts my rats have 'redesigned' for me, it's just part and parcel of owning them sometimes :)

Oh, and your rat would act much more confidently and be so much easier to socialise if he had a rattie friend with him. Rats are very social animals and really shouldn't live alone:

My stool is pure liquid and I'm having trouble controlling it. Please, please help me?

Ok, I went to the hospital last night because my stomach was hurting really badly. It had felt bloated and achy but then the burning started. If you were to draw a line down the front of your abdomen from your sternum at around the same size, you would have the area that was burning. Anyways, I went into the hospital at 9:30 last night. By the time I was discharged I was told that I have "A stomach virus....maybe....see your regular doctor." I was also "diagnosed" with diarrhea. That's the thing. While I was there, I was going a lot and I had a few accidents. I was also throwing up a lot too. My problem is that I was there for about 12 hours and have barely slept. Now I'm home and every time I start to dose off, it's like I lose control over my bowels and all this liquid comes out and it's's really concerning me. I've got an appointment with my regular doctor at 10 am tomorrow, but I'm not sure how I'll sleep tonight if this doesn't stop.

I also haven't eaten anything today. I'm feeling very dehydrated because the hospital only gave me two bags of fluid with nothing to actually drink, and most of it seemed to just pass through me. But the more I drink now, the more liquid comes out. Please, please help me. Is there something I can take? Something I can do? Anything....I need to sleep and I want this to stop.

Thanks in advance.

How do I control my bowels to defecate every morning?

In fact, various functions of our body is related to neurological messages - Before you speak (answer), there is a quick thought process in the brain that makes you spell it out.  Surprisingly, the complete action consumes fraction of a second which we don't recognize.Before I come to your specific question, let me cite an example - Many face similar problems urinating - they find it difficult to control referred to as 'Incontinence' which could be due to stress, anxiety or when prostrate gland is removed.  For a normal human, this is easy to control as there are no over lapse in the neurological communications - whenever you feel the urge to urinate and feel can't reach toilet quickly, just divert your attention and you will succeed delaying the urge.I am not suggesting the same for 'Fecal Incontinence' and not Bowel Incontinence. Basically, the waste generated in our body after absorbing vital nutrients, is solely dependent on what we feed.  Therefore, I want you to please check your food habits and ensure that you are not consuming 'Purger' material (Basen - Bengal gram powder) is indeed a purger.  Secondly, our intake need to be rich in fiber material to facilitate consistent waste formation (semi solid/solid).  Most importantly, you need to strengthen pelvic muscle through specific exercises.Another option is try eating less than your normal quota and see whether that makes a difference. Also, please ensure that you had no injury in the rectal area.'

Can men poo without peeing?

Women have a better anatomy for controlling both sets of muscles (it has to do with the extra equipment for pregnancy).

Men just cannot control those muscles very well by themselves. If you practiced you probably could, but I cannot think of a bigger waste of time.