Convince Me To Eat Right And Excercise

How to convince my lazy sister to eat right, exercise and get a wake up call?

I really do care for my sister, but my sister does not eat right nor does she exercise. I want her to be healthy. She is on the fast track to diabetes and with our family history she is almost guaranteed to get it, but she will not listen to me. All she tells me is to shut up. I get so fed up with her that I tell her that I will laugh when she finds out she has diabetes. I do not want her to get it but how do I get her to take her health seriously. She sleeps very late, she hardly ever eats fruits or veggies, she sits around all day and hardly does anything expect be on her computer, on her phone and/or watch tv.

My parents had a very serious talk with both us about some serious issues and it got through to me, but I think it went in one ear and out the other for her. I have talked to a few close and trusted people and they think she might be depressed. I believe that she was for a while, but not so much anymore. Part me thinks she is just being a lazy person.

Please do not say my parents should kick her out because they will not. My parents do not want to kick her out especially with the economy the way it is, but they will cut her off from TV, internet and phone if they have too. I want to knock some senses into her before my parents have to resort to that.

I so very want to help my sister to get her life in order by her getting a job, exercising and eating right.
So please help me. Any additional advice will be helpful and appreciated. I just need another approach to help her.

How do I convince a family member to eat healthy and exercise for his/her own sake?

Offer to do it with them. You’ll have to commit if they agree. Show them that eating healthy does not mean starving yourself. Show them healthy snacks like rice crackers and salsa, light yoghurts, light savoury biscuits like saladas or cruskits. Show them meals like roasted chicken breast with loads of veg (not potato tho). Weight watchers works, so does Jenny Craig (but can be a bit expensive). A 30 minute walk every 2nd day to start with then aim for longer and faster paced. Take the dog. Take a few friends and just chat away. Swim together - even if it’s using a kickboard so you can chat while exercising. Have a weigh night once a week to see your results.

How to convince them to let me exercise?

Here is what I normally eat in one school day.

A full breakfast my mom makes... Tea, orange juice, sausage, peanut butter toast, fruit, and yogurt. Yes, I wake up 20 minutes early so I can eat a big breakfast.

2nd period snack, usually pretzels or cheese-itz
or granola bar

school lunch-main entree, chips, two sides, dessert

after school snack-fruit, leftovers, chips, pbj, etc.

Dinner- my mom makes big dinners for our family. We have a salad, main meal, bread, sides, etc. And my parents makes sure I eat it all, and have seconds.

Night snack- ice cream or popcorn.

They think I must be anorexic because I eat all of this and I don't gain weight. I am not anorexic, I don't make myself puke or anything. I love to eat and I snack often... I am known at school to be the girl who always has food lol.

And at my family gathering yesterday, I ate just as much as my cousins, but i cleaned my plate and snacked throughout the afternoon.

I am the girl who eats 3 slices of pizza when ev

Why don’t I get the motivation to do exercise? How do I convince myself?


I need to convince myself to hate food?

Please understand, I do not want to be anorexic. I realize the dangers of an unhealthy lifestyle and this is not my intention.

The reasons why:
About 5 years ago I made a decision to lose weight and get down to my normal BMI weight (120 lbs). I am currently 160 and REALLY want to get down to a healthy weight. I try REALLY hard to eat right and exercise but I always screw up and get frustrated.

I need to reprogram myself to eat the right foods and to not want to eat the wrong foods. The only reason that I want to consume food is for my health and energy, but if eating becomes too pleasurable, I know I'll just start eating badly again.

I don't have a lot to lose, but not being able to get this weight off is making me really depressed and effects my self confidence. I just want to be able to look and feel healthy, but because I'm so short, those extra pounds really show up!

Do you have any pointers on how I can make eating not so enjoyable?

PS. I have successfully incorporated an exercise routine of 45 min. of jogging 5 times a week. The exercise alone is not helping me to achieve the desired results.

How to convince myself that im fat and ugly?

Im 5'4 and 160 pound so im overweight and for the last couple of year i have told myself im thin but i came to realize that im very overweight.Do you have anything to tell me im fat?

I have decided to start "living healthy" (eating right and exercising) after a few years of couch potato-ness. Should I talk to a doctor or some other professional before I start, to make sure I'm choosing the right path?

It wouldn't hurt to get a physical done.  A doctor can ensure that there aren't any hidden risks, like the atherosclerosis that killed fabled jogger Jim Fixx.  And you can double-check that any pains you feel are the ordinary pains of developing muscles, rather than a warning sign of joint damage.Talking to a professional trainer can help design a program that works you into it gradually, or you can join a program like Couch to 5k ( or a local running club.  There's no one perfect program, and just about any will do you at least some good.  The worst case is starting off too hard, and you decide it's not worth it.  Be prepared to ease into it.  I think it helps to have a race in mind, a few months or more out, so that you can have a goal and improve it over the years.  The important thing is that this needs to be a permanent lifestyle change, one that becomes part of your everyday life.

My mom won't let me exercise and eat healthier?

You should really talk to her about the food thing. Maybe try watching Supersize Me together. Or ask one of your gym teachers for some sound information on Nutrition to show her. Or, possibly try contacting a doctor (via phone or the internet) to see if they can provide you with materials to show your mom. You’re not feeling the energy and stamina in the gym class because of your diet, I’m pretty sure. Your diet may also be keeping you from building some of the muscle you would, were you to be getting healthier options.

Also, definitely try going for the healthier options when you go out to fast food. If you lead by example, getting things like salads and fruits when you go out, she’ll at least take notice. Also, try pushing for healthier places when you go out. Chipotle is much better for you than Wendy’s.

Also, let her know that diet and exercise don’t always make you skinnier. Weightlifters eat very healthy and exercise a lot. Those people are extremely muscular and not skinny by any means.

Lastly, if you sign up for sports, and she won’t pick you up… walk home. Then you’re getting even more exercise… ;)

If you want to get super extreme with it, stop eating what she’s giving you. If you refuse to eat the junk food she’s providing, I have a feeling your mom will feed you the food you’re asking for. Also, try calling your dad and relatives and explain your feelings on the food you’re being fed. It’s not good for you, and maybe they’ll have enough empathy to buy you some healthier things to consume.

You could also get a job and buy your own food.

Good luck, really.

Can you convince me to start eating healthy?

That is a very big “it depends” to be honest. Everyone lies on a spectrum of how bad they do or do not want to become healthy and/or avoid illness, disease, death. Too often right now people do not take any care or action with their health until that brush with mortality comes a bit too close for comfort. To name just a few of those “brushes” you have CVD, diabetes, some cancer, hypertension, stroke, Alzheimer, depression, COPD, IBS and others that are related to becoming unhealthy in the simplest terms. Eating wrong, not moving, smoking, drinking, drugs, stress, etc…lead to these issues as the body struggles to exist and thrive day to day as it should. Amazingly the body can handle disease and disuse for many tears before it actually falls apart or “expires.”The fact that all of these are at least half or more, impacted by lifestyle choices over genetics…..means that it can be avoided or at least highly controlled, minimized or delayed by any person in question.One need not a desire to reach high level fitness as many seem to strive for today. Thats fine as well but the drive to simply thrive, feel well, be disease free, pain free, fully functioning each day, all day seems to be something I would hope all people strive to obtain and experience.Most people I have worked with who go from “unfit” to a more “fit” lifestyle really seem to enjoy getting even a taste of what that is like and crave more of it. It becomes a positive cycle of tasting more, wanting more, getting more etc…thats where you want to be, a place where being healthy and well in and of itself feels too good to give up for short term determinants to that state of being.Nothing wrong with having some extrinsic goals along the way either however. Its when only extrinsic goals and rewards become the outcome and nothing intrinsic in your heart or mind is left to drive you forward to be your best that things can easily go south and the craving to be well is lost.Hope this helps!